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41. Art Books & Magazines : Artist : Frida Kahlo Art Magazines. Artists, A~Z kahlo, frida. Bargain Bookshelf. ArtBooks Magazines Artist frida kahlo Art History, frida kahlo. http://www.artshops.ws/books/artists_kahlo.htm | |
42. Amazing Women: George Sand, Djuna Barnes, Frida Kahlo, Tori Amos, And More Devoted to examining the brilliance, talent, and passion of some women writers, artists, and performers George Sand, Djuna Barnes, frida kahlo, Tori Amos, and Natalie Portman. http://inkybrown.stormhosts.com/women/ | |
43. Museo Dolores Olmedo Patiño Contiene la colecci³n privada m¡s importante de la producci³n artstica de Diego Rivera, adem¡s de obras relevantes de frida kahlo y Angelina Beloff. Adem¡s, una extensa y valiosa compilaci³n de piezas prehisp¡nicas, artes aplicadas del Virreinato y piezas de arte popular. http://www.arts-history.mx/museos/mdo/home.html |
44. Kahlo, Frida encyclopediaEncyclopedia kahlo, frida, frE'dä kä'lO PronunciationKey. kahlo, frida , 190754, Mexican painter, b. Coyoacán. http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/CE027580.html | |
45. Kahlo, Frida encyclopediaEncyclopedia kahlo, frida, frE'dä kä'lO PronunciationKey. kahlo, frida , 190754, Mexican painter, b. Coyoacán. http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0826869.html | |
46. Frida By Kahlo frida kahlo and Diego Rivera, 1930. Martha Zamora, frida kahlo the Brush of Anguish,Chronicle Books, p81, p36, p45, p55, p65, p121, p90, p92, p128, 1990. http://www.fbuch.com/fridaby.htm |
47. HoldenLab_Porto Di Mare_Istantanee Profilo della pittrice messicana, con breve analisi dell'opera. http://www.holdenlab.it/prof-creat/prof_kahlo.htm | |
48. Kunst Bei Ceryx.de: Frida Kahlo Kurzbiographie der mexikanischen K¼nstlerin ungarischer Abstammung. Das Leben frida Kahlos wurde durch einen schweren Trambahnunfall, bei dem sie f¼rchterliche Verletzungen erlitt, gepr¤gt. http://www.ceryx.de/kunst/kahlo_frida.htm | |
49. Amie R. Gillingham's Casa Azul A resource for Mexican Art History, dedicated to the memory of frida kahlo. Artists profiled include kahlo, Diego Rivera, Remedios Varo, Leonora Carrington, and Monica Castillo. http://www.slackers.net/~amie/ | |
50. Frida Kahlo Artworks And Fine Art At Arthistorynet.com frida kahlo art artwork and indepth artistic information such as paintings, sculpture,photography Rupert Garcia, 1990 Rupert Garcia, Homenaje 1978 Rupert http://wwar.com/masters/k/kahlo-frida.html | |
51. Donna Life Propone la biografia e alcune fotografie della pittrice messicana. http://www.donnalife.it/art1o1.html | |
52. Kahlo, Frida Asterisks indicate multimedia. Comments/Inquiries ©New York University 19932003.kahlo, frida. On-Line Artist Site. Sex, Female. National Origin, Mexico. http://endeavor.med.nyu.edu/lit-med/lit-med-db/webdocs/webartists/kahlo373-ar-.h | |
53. Frida Kahlo: An Amazing Woman Collection of images of frida kahlo, featuring a biography. http://www.amybrown.net/women/frida.html | |
54. Famous Hispanics: Frida Kahlo Translate this page Copyright © 1994-2000 by coloquio.com. FridaKahlo. (1907-1954), México, Painter. http://coloquio.com/famosos/kahlo.html | |
55. Frida Kahlo Chronologischer Lebenslauf mit genaueren Angaben zur Krankheitsgeschichte der K¼nstlerin und einer reichen Auswahl an Werken. Die Navigation ist nicht durchg¤ngig sofort durchschaubar, daf¼r gibt's aber reichlich Inhalt und vor allem Bilder. http://www.fh-furtwangen.de/lbauer/kahlo/kahlo_index.htm | |
56. Search By Artist : Kahlo, Frida - Page 1 : Posters Of Santa Fe : Fine Art Prints Artist Search Results kahlo, frida Page 1. The posters shown below are sortedby title. Displaying Page 1 kahlo, frida Autorretrato con Bonito 1941. http://www.postersofsantafe.com/search_artist.cfm?og=448&p=1 |
57. Frida Kahlo Wundersch¶ne Seiten aus der Schweiz, mit Photos der K¼nstlerin und ihrer Umgebung aus verschiedenen Lebensabschnitten und etlichen Beispielen aus dem OEuvre. http://www.2hoch2.ch/frida_kahlo/01_frida.html |
58. The World Of Frida Kahlo And Diego Rivera At Posters Of Santa Fe The World of frida kahlo Diego Rivera. frida kahlo lived a life of passion,pain, and art. kahlo, frida Yo y Mis Pericos. click to enlarge image http://www.postersofsantafe.com/c_kahlo.cfm | |
59. _content Knappste biographische Notiz, aber interessanter Hinweis auf die Rezeptionsgeschichte in Europa. http://www.text-kommunikation.de/_inhalt_12__02_s2.html | |
60. Art History Network: Frida Kahlo submit_ad. Home. frida kahlo. General Resources. ·OCAIW frida kahlo ·Original fridakahlo Home Page ·Taboo The World of frida kahlo ·The World of frida kahlo. http://www.arthistory.net/artists/kahlo.html | |
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