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21. John Denver's Ancient Rhymes: A Dolphin Lullaby (John Denver Series) by Christopher Canyon, John Denver | |
![]() | Hardcover: 36
list price: US$19.95 -- used & new: US$11.50 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 158469064X Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (6)
22. The Lotus Caves by John Christopher | |
![]() | Mass Market Paperback: 214
Asin: B000DEMMOA Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Customer Reviews (10)
I'm trying to gather all of his books so that my children can read them now...not so easy a task.If only I'd known then how difficult it would be to put all these pieces of literature together some day.After reading them so many times you feel that they will always be at your fingertips when you want to read them again.But sadly, some of them are rare and impossible to find.
When the crawler crashes through the moon's surface they find avery strange world indeed... This is an interesting book about life inthe future, but it wasn't as action packed as the Tripods Trilogy. Maybebecause there aren't as many characters, or there isn't as much varietywith location. The book waspublished the same year Neil Armstrongbecame the first person to set foot on the moon. The Lotus Caves is setnearly 100 years after that event. It's an interesting idea that verdantbeauty could exist beneath something so arid and featureless. But recentlyscientists discovered water beneath the moon's surface, so maybe JohnChristopher wasn't so wide of the mark with this story. ... Read more |
23. Empty World (New Windmills) by John Christopher | |
Hardcover: 134
Isbn: 0435122452 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (11) The power of Christopher's fiction relies largely on a simple device: his heroes are never the biggest, strongest, or even smartest in their environments.They are usually quiet, unassuming, and have the great misfortune to be witnesses and unwilling participants in Events (often catastrophic).In the most heartbreaking scene in "Empty World," the hero finds another boy his age who has just committed suicide, only to realize that that boy was otherwise more intelligent and more capable of survival than he.With these kinds of realizations generating the plot, you can see that this is no ordinary teen fiction. In "Empty World", the hero is emotionally dead long before a devastating virus sweeps the planet clean - and he begins to come alive (metaphorically) only after the rest of the world dies off (literally).His quest to find survivors turns into a near-parody of Sartre's "Huis Clos," as they struggle with their ability - or inability - to live together at all. It's an amazing work from start to finish, full of beautifully painted atmosphere, well-drawn characters, leisurely pacing, and a helluva emotional wallop.Such a pity that the book is so difficult to find anymore.:-/
24. Take Me Home, Country Roads: Score and CD Included! (John Denver Series) by John Denver | |
![]() | Hardcover: 32
list price: US$19.95 -- used & new: US$12.29 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1584690720 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (19)
25. God Is My Broker: A Monk-Tycoon Reveals the 7 1/2 Laws of Spiritual and Financial Growth by Christopher Buckley, John Tierney | |
![]() | Paperback: 208
list price: US$12.00 -- used & new: US$12.84 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: B000HWZ3F8 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Now, for the first time, Brother Ty reveals the secrets he has gleaned from the ancient texts of the monks, and tells how you can get God to be your broker. God Is My Broker is the first truly great self-help business novel. Open this book and open your heart. It will change your life. A vow of poverty, however, isn't what it used to be. The monastery of Cana is falling to pieces. And Cana Nouveau--the wine the brothers have always produced to sustain themselves--has hit a new, undrinkable low. As the desperate abbot looks to Deepak Chopra and Anthony Robbins for advice, Brother Ty begins to get financial tips from the Supreme Insider: "That day God had revealed Himself to be our broker." Sometimes, of course, the Lord speaks in mysterious ways. Even a stray line from the Song of Solomon may encourage the narrator to take a flier on Apple Computer stock: "Comfort me with apples. It sounded like a 'buy' recommendation to me." By heeding his divine broker at every turn, however, Brother Ty manages to transform the monastery into a financial powerhouse. His story amounts to the funniest bit of ecclesiastical satire since J. F. Powers's Morte D'Urban. What's more, the authors send up the entire self-help industry with hilarious expertise, concluding God Is My Broker with what even Deepak Chopra would recognize as a home truth: "The only way to get rich from get-richbooks is to write one." Customer Reviews (58)
26. Death of Grass (Alpha Books) by John Christopher | |
Paperback: 96
list price: US$2.95 Isbn: 0194242323 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (11)
