Editorial Review Product Description
Here is Orwell’s work in all its remarkable range and variety. The selections in this anthology show how Orwell developed as writer and as thinker; inevitably, too, they reflect and illuminate the history of the time of troubles in which he lived and worked. “A magnificent tribute to the probity, consistency and insight of Orwell’s topical writings” (Alfred Kazin). Introduction by Richard H. Rovere.
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Fiction Fragments...
I am no stranger to the sin of pride. I pride myself on being systematic and as a result being as objective as possible (hopefully.)I believe I have read every published writing Orwell has ever written.Reading this collection reminded me of the colonial partition of Africa. Have you ever studied the crazy patchwork of counties created in Africa without regard to tribal boundries? Orwell's writing has been divided up by an editor who disregarded the unity of the works being reviewed..this is a grave disservice to Orwell.
This collection consists of exerpts from Orwell's early novels, essays and and a short selection from 1984. The writings are in chronological order starting from the Burma period to the novel "1984" written in 1948. The book has collections which appear in many other works; I am always worried that I have missed something because of the many overlapping editions of Orwell works spanning decades.
Orwell's novels appear in strange fragmentary chapters in "The Orwell Reader" which hide Orwell's complete writing from us. Orwell's great ability as a descriptive writer is hiden from us in fragments of selections.Orwell's novels tend to be one dimensional. The novels lack introspective dialogue and depth, but have an interesting journalistic quality which we refer to today as "atmosphere."
The selection from "Keep the Aspidistra Flying" describes Gordon Comstock, the protagonist, researching fetal development after discovering his girlfriend is pregnant. This incident shocks him from his wandering penury to face the responsibilities of life. This novel reflects personal letters in which Orwell mentions the evil of abortionand opines about a future UK devoid of children... facing demographic crisis. Very prophetic. Abortion was a subject in other essays. Orwell once remarked that abortion should be seen as "more than a pecadillo."
Much of Orwell's fiction is based on source material found in the large four volume collection of personal writings begining with "In an Age Like This." These four volumes provide an invaluable insight into the thought life of Orwell and are cheap.
In "England Your England" we are told that the struggle with Germany has to be fought as a socialist struggle against Fascism, yet we are only told that the socialism is democratic...we are never a detailed description of what alternative existed to the dying British Empire and capitalism. Orwell later recanted some views on the War stating that he under estimated the power of patriotism.
The essays on James Burnham and Ghandi are particulary noteworthy for their keen political insights. Orwell correctly stated that if the Soviets did not democratize they would eventually collapse and that Ghandi had subordinated spiritual values to baser political ones. Orwell, however, never explored the spiritual core of Ghandi which he dismissed as "unappealing." The superficiality of Orwell perhaps made him an objective journalist; this is his enduring legacy, his efficency of thought.
The selection from "The Road to Wigan Pier" is an ideal example of the travel journalism which shows the essiential compassion and time capsule value of Orwell's writing about depression era poverty. Orwell lived with the coal miners he wrote about.The Road to Wigan Pier
This book should be ignored and the reader would be better advised to just buy individual Orwell novels and collections of complete writings. When you purchase large collections of Orwell's writings it is best to check the table of contents to avoid duplicating selections and wasting money.
Great writer...very bad, butchered edition; therefore, one three stars.
A Moveable Feast
The blurb on the back of the book calls THE GEORGE ORWELL READER "a feast of reading for the thinking person." It is. For years this book was virtually my Bible, occupying a permenent place on the nightstand and accompanying me on every long trip, until it assumed its present, scribbled on, food-stained, dog-eared appearance.
