Editorial Review Product Description Every Star System Has Its Heroes.
From the Outer Rim to the Galactic Core, countless different species populate the galaxy. While most members of each of these alien races share similar characteristics, among every species--from Geonosians and Jawas to Clawdites and Krish--great heroes and despicable villains can be found.
This sourcebook features: • Descriptions of 180 alien species, including those from Episode II: Attack of the Clones. • New prestige classes, including the Aerobat, the Changeling, and the Findsman. • Species-specific gear and weapons, including Nagai electromesh armor, the Cerean meditation crystal, and the Kerestian darkstick.
To use this sourcebook, you also need the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook. ... Read more Customer Reviews (12)
Pretty good effort
One of the problems with Star Wars these days from an RPG perspective is that the prequels generated about a thousand new alien races -- and not all of them are all that memorable. Some are, and they are worthy additions here. I guess it's hardly a criticism to say there's too much material, but that's almost what it feels like sometimes with this book. Still useful for both the SW book collector and obviously the RPG fan.
A lot of GREAT info for star wars enthuist.
I really enjoyed looking over the TONS of aliens species in this book. It expanded options for players and gm's alike for choices they could do. I enjoyed the many options that were available to you as either a player or gm, or just curious to see what was in the star wars universe. I've never really encountered such depth and brevity together in a sci-fi universe. I did like the way they expanded on the core rulebook races.As for monsters, well, the star wars universe is about interacting more with others then it is about killing monsters, but this is d20 and there are PLENTY of monster compendium and ultimate advesaries can help you with that.I did like the art work but it was clear that differant artist did do the work and it isn't always done smoothly. But there is enough there to get an idea, even if it isn't always to scale as per the 'real' alien.I wouldn't pay $250.00 for this book though. But if you need some fresh ideas about alien races or just more characters then this would be for you. I liked the descriptions thourough but not overdone in the least. The book gives you enough to get you started and if that isn't enough gives you guidelines on how to make your own race. I'm not sure what is seriously lacking in this book.
StarWars Ultimate Alien Anthology
This book ROCKS!One look at it and it starts to sink in exactly how diverse the StarWars universe has become.It expands upon races in the Core Rulebook as well as introducing huge numbers of interesting aliens.Also included are a few new feats and a couple of Prestige classes that are very welcome.
Whether you play this game or not, getting this book just for background info on races in StarWars makes this book worth it to me.
Loads of Aliens!
I would definitely recommend buying this as your second book after the core rulebook.Basically, it's just pack from front to back with a few hundred alien species.All stats are given, so every alien type is available for player or GM characters.Some have complained that there are no creatures in this book, but the Star Wars series has never been about dungeon crawling.If you need creatures, the famous ones are in the core book, and if you want new ones, there's a good creature creation section there too.This book, on the other hand, gets to the meat of Star Wars encounters--facing down aliens of all races and types.You'll definitely want to pick this up to populate your campaigns.Before long, you'll be able to recreate your very own alien cantina.Perhaps my only complaint is that the artwork was done by several artists, and some of the artwork isn't as good as it could be.Hopefully in a future edition, some of the sketchy artwork will be replaced.
Excelent book for any fan of Star Wars.
Now, I don't play the card game, but I was amazed at how many races of aliens were actually in Star Wars! There is in-depth information on all of the races including home planet, culture, and fighting abilities. This is a must for anyone. The ONLY reason I gave this book a 4 was because a few races are missing. For example the Selkath. Still, buy this book
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