The action isn't particularly quick but I was on the edge of my seat pretty much the whole way through the book. It's not that it is suspenseful (I had figured the general shape of the story early on), it's how so normally some people approach this incredible disaster. Don't get me wrong, Christopher isn't a stilted writer and there are plenty of characters who act just like you would expect people to act in a whole-world-goes-belly-up situation. This story is about what happens when a bunch of people start thinking for themselves calmly and rationally about the titanic heap of crap they are in rather than wait for a festering mob of self-interested politicians to tell them what to do and that everything will be just fine. Then, these people start to act. They start tossing away social 'norms' like smelly old shoes as the situation worsens and brutality means survival. The protagonists don't actually become brutes themselves. They just figure out which brutal actions mean the difference between their next meal and going hungry. That's what kept me on the edge of my seat. The incredible tension that built up within and between characters as they consciously crawled down off the lofty moral peak of Western Civilisation into something less than barbarism, more or less intellectually intact. Christopher's writing delivers this tension right into your core. Unlike my reviews, Christopher's descriptions aren't peppered with colourful simile and metaphor. They are crystal clear so that you really get the sense of the atmosphere. However, probably because he was writing in 1956, some events are kind of softened with contemporary euphemisms which kind of jolts the reader a little for their incongruity. But, it doesn't detract so much from the book as a whole and it's probably a better book for not having absolutely every detail of those events described with the same clarity as a grassless landscape. I enjoyed this book and will probably read it again.
27. The Johns Hopkins Guide to Diabetes: For Today and Tomorrow (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book) by Christopher D. Saudek MD, Richard R. Rubin PhD CDE, Cynthia S. Shump RN CDE | |
![]() | Paperback: 422
list price: US$20.95 -- used & new: US$2.94 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0801855810 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (10)
Two months ago, I was diagnosed with diabetes. Since then, THE JOHNS HOPKINS GUIDE TO DIABETES has been my handbook and I feel fortunate that Christopher D. Saudek, M.D. and his staff have developed such a valuable tool.It is extremely easy to use, yet covers completely the topics associated with successful living with diabetes. The Preface states, _This book grew out of our experiences in caring for people with diabetes, particularly at the self-managment program of the Johns Hopkins Diabetes Center.Much that we discuss in this book is drawn from the material used in our teaching sessions -- and indeed, from the material taught by diabetes educators throughout the country_. I appreciate the self-management program promoted in this text._A central theme of this book is that [I] can live a long and healthy life with diabetes, but it is a dangerous disease to ignore_. (p4)I learned that the diagnosis of diabetes is objective and ammoral, based solely on the level of glucose in the blood.Knowing that it really does not matter how my blood glucose levels got to be the way they were helped me to accept that something needed to be done to control them.I was able to adjust to daily life with diabetes, learning that I can in fact cope with it. Understanding Diabetes is the first part of this book and the first part of successfully controlling this disease.The bulk of this book is in the next part, Controlling Diabetes.Their approach to goal setting is representative of this book's healthy attitude: _We are talking about redefining the quality of life.We admit to looking through rose-colored glasses, downplaying the things you can't do or eat that you used to love.There's no denying that some things ought to be avoided some of life's patterns ought to be adjusted.But none of this has to impair your quality of life.You have the choice.You define quality.You set the goals._ (p36) If you are interested in controlling your blood glucose levels, this text can show you how. There is a strong spiritual component that comes into play when changing behaviors.The task of accepting the realities of diabetes; turning from destructive behaviours and turning to life-affirming behaviours is at the crux of repentance.Moving from denial to acceptance requires an element of faith.Faith in the diagnosis, faith in the cure, and faith in ourselves that we are able to take up the task day after day with a fresh re-commitment. My experience with diabetes has strenghtened my own spiritual confidence.The hard won changes to my glucose levels has given me confidence that I will be able to control other parts of my life. PEACE
The book provides a good overview of what diabetes really is and why it is so destructive.But MUCH MORE important is the help it gives us in understanding how the disease impacts the way one lives.If the diabetes is responded to constructively the situation can be improved.Depending on the severity of the condition it can be improved a little bit to, in a mild case, something like normality.Most are somewhere in the middle. The danger is to ignore the condition.This book can help make clear all the good things that can come from responding positively to the condition and gives helpful information on how to do that.And you can find specific information very quickly because the book is so thoughtfully organized.
