Todos Los Discos De MAGGI PAYNE En DiscoWeb Translate this page Todos los discos de maggi payne en DiscoWeb. Intérprete Búsqueda Avanzada. MÚSICACDs Novedades. maggi payne, Discografía. PAYNE
Tutti I Dischi Di MAGGI PAYNE Adesso Disponibili In DiscoWeb Translate this page Tutti i dischi di maggi payne adesso disponibili in DiscoWeb. Interprete Ricercaavanzata. maggi payne, Casa discografica. PAYNE
C. Stone: Imaginary Landscape #522 *****PROGRAM NUMBER 522 TITLE Wes York/maggi payne Bay Area Broadcast PAVAROTTI/DOMINGO/CARRERA 11, payne, LES 1. PAVAROTTI/VERRETT/KRAUS 1, payne,maggi 1. PAVE THE ROCKET 1, payne, ROB 1. PAVED IN SKIN 1, payne, TOM 1.
Thomas Moore's New Music Links--Composers P Anthony payne page at the Global Music Network. payne, maggi maggipayne home page at Mills College; maggi payne page at Lovely Music;
Extractions: Pablo, Luis de: see de Pablo, Luis (under Composers D) Paccagnini, Angelo page at the Enciclopedia Musicale Elettronica (in Italian) Paccione, Paul page at Frog Peak Music Padding, Martijn Pade, Steen Padilla, Antoine page at the Canadian Music Centre (also available in French page at the Catalogo de Compositores Iberoamericanos (Sociedad General de Autores y Editores) (in Spanish with English) Page, Nick Page, Rosalind page at the Australian Music Centre Pagh-Paan, Younghi Pagliarani, Mario page at the Enciclopedia Musicale Elettronica (in Italian) Pagotto, Mario
Extractions: 1996 Maggi Payne. J'ai nommé cet article " où l'eau rencontre" parce que chaque oeuvre que j'ai choisie s'intéresse à des moments et des endroits au bord de l'eau. "Swimming the Reef" est un souvenir auditif de nage à proximité d'un écueil. "Kits Beach Soundwalk" commence à Kits Beach, Vancouver, et voyage vers un monde de fréquences élevées, évoquées par la plage. "Liquid Metal" explore les résonances visuelles, tangibles et auditives de la surface de l'eau, rencontrant l'air. Bienvenue au bord de l'eau. Les théories féministes sont aussi concernées par les limites et les perceptions de différents états. Teresa de Lauretis parle de la "double conscience" des femmes qui travaillent avec la technologie, qui sont en même temps situées en tant que sujet, rationnelles, mettant de l'ordre dans la réalité à l'aide de la technologie, ainsi que construites de façon stéréotypée comme objet, irrationnelles, proches de la nature. de Lauretis pense que cette position garde les femmes réalisatrices (et je voudrais ajouter, compositrice de musique électroacoustique), toujours à l'avant-scène de cet état d'esprit, et le remettant en question constamment.
Payne, Maggi : Art Directory ITEMS LINKS Environmental Themes maggi payne Includes short biographyand information about the pieces Crystal and Solar Wind .
Extractions: Home Backlist: Ambient Audio Art/Radio Art Books Classical /20th C [a-c] [d-h] [i-r] [s-z] Experimental [a] [b] [c] [d] ... Industrial/Noise Jazz/Improvisation [a] [b] Anthony Braxton [c] ... [w-z] Rock [a-b] [c-d] [e-g] [h-j] ... Video World/Ethnomusicology [a-g] [h-t] [u-z] World: Ocara ... How to Order Instrumentation Codes ACC= accordion VOC= vocals, voice Harry Partch Pain Killer Execution Ground TZADIK KO-TZA7317-4CD ($40.00 4CD) Bill Laswell, Mick Harris and John Zorn are Pain Killer, a sax-bass-drums trio that completely explodes your expectations of what improvisational instrumental music is supposed to sound like, drawing equally from jazz, hardcore punk, dub, ambient music etc. Palestine, Charlemagne
CREN ListProc-WWW: Archives For BA-NEWMUS BANEWMUS Digest 545 Topics covered in this issue include 1) maggi payne / LaetitiaSonami - Nov.11 performance by Laetitia Sonami
INTERNET CLASSICAL COMPOSERS LIST ~ P payne, maggi ( )Am; PEDRELL, Felipe ( - ); PEETERS, Flor (4 JUL - )Belg;PENDERECKI, Krzysztof (KREES toff pen deh RET skee) (23 NOV 1933 - )Pol;
