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61. BBC News | UK | Reward Offered Over Stolen Lowrys laurence stephen lowry, who died in 1976, based most of his work on workingclassstreet scenes featuring his famous matchstick figures, in and around his http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/newsid_629000/629415.stm | |
62. BBC News | UK | Salford's Most Famous Son Match Sold to the FA laurence stephen lowry died wondering if his work would everbe remembered today he is considered one of Britain's greatest artists. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/newsid_728000/728026.stm | |
63. LOWRY lowry, laurence stephen 1887 1976. by Donna Delaney. http://www.citycol.com/basic_skills/Magazine/lowry.htm | |
64. Lowry Life lowry, laurence stephen 1887 1976 Back. LS lowry was born on 1 November1887 in Barret Street, Stretford. He first attended Victoria Park School. http://www.citycol.com/basic_skills/Magazine/lowry life.htm | |
65. L S Lowry Chronology LS lowry Chronology 1885, Queen Victoria opened the Manchester Ship Canal. 1887,1st November, laurence stephen lowry born at home, 8 Barrett Street, Manchester. http://www.thelowry.com/lslowry/lowry_chronology.aspx | |
66. L S LOWRY CURRENT WORK. laurence stephen lowry was born in Rusholme, Manchester in November1887, the only child of Irishborn RS lowry and Elizabeth lowry (née Hobson). http://www.briansinfield.com/contemporary/l_s_lowry/home.htm | |
67. Arts/Art_History/Artists/L/Lowry,_Laurence_Stephen feature. / Arts / Art_History / Artists / L / lowry, laurence stephen.lowry and Major Geoffrey Mather's comments on the artists. http://www.arts-entertainment-recreation.com/Arts/Art_History/Artists/L/Lowry,_L | |
68. EBroadcast Internet Directories :: You'll Find It At The Internet Directories! to favorites Lippi, Fra Filippo 11 Add to favorites Lissitzky, El 1 Add to favoritesLotto, Lorenzo 14 Add to favorites lowry, laurence stephen 6 Add http://www.ebroadcast.com.au/cgi-bin/etopic/index.cgi?base=/Arts/Art_History/Art |
69. Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man mattered. laurence stephen lowry was born in Old Trafford, Manchester(UK), on November 1st, 1887, to Robert and Elizabeth. However http://lslowry.homestead.com/salford2.html | |
70. Great Exclusive Prints By L.S Lowry Great exclusive prints by LS lowry. laurence stephen lowry was bornin Manchester in 1887. The theme of the industrial landscape http://www.worldgallery.co.uk/telegraph/lowry.asp | |
71. Welcome To Icollector.com - The Independent Connection To The World's Auction Ho After laurence stephen lowry, RA 'BURFORD CHURCH' Limited edition reproduction printedin colours, numbered 75/1500, published by Grove Fine Art, {52cm by 38cm http://www1.icollector.com/catalogs/view_archived_lots.cfm?catalogid=2091 |
72. Britannia Bridge Primary School, Wigan, England The life of LS.lowry. 1st November 1887. laurence stephen lowry. was born in Manchester.1905 1925. 1905-1925 - lowry went to special schools to learn about art. http://www.britanniabridge.wigan.sch.uk/HTML_2001_Y1_lslowry.htm | |
73. Welcome - The Street Gallery LS.lowry (1887 1976). laurence stephen lowry, one of the 20th Century'smost popular artists, was born in Stretford, Manchester in 1876. http://www.street-gallery.co.uk/lowry_top.html | |
74. Pint Pleasures: 2 Pubs In Commonside / TV In Pubs Near the pool table there's a familiar painting on the wall entitled Waiting forthe store to open. This is by laurence stephen lowry, famous for painting http://www.coffeebeer.co.uk/pintpleasures/commonside2.html | |
75. Topical Links lowry. The LS stands for laurence stephen, but he is usually justtalked about as lowry. lowry was born in 1887 and died in 1976. http://www.learningalive.co.uk/lapages/topical/lowry.html | |
76. Fine Art Paintings - Gemälde-Börse - Internationale Literatur held at Nottingham University Art Gallery Department of Fine Art, Portland Building,28th May15th June 1974 laurence stephen lowry Masterpiece Paintings http://www.gemaelde-boerse.de/paintings/international_books/fine_art_paintings.h | |
77. Garner International laurence stephen lowry (1887 1976) is best known for his depiction of pre-warnorthern England, at a time when heavy industry was still its most prominent http://www.garnerinternational.com/home/idtext.html | |
78. Art Search Results 1 art listings found. Viewing page 1 of 1. Pieces/Page 5. view US $1,000.00Lowry, laurence stephen, 1, Go to Page 1. http://dart.fine-art.com/Squery.asp?FirstName=laurence stephen&LastName=lowry |
79. HyperDic, Online English Dictionary > Painter Sir Thomas Lawrence; Leger; Fernand Leger; Lichtenstein; Roy Lichtenstein;lowry; LS lowry; laurence stephen lowry; Magritte; Rene Magritte; http://www.hyperdic.net/dic/p/painter.shtml | |
80. Birmingham101 Local Daily News The lowry will be providing a special display of prints and personal memorabiliarelating to laurence stephen lowry, the famous Salford artist who is widely http://www.birmingham101.com/101antiquesnov2001.html | |
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