28. John Muir: My Life With Nature (Sharing Nature With Children Book) by John Muir, Joseph Cornell | |
![]() | Paperback: 79
list price: US$9.95 -- used & new: US$5.15 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1584690097 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (1)
29. Design Methods (Architecture) by John Chris Jones | |
![]() | Paperback: 407
list price: US$110.00 -- used & new: US$70.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0471284963 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (2)
slightly dated now - but still the classic guide to design process. My copy keeps getting stolen - going to have to buy a new copy.
Architects, confronted in the 1950s and 1960s with design effortsinvolving many designers and many stakeholders, were forced tostudytheir methods to make them more open to scrutiny and input at all stages.By the time "Design Methods" was published in 1970, architects, engineers, and industrial designers had begun to raisetheirperspective to include a much larger picture, ranging from thedesigner'sinternal processes all the way to planetary conditions. As a society, wewere re-designing design.Many of the designmethods which Jones presentsin his "recipe book" grew from thisdesign group work.Eventoday, best practice for design teams islargely developed from methodsdescribed almost thirty years ago inthis book. From theIntroduction: "Jones first became involved with design methods whileworking as anindustrial designer for a manufacturer of large electricalproductsin Britain in the 1950s.He was frustrated with thesuperficialityof industrial design at the time and had become involvedwithergonomics. When the results of his ergonomic studies of user behavior were not utilized by the firm's designers, Jones set about studying the design process being used by the engineers.To hissurprise,and to theirs, Jones' analysis showed that the engineershad no way ofincorporating rationally arrived at data early on inthe design processwhen it was most needed.Jones then set to workredesigning theengineer's design process itself so that intuitionand rationality couldco-exist, rather than one excluding the other." This cooperation ofmultiple faculties seems to be a consistentthread throughout hiswork. "Design Methods" is divided into two parts. Part onegives a brief history of design, argues that new methodsare needed fortoday's more complex realities, breaks down thedesign process into threestages, and shows us how to choose adesign method for each stage.The1992 edition has added severalprefaces which are well worth reading. Theyhelp explain how to usethe book. Part two consists of descriptiveoutlines, or recipes, for 35 designmethods. These methods include:logical, data gathering, innovative,taxonomic, and evaluative procedures.Reading part one gives you agrasp of the book. After that, the methods inpart two are best readsingly or a few at a time, as you would any recipebook. * * * * * Jones breaks design down into three stages: 1) Divergence, 2) Transformation, and 3) Convergence. The divergencestage is ".. extending the boundary of a designsituation .. to havea large enough, and fruitful enough, searchspace... The objectives, andthe problem boundary, are unstable andtentative.Evaluation is deferred.Every effort is made to escapeold assumptions, and absorb new data." The territory of the problem is tested to discover limits, consequences, and paradoxes.The questions are:What is valuable? Whatis feasible?What is dangerous? Where are the dependencies betweenelements?What are the penalties for getting it wrong? Are the rightquestions being asked? The transformation stage requires a shift ofgears.The territoryof the problem has been mapped.Operative wordshere are:eliminate,combine,simplify,transform, modify. "This is the stage when objectives, brief, and problem boundaries are fixed, when critical variables are identified, when constraintsarerecognized, when opportunites are taken and when judgements aremade. [Itis] pattern-making, fun, flashes of insight, changes ofset...Pattern-making .. is the creative act of turning a complicatedprobleminto a simple one by .. deciding what to emphasize and whattooverlook." At the last stage, convergence, "the problem hasbeen defined, thevariables have been identified and the objectives havebeen agreed.The designer's aim ...