Customer Reviews (1)
Read it for Tiffany
A regrettable sense of ennui permeates Diamonds are Forever, Ian Fleming's fourth novel featuring British secret agent James Bond.It is obvious that Fleming was starting to grow bored with his most famous creation and, as a result, Diamonds are Forever lacks the thrill-ride atmosphere that distinguishes the best of Fleming's books.For the first time, Bond deals with villians outside of the realm of the Soviet Union and the Spangled Mob, a rather anonymous group of American gangsters, never come across as worthy adversaries.While Bond, himself, is drawn with the usual finnesse (and displays a grimly cynical outlook that stands in stark contrast to his previous appearances), the rest of the characters -- with one important exception -- are rather forgettable and Bond's mission (to stop a jewelry smuggling ring) is rather pedestrian.However, this book does feature one truly exceptional feature and that is the character of Tiffany Case.A ruthless, yet at time touchingly vulnerable, smuggler, Case is one of Fleming's strongest female characters and her romance with Bond is the book's highlight.As opposed to the other women who populate many of Fleming's books, Case comes across as a truly capable heroine in her own right and it is easy to see why Bond ends up truly falling for her with an intensity to match his feelings for Vesper Lynd in Casino Royale and, later, Tracy in On Her Majesty's Secret Service.Even if the book's plot is less than enthralling, it is impossible not to get caught up in the fate of Tiffany's and Bond's dangerous romance and to not hope the best for both of them.Fleming is often criticized as being a sexist but in Tiffany Case, he creates a fascinating female character who can proudly stand against the cardboard femme fatales that have populated so many Bond-influenced spy thrillers since.In the end, whatever the book's flaws, just the chance to make the acquaintance of Tiffany Case makes this book worth the read.
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