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21. Building Portals, Intranets, and Corporate Web Sites Using Microsoft Servers by James J. Townsend, Dmitri Riz, Deon Schaffer | |
![]() | Paperback: 544
list price: US$54.99 -- used & new: US$5.40 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0321159632 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (5)
For example in Chapter 8 Personalization, there is only one page on personalization with Content Management Server. Most of the content in it concentrates on how to do caching in a personalized setting without explaining how to do personalization with CMS in the first place. In Chapter 5 Portal Framework, it details line by line codes on how to write a portal site in VB.Net. While the code is good, it is too technical compared with the rest of the book. I rather see code snippets on how to build some common components in a portal site instead of a portal application. It is a bit difficult to extract out the code you need as everything is tied together in the architecture. BTW, there is no CD in the book and no hyperlink is mentioned on where to download the source code. The book has an entire chapter on Content Management Server. It also covers Commerce Server and SharePoint Portal Server quite well and gives a brief overview on BizTalk and InfoPath. I rather see more technical emphasis on how to integrate the different servers than having screenshots of numerous dialogs explaining what each of the fields does. Finally the book retails at $50 which is far too expensive. It should be around $35 instead. ... Read more |
22. Ipsec: The New Security Standard for the Inter- net, Intranets, and Virtual Private Networks by Naganand Doraswamy, Dan Harkins | |
![]() | Hardcover: 216
list price: US$44.99 -- used & new: US$5.46 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0130118982 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description AuthorsDoraswamy and Harkins first treat IPSec as a system, explaining howits component parts work together to provide flexible security. Theirapproach to this task makes sense: They first explain why standard IPpackets aren't secure; then they show how the IPSec improvements makesecure transactions possible. Readers get full descriptions of howvarious network entities talk to one another. Where appropriate,concepts that aren't specific to IPSec are explained, including IPv4and IPv6 packet structures and addressing schemes. There's someinformation on cryptography too. IPSec's parts are explainedindividually: the Authentication Header (AH), Encapsulating SecurityPayload (ESP), Internet Key Exchange (IKE), and ISAKMP/Oakleyprotocols are detailed with lots of prose, supplemented with asmattering of packet diagrams and conceptual sketches. Sections onimplementing IPSec protocols on networks remain fairly abstract anddon't mention actual products, but should prove useful to programmersdesigning their own network security products around the IPSecspecifications. --David Wall Customer Reviews (17)
I found this book an excellent recap of IPSec as i have not worked with IPSec for almost 3 years, and instead the book gives good and concise information but is mostly in a synopsis format and lacks the real meat. ... Read more |
23. Internets, Intranets, and Extranets: New Waves in Channel Surfing (The Journal of Marketing Channels Monographic Separates) by Audhesh Paswan | |
![]() | Hardcover: 141
list price: US$59.95 -- used & new: US$16.95 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0789020106 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
24. The Corporate Intranet, 2nd Edition by Ryan Bernard | |
![]() | Paperback: 464
list price: US$29.99 -- used & new: US$5.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0471247758 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (4)
This is far from the realm of the O'Reilly series. Those books present snippets of code, step-by-step learning, and in general provide good exposure to the hands-on part of creating workable programming, networking, etc. Here, you have the best reasons 1998 has to offer for why your business should employ an intranet.
25. Practical Intranet Development by John Colby, Gareth Downes-Powell, Jeffrey Haas, Darren J. Harkness, Frank Pappas, Mike Parsons, Francis Storr, Inigo Surguy, Ruud Voigt, Rudiger Voigt, Frank C. Pappas | |
![]() | Paperback: 338
list price: US$39.99 -- used & new: US$4.41 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1590591690 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (1)
26. Developing Intranet Applications With Java (SAMS Developer's Guide) by Jerry Ablan | |
![]() | Paperback: 492
list price: US$45.00 -- used & new: US$8.49 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1575211661 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description The cool thing in DevelopingIntranet Applications with Java is that author Jerry Ablan has puttogether custom software for both the book and its accompanyingCD-ROM. The Java Intranet Framework (JIF) is a set of classes you canuse as a base for writing corporate intranet tools. In fact, Ablangoes into great detail about using the JIF to write a conference tool,a benefits-management tool, the electronic equivalent of a magneticin/out board, a product maintenance tracker, and several othertools. It's interesting to see how the JIF facilitates these productsand how you can expand upon them. If you want to see, in detail, howone programmer created a suite of intranet tools, this book is the onefor you. Customer Reviews (4)
Nodiscussion on Servlets vers Applets et al, or the limitations of doing ithis way.Advice to Jerry Ablan: get a new editor, cover Servelets &reissue the book Note to SAMS (you seem to be more interested in$$$$bucks~$$$ for profits,too much sloppy & poor editing,compare thatwith O'Reilly;if I seebook released by you versus O'Reilly - GUESSwhich pedigree I'll buy !!)
