Untitled Chuan Lin Civil Aeronautic Administration (click here to view the paper in .pdf)RealTime MM5 Forecasting for Antarctica JG powers, JF Bresch, Y-.H. Kuo, NCAR http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/mm5/workshop/workshop-program-2001.html
Korteles 39 powers, H H The art of Florence. 40 powers, Isaias. Quiet places with MÅcy.41 powers y JF,Morte DUrban. -Garden Gity, New Yorkr-Doubleday Co. http://vaizdai.lnb.lt/Uzs/Korteles.asp?skirtukas=Power
The Anubis Gates A fan page for Tim powers. Bibliography, biography, and information on the mysterious Sir William Ashbless. http://home.earthlink.net/~ellendebrock/anubis.htm
Literary Criticism By JD Sub specie aeternitatis JF powers, 19171999 I was actually reading oneof JF powers' books when I heard news of his death in June this year. http://olimu.com/Journalism/Texts/Criticism/JFPowers.htm
Sortedsums D. J. Bernstein's collection of tools for enumerating small solutions to certain types of equal sums of like powers. http://cr.yp.to/sortedsums.html
Fantasy For Teens The Magicians of Caprona JF 79 After two centuries of feuding the powers ofthe two families of magicians in mythical Caprona are too weak to stop an http://www.slcl.lib.mo.us/teens/teen_fants.htm
PressRoom direct marketing, internet marketing and more and feature many of the world'stop marketers, including Stan Rapp, Jack Trout, Melvin powers, JF (Jim) Straw http://www.worldstopmarketers.com/pressroom.html
The Digging Anubis Short summaries of several books by both powers and Blaylock, a FAQ and news. http://www.angelfire.com/scifi/timpowers/
NYJM - Links For Lang's Conjectures, Fibered Powers, And for. Lang's Conjectures, Fibered powers, and Uniformity,. bibliography JFVoloch, Diophantine geometry in characteristic $p$ a survey, Proc. http://nyjm.albany.edu:8000/j/1996/2-2-info.html
Ex Libris Archives Tim Powers Reviews of Last Call, Expiration Date, Earthquake Weather, and The Drawing of the Dark. http://www.wjduquette.com/authors/tpowers.html
Entertainment Weekly Girl 'Powers' Guide to the international man of mystery's love interests. http://www.ew.com/ew/report/0,6115,266366~1~0~shagwellorhumpalotsee,00.html