Orwell has been called "the conscience of his generation", but more than that, he possessed an intellectual honesty which is utterly extinct among today's political writers - all of them, Left and Right, are either blinkered, ivory-tower idealogues, rabble-rousing demogogues or line-toeing party hacks. Whether you agree with Orwell's own political views (often, I don't) is immaterial; his ability divine and expose hidden motives, to sniff out hypocrisy, and to call a spade a spade and then use it to slice open those who refused to do so, are simply unmatched. Seldom if ever since Johnathan Swift has anyone written with such an utter disregard for tact, diplomacity, or political orthodoxy. A die-hard Socialist who was shot fighting with a quasi-Marxist militia during the Spanish Civil War, Orwell actually spent at least three-quarters of his intellectual life scourging and ridiculing Leftism and Leftists (those who "got their crockery from Paris and their political opinions from Moscow"), not out of self-sabotage, but because he hated cant, lying and cruelty and found a surplus of these traits on his own side of the isle.
The READER combines all three types of Orwell's work, including a sampling of some of his best essays and reportage ("Shooting An Elephant", "Second Thoughts on James Burnham", "Politics and the English Language", "Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool", etc.), and lengthly excerpts from his novels BURMESE DAYS, A CLERGYMAN'S DAUGHTER, COMING UP FOR AIR, KEEP THE ASPIDISTRA FLYING, and 1984, his nonfiction works THE ROAD TO WIGAN PIER, DOWN AND OUT IN PARIS AND LONDON and HOMAGE TO CATALONIA, and the seminal essay "The Lion and the Unicorn." For Orwell fans, it's a sort-of "greatest hits" album, and for strangers to his work, it works a terrific primer, providing a very diverse and wide-ranging sample of his thoughts.
There will probably never be another Orwell: humanity has marched too far down the road of blind party loyalty, one-issue voting and material selfishness to produce one. But thanks to books like this, there is no need for a replacement. Whenever we feel ourselves getting too complacent, too stupid or too hypocrtical, Georgie boy and his trusty literary spade will be there to stab us in the arse.
Amazing Introduction to Orwell.But buy the originals.
This book has been my introduction to Orwell.He is an amazing writer and thinker.Despite the fact that my politics diverge considerably from his (I consider myself an avid capitalist) I have so much respect for his clarity of thought and his unparalleled skill as a writer.
That said.
I would rather buy the originals than these excerpts.Which is what I am going to do now.:)
Homage to Orwell
The honesty and realism of Orwell never ceases to amaze. He opens 'Shooting an Elephant', the first story in this collection, by telling us that he was hated by many people. He will spend the rest of the essay showing us why. The pointless death of an animal no longer harmful becomes the legal murder we witness in 'A Hanging'. In both cases we see people becoming their jobs, counting doing one's duty more important than being human.
He sees "the dirty work of Empire at close quarters" and knows that " imperialism is an evil thing" but continues to do his duty as both imperialist and colonist would see it. The amazing thing is that he is not alone in this. In "A Hanging" the hangman is a convict and after the deed is done we see both Europeans and natives laughing and drinking together. In "Shooting an Elephant" he is stuck between "hatred of the empire" and "rage against the evil-spirited little beasts" that made his job impossible. But again, we witness crowds of natives expecting him to be a Sahib.
Orwell's stories show us the demoralizing duties, the pompous gravitas of Imperialism. It dehumanizes both rulers and ruled, turning them into the role they play rather than allowing them to become who they might have been. Both fortunately and unfortunately, he also knows that, "the British Empire is dying [...] it is a great deal better than the younger Empires that are going to supplant it."
This collection is pure Orwell. His unsentimental love of ordinary people, coupled with the easy, natural, sympathetic description of complex characters, relationships and motivations, reveal Orwell as a man who was genuinely at home with ordinary people. Only he could write movingly of how imperialism traps (freezes!) both rulers and ruled into roles and duties, of the daily humiliations of colonialism, and the little lies that keep the system going, and still show the oppressors as human beings. Even people we might miss. The only one I have ever read who comes close is Camus on Algeria.
In '1984' (only excerpted in this collection), a prophesy of what the Empires destined to replace the British empire could become, it was his ear for the corruption of language by permanent war that struck me, when I first read it well over three decades ago, as the perfect lens for viewing the lies spoken daily by both sides during the Vietnam War. Also, Orwell's insight into the political necessity of continual crises to keep the people both frightened and grateful for protection explained rather nicely how the communists (or Islamic Fundamentalists today) could work with us (and we with them) whenever it was politically convenient to do so.