27. Administering Usenet News Servers: A Comprehensive Guide to Planning, Building, and Managing Internet and Intranet News Services by James E. McDermott, John E. Phillips, James McDermott | |
![]() | Paperback: 288
list price: US$39.95 -- used & new: US$30.36 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 020141967X Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (4)
The index is really very bad - I hardly ever find anything I'm looking for. I can only describe it as a curious mix of sometimes very arcane information which may be useful forusenet gurus and absence of information for a novice user
28. Intranet Decisions: Creating Your Organization's Internal Network by Lisa Kimball | |
![]() | Paperback: 58
list price: US$8.95 Isbn: 091791709X Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
29. Top Secret Intranet: How U.S. Intelligence Built Intelink - the World's Largest, Most Secure Network by Fredrick Thomas Martin | |
![]() | Paperback: 380
list price: US$34.99 -- used & new: US$73.50 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0130808989 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (9)
Otherwise if you know what PKI, SGML and digital certificates are, this book is a bust. No discussion of impementation details.Nodiscussion of firewalling,intrusion detection, encryption techniques (except to mention a fewcommonly known ones) or even VPNs. Do they really use SSL and DES toprotect our national secrets? That's scarier than a "dark and stormynight"! Promises: "Security and Information techniques you canuse right now" - no techniques here - just general discussion ofcommon-sense principles Promises: "Preview the future of intranetsand extranets" - yeah right - from the newbies: "AOL offersInternet access, updates on weather, email, news, sports, and stocks,multimedia entertainment, and their own search engine.Successfulintranets like Intelink must have at their disposal a similar vast array ofmission relevant tools" Page 160 Should Promise: "Interestinginside look at Gov. bureaucracy in action!" Note: This book had topass review by security agencies and this may be the reason it is sovapid. Another Note:CD is somewhat interesting or I would have giventhis book a "0"
"It was a dark and stormy night,"Martin's introduction begins, and that is the best written sentence in thesomewhat ponderously crafted and repetitious Intro¾the literary techniquesof English novelist Edward Bulwer-Lytton otherwise conspicuous by theirabsence. Reading Martin's mushy acknowledgements, one quickly forms theimpression of a book both written and vetted by a committee; indeed, onebegins to question whether Martin's name should appear on the book at all.Martin recently retired from the NSA as Deputy Director of its InformationServices Group. But it gets better once we reach the book proper. Chapter1 tells the origin of Intelink, how in 1994 DCI James Woolsey created theIntelligence Systems Board (ISB) to improve the interoperability ofinformation systems supporting intelligence operations. Along with ISB camea permanent staff, known as the Intelligence Systems Secretariat (ISS).Steven Schanzer, the first Director of the ISS, became the"father" of Intelink. A "proof of concept" prototypewas put together in April 1994, and by the end of the year Intelink wasoperational. The rest of Chapter 1 gives a thumbnail history of theInternet and the World Wide Web, introduces SGML and its offspring HTML (anSGML application) and the more recent XML (eXtensible Markup Language, asubset of SGML which will be supported in future Netscape and InternetExplorer browsers), and concludes with a discussion of the need forIntelink to meet the changing needs of intelligence. Martin notes thatSMGL was adopted for document tagging by the Department of Defense in 1987in its CALS ("Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle Support")Program, then as an information processing standard by the CIA in 1993, andfinally by Intelink in 1994. Chapter 2 is essentially a bureaucratichistory of the development of Intelink, and describes the eventualformation of the Intelink Management Office (IMO), whose Directoralternates between the CIA and DIA, and whose Deputy Director is alwaysNSA. There are dry recitations of duties and goals, some of which read likethey were written by an IT-trained Russian speaker struggling with theEnglish language. For example: "· Enhancing support infrastructuresto ensure that future Intelink services enjoy the stability of a robust andwell-administered information environment; [Translation: Get our shittogether.] "· Establishing a viable training program to ensure thatall producers and users can effectively use existing and new services;[Translation: Teach people to use the system.] "· Developing