[is to] reduce the secondaryuncertaintiesprogressively until only one of many possible alternativedesigns isleft... Persistence and rigidity of mind is a virtue:flexibilty andvagueness are to be shunned." Convergence can bedone, as a programmer would say, from the topdown or from the bottom up;or architecturally speaking, from theoutside inward or inside outward.Often the best approach is to doboth at once, and resolve differences asthe two processes meet. * * * * * Design today is anincreasingly social art, involving multipledesigners, and multiplestakeholders as client/sponsor, suppliers,manufacturers, distributors,consumer/customer, and citizen groupsand government agencies concernedwith a shared environment, all getinto the act.Individual designgeniuses now must learn tocommunicate and negotiate effectively tosucceed in the currententerprise environment. Advances in thecapabilites of engineers and engineering tools mustbe matched withadvances in techniques for resolving a broader rangeof issues anddemands, and more effective communication skills anddesign transformationskills among designers and design managers. Computers will drive therole of humans in design to the earlierstages - divergence andtransformation - of the design process whereflexibility, intuition, andsoft-focus attention are required.Knowledge base systems will take overthe convergence stage, kickingthe problem back to us only when discoveredcontradictions forcere-evalution of design goals.The iteration ofcomplete designsfrom a given design problem definition will become fasteras ourknowledge base improves and as computer power increases.As thespeed of iteration increases, a threshold will be passed wherequalitativechanges in both design and designing will result. "DesignMethods" is a seminal book which was widely credited withstimulatingfresh approaches to design thinking. It will continue tobe recognised asa classic work, and a useful text kept handy byevery drawing table, CADsystem, and engineering manager's desk. ... Read more |
30. Champions!: Hawthorne, Hill, Clark, Surtees,Stewart, Hunt, Mansell (Motor sport) by Christopher Hilton, John Blunsden | |
Hardcover: 256
list price: US$39.95 -- used & new: US$51.73 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0947981764 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
31. The Sword of the Spirits (Sword of the Spirits Trilogy) by John Christopher | |
Paperback: 212
list price: US$3.95 -- used & new: US$9.95 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0020425740 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (10)
Many people criticize the series for the infuriatingly pig-headed ending of it all. I think that's really one of the major points of the book. To think that so many people were killed, so many relationships were destroyed, and so many hopes shattered just so Luke could come to power -- and then he completely squanders it with his paranoia, his pride and his stubbornness in a final book that has got to be one of the most depressing tomes of all time. To think that everything that has been suffered is for naught is infuriating. We like to think (and many novelists do, as well) that suffering and strife will always bring some sort of redemption or good end, but this often simply is not the case. It's like Hamlet but with absolutely none of the nobility, purpose and honor. That's clear the author's point -- see the huge Hamlet reference in the final book. This is the sort of series you want to shred after you finish reading it because it's just so anger-inducing.Not a classic, but it gets 5 stars for the impressions it's left on me.
That said, the trilogy as a whole is pretty decent, just don't expect any literary masterpieces, particularly in this volume. The plot device stolen directly from Hamlet is pure cliche, and the author seems to forget how to write an even semi-convincing female character. The ending seems to show promise, getting the reader to start thinking about issues of the allure of wealth and international trade (very salient 30 years later), but the last sentence destroys any good will built up by that point. It's fine for the narrator to be down on life, but moping? It's out of character, and jarring enough to remind the reader of the (many) other flaws in the book.