Extractions: INTERNET CLASSICAL MUSIC COMPOSERS LIST ~ P PABST PACHELBEL, Johann (PAHK' ah bel) (1 SEP - 1653 - 1706)Ger PACHMANN, Lionel de (PAHK man) (1870 - )Eng=com-P PADBRIE, Cornelis Thijemenszoon (kor NEH lees TY men zone PAHD bree) PADEREWSKI, Ignace Jan (IGH nahts yahn pah deh REF skee) (6 NOV 1860 - 1941)Pol=Com-P-Con-Stateman PAGANINI, Nicolo (nee koh LOH pah gah NEE nee) (27 OCT 1782 - 27 MAY 1840)IT=V=C PAISIELLO, Giovanni (joh VAH nee pies YEL oh)(1740 - 1816) PALESTRINA, Giovanni Pierluigi da (joh VAH nee pah leh STREE nah) (1525 - 1594) PANUFNIK, Sir A (24 SEP - )Pol-Eng=Com-Con PARADIS, Therese Von ( - ) PARMERUD, Ake ( - ) PARRY, Hubert (27 FEB 1848 - 1918)Eng PART, Arvo (AR'voh PAYRt) (11 SEP 1935 - )Estonian PARTCH, Harry PAULUS, Stephen (24 AUG 1949 - )Am-Summit, N. J.=Com PAYNE, Anthony (London, 1936 - )Eng PAYNE, Maggi
MetaEUREKA Metasearch http// Site info - Alexa info 5. payne,maggi Picture, biography, compositions,discography, program notes, interviews
PayneBio.html PREVIOUS NEXT UP TOP Date Thu, 27 Jul 1995 085840 0700 From payne) copyright 310w BRIEF BIO SKETCH 7/15/95. maggi payne.
Extractions: PREVIOUS NEXT UP TOP BRIEF BIO SKETCH 7/15/95 MAGGI PAYNE Maggi Payne obtained music degrees from Northwestern University, the University of Illinois, and Mills College. For ten years she was a recording engineer in the multi-track facilities at the Center for Contemporary Music at Mills, where she is currently Co-director and teaches recording engineering, composition and electronic music. She was a production engineer at a major Bay Area Radio Station for ten years. She now freelances as a recording engineer and editor. She has had performances of her works throughout the United States and Europe, including the New Music Across America Festival '92 (Los Angeles), New Music America '90, '87 and '81 Festivals, Composers' Forum in NYC, Experimental Intermedia Foundation in NYC, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, SEAMUS, Siggraph, CADRE, University of California at Santa Cruz, Cal State Northridge, Texas Tech University, University of Hartford, College of Santa Fe, Media Study/Buffalo, New Langton Arts in SF, New York Museum of Modern Art, Paris Autumn Festival, Bourges Festival in France, and the Autunno Musical at Como, Italy. She has received two Composer's Grants and an Interdisciplinary Arts Grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, and video grants from the Mellon Foundation and the Western States Regional Media Arts Fellowships Program.
Extractions: NEXT UP TOP RESUME: 3/95 Maggi Payne e-mail address: EDUCATION 1972 M.F.A., Mills College (electronic music and the recording media) 1970 M. Music, University of Illinois at Urbana 1969 Yale University 1968 B. Music (with distinction), Northwestern University HONORS, AWARDS, DIRECT GRANTS 1994-1995 Faculty Research Grant with Professor David Bernstein, Mills College 1993 Barlow Competition, third place winner for DESERTSCAPES 1989-1990 NEA Composer's Grant 1987 NEA Interdisciplinary Arts Grant 1987 Mention, 15th Int'l Electroacoustic Music Competition, Bourges, France, 1987 1983-1985 Artist-in-Residence, EXPLORATORIUM 1983 Mellon Grant (video) 1983-1984 Western States Regional Media Arts Fellowship Grant (video) 1982 2nd prize winner, 3rd Concorso International. "Luigi Russolo" per giovani compositor di Musica Elettro acoustica 1979-1980 National Endowment for the Arts Composer's Grant 1972 Mills Crothers Award for outstanding composer, Mills College 1970-1972 full fellowship and teaching assistantship, Mills College
Listings By Composer Pavlica, Jiri (1953 ). Pavlova, Alla. payne, Anthony (1936- ). payne, maggi.Pearsall, Robert Lucas (1795-1856). Pearson, Stephen Funk. Peci, Aleksander.