atechnology integration program to ensure that Intelink enjoys the benefitsof early introduction of new information technology;" [Translation:Grab the new stuff pronto.] The chapter notes that the Global Command andControl System (GCCS)¾ the Department of Defense's new system fordelivering command and control capabilities to the warfighter¾ relies inpart on Intelink. (See "Intelink-S," below.) As currentlyconstituted, Intelink is segmented into security levels. At the core is"Intelink-SCI." SCI, according to Martin, stands for"Special" Compartmented Information, although most other peopleseem to think it stands for "Sensitive" Compartmented Information(see, for example, Jeffrey T. Richelson, The U.S. Intelligence Community,3rd edition). Information available on Intelink-SCI is classified up to"Top Secret/SCI." About 50,000 people have access to this level,including Monica Lewinsky, while she was at the Pentagon. (You will recallthat Monica had a Top Secret/SCI clearance for reasons never explained, butpresumably because of her need for detailed handling of PresidentialDecision Directives. Image what could have happened, for example, if aforeign intelligence service had gotten a sample of Presidential DNA andcreated a Clinton clone.) The next level is"Intelink-SecretNet" or "Intelink-S," which carriesinformation classified up to the Secret level. Intelink-S primarily servesthe military, and has around 265,000 users¾ most of whom access Intelink-Sthrough the Defense Information Systems Agency's SIPRNET (short for SecretInternet Protocol Router Network). The most interesting (and most highlyclassified) level is "Intelink-PolicyNet" or"Intelink-P," which is operated by the CIA and is only availableto very high-level policy makers¾ such as the National Security Council,the DCI, or the President. That way the latter can get all the informationthey need, say, before deciding to decimate pharmaceutical factories in theSudan or nomad tents in Afghanistan with Tomahawk cruise missiles. Thefinal level is "Intelink-UnclassifiedNet" or"Intelink-U," which includes all open-source (unclassified)intelligence, and which is available to members of OSIS (the Open SourceInformation Service) or others approved by them. OSIS is managed by theCIA, and relies on public data bases and other unclassified information¾the "open-source intelligence" promoted by Robert Steele. Thislevel is accessed through Virtual Private Networks (but hopefully not onesthat use Microsoft's Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol). Martin notes theclose relationship of the intelligence community¾ especially the NSA¾ tothe Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University inPittsburgh. Chapter 3 argues the need for standards (and there is littleto argue with here), and discusses three from the Department of Defense:TAFIM (Technical Architecture Framework for Information Management), COE(Common Operating Environment), and JTA (Joint Technical Architecture). Incharge of all this is the Assistant Secretary of Defense for C3I (otherwiseknown as Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence). (Elsewhere Ihave attempted to create an easy-to-read intuitive guide to what commandand control¾ C2¾ is all about, in the context of SIOP, the SingleIntegrated Operational Plan for Nuclear War.) The 8 volumes of TAFIMbasically focus on open systems and the need to follow international andnational standards. JTA¾ which like TAFIM was inspired partly byco-ordination failures in the 1991 Gulf War¾ is the practicalimplementation of TAFIM, mandating the use of commercial-off-the-shelf(COTS) software and hardware products, as well as standards such as SGMLfor documents. COE can be briefly explained as follows. The 1970smainframe-based war-fighting system, the World-Wide Military Command andControl System (WWMCCS, "whim-mix"), was upgraded in the 1980s,and eventually replaced in the 1990s. The new system was called the GlobalCommand and Control System (GCCS), and was built by direction according tointernational and national information processing standards, usingcommercial and government "off-the-shelf" products whereverpossible. (GCCS runs on Sun Microsystems computers running the Solaris Unixoperating system.) COE consists of the software pieces of this commoncomputing and communications environment, as well as the specifications forputting the pieces together to support specific military missions. Thesethree Defense Department standards automatically impact 8 of the 13intelligence organizations within Intelink-NSA, DIA, NIMA, NRO, and themilitary intelligence units of Army, Navy, Air Force, and the Marines. Tosuch Defense standards are added other initiatives relevant to Intelink andspecific to the intelligence community, such as the Unified CryptologicArchitecture 2010 (by analogy to Joint Vision 2010), initiated by NSADirector Kenneth Minihan in September 1997, which mandates commoncryptology standards and procedures across the intelligencecommunity. Chapter 3 concludes with a discussion of the Defense MessageSystem (DMS), Defense's new e-mail system using COTS software. It lookspretty much like the e-mail system you use, except encryption is providedby FORTEZZA instead of PGP. (In the DMS, "e-mail" refers strictlyto personal, as opposed to organizational traffic. Here I ignore this dis ... Read more |