32. Christopher Columbus (Abbott series) by John S. C Abbott | |
Paperback: 250
-- used & new: US$8.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: B0006E7Y6S Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description |
33. Captain Midnight Chronicles by John J. Nance, Stephen Mertz, Robert Greenberger, Vatche Mavlian, Christopher Mills, Trina Robbins, Chuck Dixon | |
![]() | Paperback: 224
list price: US$16.95 -- used & new: US$10.30 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1933076682 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (9)
34. The left hand of God;: A critical interpretation of the plays of Christopher Marlowe, by John P Cutts | |
Hardcover: 254
Isbn: 0883660016 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
35. Dr. John R. Christopher's Herbal Lectures by John R CHristopher | |
![]() | Audio CD:
-- used & new: US$69.95 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1879436027 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
36. The Guardians. (Lernmaterialien) by John Christopher, Peter Bruck | |
![]() | Paperback: 112
-- used & new: US$12.95 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 312577540X Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (17)
Rob Randall lives in the Conurb - an overcrowded urban maze, where reading and thinking for yourself is unpopular, and life revolves around sport, holovision, and riots. When Rob's father is electrocuted, he is sent to a boarding school where life becomes a nightmare of over-zealous discipline and torment. Rob hears about the Barrier, which divides the Conurb from the rural, open spaces known as the County. Rob runs away from the boarding school and crosses the Barrier, hoping for a better life. On the surface, life in the County seems perfect. But Rob soon learned that appearances are very deceptive... Although "The Guardians" is not as fast-moving as the "Tripods Trilogy", it's an interesting book nevertheless. Some of the things John Christopher writes about in his imaginary future are rather close to the bone. In the culture I live in, sport is treated with much more reverence than literature and the arts. There are signs that people devote less time to reading, as it's much easier to slump in front of the screen, watching sentimental drivel. More than ever, our lives are controlled by the media and a growing lack of privacy. The two worlds John Christopher writes about here are deceptively utopian, but are in fact places where people are ruled by a cynical elite. Books like "The Guardians" remind us that the freedom we have is something we must never take for granted.
This book is about a boy called Robin Randall who is has not settled into a boarding school called Barnes Boarding school and gets teased like a normal new boy would be. He decidesto escape into the country where his mother was born. It was a harddecision to make and Rob shows his courage by crossing. It was a hardchoice due to the County and Conurb were enemies. It was set in 2053 in thefuture. This book I think is not well paced, as to much thingshappen in one chapter, especially in the 10th chapter as to many thingshappen as Robs true identify is spotted by Sir.Percy. I also do not likethe story line, as it is very untrue but then again some readers find thatgood. It is also a bit confusing so therefore you could get lost andconfused. It is one of those books which start of boring then get excitingfor the last 5 chapters and it finishes with you wondering what wouldhappen next. That is why I thought it would be a good idea for the authorto do another book following on as it does not finish well wondering wellMike meet Rob or not. I recommend this book to people that likeadventures and can get really into a book. I give it 8/10. ... Read more |
37. Turbulent, Seditious and Factious People: John Bunyan and His Church, 1628-88 (Oxford paperbacks) by Christopher Hill | |
Paperback: 416
Isbn: 0192826913 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description |
38. Dynamics of World History by Christopher Dawson | |
![]() | Paperback: 512
list price: US$16.95 -- used & new: US$10.48 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 188292679X Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (5)
39. Christopher Columbus and the Afrikan holocaust: Slavery and the rise of European capitalism by John Henrik Clarke | |
Unknown Binding: 123
Asin: B0006RCCB2 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Customer Reviews (15)
40. Hartung: 10 Perspectives by Jennifer Mundy, Christine Mehring, Christopher Wool, John C. Welchman, Franz-W Kaiser, Annie Claustres, Rainer Michael Mason, Chantal Eschenfelder, Laurence Bertrand Dorléac | |
![]() | Hardcover: 256
list price: US$40.00 -- used & new: US$21.48 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 8874391870 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
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