In the collection of literary pieces what surprises is that a man of the left like Orwell, who was always a socialist, could appreciate authors as patriotic and conservative as Dickens and Kipling. We should always measure men by whether they can appreciate the strengths of their enemies. To my mind it is the height of civility in our twisted world to be able to admire an enemy whom someday you may have to kill. We need to remember that there always is, or at least always should be, something beyond (and above) politics.
But much of Orwell's posthumous fame comes from his writing on communism. As well it should, he was among the very few famous intellectuals (Camus and Koestler also come to mind) who forthrightly criticized the Soviet dictatorship. But he always remained a man of the left. It was during the cold war that this admirer of decency, virtue, and honesty; to say nothing of socialism, was dishonestly dragooned into being a cold warrior by, among others, Commentary magazine. They went so far as to call him a neo-conservative, twenty-five years before the fact!
They should learn how to read. And `Homage to Catalonia', also excerpted in this collection, is an excellent place to start. Yes, the critique of totalitarian communism is there, perhaps expressed better than anywhere else. Here he is interacting directly with the type of Monster dimly limned in 1984. He didn't need to read about the communist's mania to dominate every coalition they enter into, he lived through it. He saw in Barcelona the destruction of a genuine working class movement by the disgraceful collusion of liberals and communists.
When Franco led much of the Spanish army into revolt it was the workers who spontaneously resisted. They formed workers' committees to run the factories and workers' militias to win the war. In Catalonia, the anarchists, the radical wing of the worker's movement, were stronger than the socialist parties. In Madrid, a loose governing coalition of liberal and socialist parties was attempting to win the war not only on the battlefield but in the court of world opinion. In plain English, this meant do not appear too radical. You see, socialism worried liberal, capitalist nations like England and France; but anarchism scared them to death.
As time went on the government drifted to the right. Orwell was not shocked by this. He understood the diplomatic necessities as well as anyone. What did surprise him was that this rightward drift coincided with ever strengthening ties with the Soviet Union. You see, all the Soviets cared about was the defense of the Soviet Union, and to them this meant the politics of the Popular Front. In the thirties this meant an alliance between everyone (communists, liberals, conservatives) against Hitler and Fascism. An alliance at any cost. So farewell workers control, workers' councils, and workers' militias; this would be just another bourgeois war.
And that's what shocked him. Even though Orwell initially favored this policy, as did most of the European Left, he changed his mind when he saw it in action. He too had believed that the most important thing was to win the war. But the suppression of independent socialists like the (Troskyite) P.O.U.M., the gradual repression of the anarchists, and the lies in the international press about all this turned him around.
And isn't that vintage Orwell? This man of honesty and integrity, who would report exactly what happened, even when it went against what he believed or wanted. This is why Chomsky called 'Homage to Catalonia' the best book on the Spanish Civil War. It would have been an honor to have George Orwell as a friend, an ally, - or an enemy. Men like this illuminate our world.
The originals in their entirety are more appropriate for him
I was disappointed with this compendium of the grand writer's work.I consider Animal Farm a great treatise on the ills of communism from both a generic and specific point of view, and was hoping for many similar insights.Communism's socialst critic writes penetrating stories and clear analogies, so I was hoping for the best.
Shooting and Elephant was a cutting view into the life of colonial police in India.Indeed, that type of insight into human behavior and how people's behavior breaks down in groups is what makes Orwell strong.
Unfortunately, there are many more situations where sections were cut out of books (yes, it's a reader, I should've know that before I purchased) where the original in it's entirety captured the points much more completely.It's hard to encapsulate a great work like 1984 with an excerpt.
While Orwell is indeed a great author, I was disappointed by the disjointed nature of the collection.His writing remains best captured in their original full length form.
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