30. A Methodology for Developing & Deploying Internet & Intranet Solutions by Jeff Greenberg, J. R. Lakeland | |
![]() | Hardcover: 320
list price: US$49.32 -- used & new: US$1.05 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0132096773 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (4)
Although the book provides a sound framework for developing and deploying solutions, it has a major flaw.Throughout the author raises interesting issues in the form of rhetorical questions, then ... nothing. Quite disapponting.Had the questions been followed by solutions or recommendations, then the book would have both substance and value. Substance by stepping up and providing viable answers and solutions to problems faced when developing and implementing internet solutions.Value by saving us from having to discover the answers on our own, wasting resources along the way. The whole point of buying a book such as this is to benefit from lessons learned.It is frustrating to realize that the book could have been a valuable resource had the author only taken the time to provide answers to the very questions he raised.
31. Setting Up a Linux Intranet Server Visual Black Book: A Complete Visual Guide to Building a LAN Using Linux as the OS by Hidenori Tsuji, Takashi Watanabe | |
![]() | Paperback: 256
list price: US$24.99 -- used & new: US$7.35 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1576105687 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description The authors have hit their subject at precisely the right angle too. By choosing to use the Visual Black Book style on Linux-based intranet servers, they nail the application that's most interesting to the small-office users who are their audience. This book will help the casual network administrator get a Linux machine working as a file, printer, Web, and electronic mail server. The format relies on illustrating sequential steps with a combination of line drawings, screen shots, and command-line listings. The text that describes what's going on in the steps includes callouts, so there's never any question about what part of the illustration is relevant. The format isn't great for communicating conceptual information, but it will help you accomplish the basic tasks quickly and enable you to look into denser reference on a more solid footing. --David Wall Topics covered: Building a local area network (LAN) server with Linux (Red Hat Linux 6 appears in the examples), installation, basic command-line operations, users and groups, and heterogeneous networking with information on Samba for Windows and netatalk for Mac OS. Coverage of specific services includes the Apache Web server and electronic mail with sendmail and qpopper. Customer Reviews (8)
Sadly, this book is riddled with an apalling number offactual errors, near constant misleading comments, and nigh-unreadablystrained English. The factual errors for the most part won't get the readerinto trouble right away (though there are some worrying errors), but thisadded to the cookbook approach can provide either a dangerous feeling ofadequacy or a voodoo approach to system administration - "I just didit this way because the book told me to". I cannot encourage peopleto buy this book; it is very inconsistent in practices, it gives directionswithout rationale, and it gives no pointers to places where adequatedocumentation can be found. I would give this book negative stars if Icould, as I consider this book harmful to some and useful to none.
2) There is no such thing as "Linux has built-in stability and security..." 3) Linux is not "only" a server OS, we use it on desktopeveryday. 4) ...just because computers are connected by a LAN does notclassifies it as an "intranet" 5) TCP/IP is NOT the most commonmethod to network PCs on a LAN -- Ethernet is. The publisher claims"guarantee" on their technical accuracy. If this is the best theycan do, I'll be very careful buying another Coriolis's book. The authorsfailed to understand what an intranet server really does, the book title ismisleading. Pros: earn 1 star for pretty pictures, but if you are seriousabout learning Linux this book "won't" give you a good start.
32. Reality ColdFusion: Intranets and Content Management by Ben Forta | |
![]() | Paperback: 528
list price: US$39.99 -- used & new: US$2.80 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0321124146 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Forta, a ColdFusion expert and evangelist, talks to you as one professional developer to another as he explains design considerations, walks you through the decision-making process, and points out key development challenges and their solutions.His insider approach makes you an active, integral part of the virtual design team, not just a passive reader; he teaches best practices and good design implicitly, by example.Once you're ready to strike out on your own, turn to the companion Web site, which is loaded with full-fledged intranet and e-businessapplications (including a mail client, scheduling program, user directory, content-management system, and threaded discussions) that you can put to work immediately as standalone apps or as an integrated suite of programs. These highly configurable applications save you time and money, letting you start your projects with tested, high-quality code. Reality ColdFusion MX: Intranets and Content Managementis a one-stop resource for intermediate-to-advanced Flash and ColdFusion developers who want to design professional-quality intranets from scratch. Customer Reviews (5)
Sure, I can spend 2 or 3 days going through the code and rewritting the application. But at that point, the book is no longer valid. So while it has been fun to read emails from Teo to the team about how to develop the application, the final product doesn't work. I've been using ColdFusion for 5 years. I thought that I should point that out. I haven't tried the other Apps in the book yet. Maybe they work. Maybe they don't!
I love the concept of this book.Currently my bookshelves are lined with books that give me snippets of code explaining the various tags in CFMX.This book assumes (requires) you know CFML and don't need an explanation of the tags or their attributes.You become part of the development team.As you read this book you will see how this team will build a content management system.Starting from an idea and ending with a working CMS (hopefully) you will learn the "big picture" of CFMX. With most basic instructional books it can be difficult to see how all your .cfm modules will fit into one grand application.This book will help you.The book is filled with mock notes and memos from the team members discussing requirements and ideas for the CMS.Also the code used is written out for you.The code is divided into small coherent pieces and there are plenty of editorial comments to explain the team's methodology. If you are looking for code you can cut-and-paste from a CD; look elsewhere.This book is to give you real-world experience coding a project.Simple pasting modules into you CFMX server would not teach you anything.Besides, if all the code for the CMS you are building was placed on a CD, it would be easy to just copy the files onto your intranet and have the worlds cheapest CMS available...
This is not about code... its about real life production experiences. Uniquely original in the genre of computer books. Most computer books, are technical, full with code. This book takes another approach, by selecting five of the most commonly built web apps and guides you through the process, down to the emails the clients send internally. I am half way through the book and have already learned some interesting techniques that utilize coldfusion mx's newest features. Each project is developed in different ways, so the reader gets a good mix of different styles of production and workflow methodolgies. Great book... once finished going to get the other reality book about flash and coldfusion. ... Read more |
33. PCWeek: The Intranet Advantage (An indispensable resources of ideas, procedures, and examples for your Intranet development) Bonus CD-ROM by Shel Holtz | |
![]() | Paperback: 407
list price: US$34.99 -- used & new: US$42.34 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1562764276 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
34. Webcasting and Push Technology Strategies: Effective Communications for Intranets and Extranets by Bohdan O. Szuprowicz | |
![]() | Paperback: 254
list price: US$265.00 -- used & new: US$238.50 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1566079993 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description How Webcasting and Push Technology Differ The amount of information available on the Internet is rapidly becoming unmanageable, and manually searching the Web is no longer a productive option. CTR's new report, Webcasting and Push Technology Strategies: Effective Communications for Intranets and Extranets, discusses how webcasting and push technologies are being used to overcome information overload and provide new possibilities for intranets and extranets. Webcasting, which is broadcasting over the Web using the Internet protocol (IP), significantly reduces the time required to locate specific information. This emerging technology uses narrowcasting principles to turn the Internet into a personal broadcasting system with individualized programming capabilities. Push technologies such as PointCast involve the periodic transmission of flat information such as text and graphics. Push is passive from a user's perspective because once scheduled, the information arrives periodically without user intervention. To hear or watch a webcast, by contrast, users must actively tune-in to the Web page where the content is available. Webcasting Tools, Techniques, and Applications This report assesses the latest webcasting development tools and provides key information on using these tools to implement intranet and extranet applications. The webcasting applications discussed include financial services, trading support systems, competitive intelligence, and multiuser conferencing. The various forms of Internet data transmission are explored, including unicasting, broadcasting, multicasting, and narrowcasting. Webcasting alternatives such as pure push, selective pull, and distributed push/pull solutions are also detailed. The report provides case studies of 24 companies that represent a selection of webcasting application categories, including software distribution, hardware support, financial services, and project management. Special attention is given to the recent webcasting ventures of Microsoft and Netscape. Creating a Webcasting Business Strategy Intranets and extranets are being used to capture the attention of key employees, business partners, and customers. Through webcasting, information such as company policies, new product introductions, and stock market updates can be broadcast to a specific audience. To fully utilize these technologies, however, companies must first develop an effective webcasting business strategy. CTR's Webcasting and Push Technology Strategies: Effective Communications for Intranets and Extranets report provides specific suggestions for planning and operating a webcasting application. This advice applies to intranet and extranet implementation of push technology as well as the establishment of webcasting channels for marketing products and services on the Internet. The report outlines specific choices that must be made with regard to push components, bandwidth availability, multimedia content, intrusiveness, and client software features. The revenue-creating potential and drawbacks of webcasting as a business undertaking are also detailed. The Business Value of Webcasting The ability to continuously distribute information is imperative to the success of large organizations. Through webcasting, companies will be able to cut costs and function more efficiently by reducing the bandwidth and time required for employees, business partners, or customers to locate this information. The report will help information technology (IT) personnel do the following: develop a webcasting strategy, search for effective E-commerce solutions, choose and implement appropriate webcasting tools and applications, and understand the benefits of push technology. Webcasting and Push Technology Strategies: Effective Communications for Intranets and Extranets provides the tools and information necessary to plan, implement, and maintain webcasting and push solutions for the enterprise. |
35. Intranets:The Hidden Face of the Web by John Landahl | |
![]() | Kindle Edition:
list price: US$0.99 Asin: B000FBJBRC Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
36. Designing the Total Area Network: Intranets, VPNs and Enterprise Networks Explained by Mark Norris, Steve Pretty | |
![]() | Hardcover: 348
list price: US$150.00 -- used & new: US$14.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0471851957 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Readers won't find much in these pages about specific products--Microsoft Windows 2000, say, or Cisco routers--but they will find out how to identify needs and evaluate solutions. Most helpful are the checklists that help keep the designer from overlooking details at key points in the life cycle of an enterprise network. Norris and Pretty draw heavily on their experience to point out where problems are likely to occur and how to plan for them. A semifictitious case study walks you through designing and implementing a worldwide network for a bank. Once in a while, a British bias pops up, but the information is valid everywhere. You may want to investigate this book's companion volume, Total Area Networking. It places greater emphasis on technical background information, including networking technologies like Frame Relay and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). --David Wall Topics covered: A systematic approach to enterprise network design, with emphasis on defining requirements, writing a proposal, deciding on technologies, implementation, and progressive refinement over time. Customer Reviews (1)
Practicalexperience is evident throughout the text. I'd be comfortable using thisbook as a guide through any network related project. Altogether, a goodread with plenty of solid fact to impart. ... Read more |
37. Pcweek Intranet and Internet Firewalls Strategies by Edward Amoroso, Ronald Sharp | |
Paperback: 240
list price: US$29.99 -- used & new: US$5.50 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1562764225 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (1)
38. Javascript: Bringing Application Development and Customization to Intranets and the Internet by John R. Vacca | |
![]() | Paperback: 559
list price: US$34.95 -- used & new: US$16.50 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0127100059 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (1)
39. Building Intranets on Nt, Netware, Solaris: An Administrator's Guide by Morgan Stern, Tom Rasmussen | |
Paperback: 805
list price: US$44.99 -- used & new: US$44.99 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0782120024 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description |
40. Intranet Security: Stories from the Trenches (Sun Microsystems Press) by Linda McCarthy | |
![]() | Paperback: 260
list price: US$29.95 -- used & new: US$1.98 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0138947597 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (15)
Whether you are just getting started in the security field or have been working in security for 25 years,this book is a MUST READ.
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