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21. Officieldesarts.com Art Shop - Original Prints / Multiples FRF FRF. matta roberto. Also available for matta roberto Catalogues/ Books. Artist matta roberto Title Les Oh ! http://www.officieldesarts.com/boutique/estampesgb.asp?nom=Matta Roberto |
22. MATTA Roberto - MATTA ECHAUREN Roberto Sebastian A. - Fine Art Artist Check the true price of matta roberto in our fine art databank of 270 000 artists.Search your favourite fine art artist. artprice. matta roberto. http://www.artistsearch.com/artists/ROBERTO_MATTA.htm | |
23. Roberto Matta Lithography matta roberto. matta roberto Composition 2. Artist, matta roberto. Title, Composition2. Price (EUR), 801.00. matta roberto - Composition. Artist, matta roberto. http://www.postershop.ie/Matta-Roberto-k.html | |
24. Roberto Matta Translate this page matta roberto. matta roberto - Composition 2. Artista, matta roberto. Título, Composition2. Precio (EUR), 801,00. matta roberto - Composition. Artista, matta roberto. http://www.postershop-espana.com/Matta-Roberto-k.html | |
25. Index Des Noms - MATTA Roberto [Sebastian R.A. Matta Echaurren] Translate this page matta roberto Sebastian RA Matta Echaurren. Santiago du Chili, 1911-. 1985,Exposition Roberto MATTA France, Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou / Mnam. http://art-contemporain.eu.org/base/noms/30.html | |
26. Chronologie - 1985 - Exposition Roberto MATTA Translate this page Exposition Roberto MATTA. 1985. France, Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou / Mnam. Nomscités matta roberto Sebastian RA Matta Echaurren Santiago du Chili, 1911-. http://art-contemporain.eu.org/base/chronologie/343.html | |
27. Artdif : Offre Du Public Translate this page Lindstrom Bengt Lindstrom Bengt Man Ray Nuit à St Jean de Luze matta robertomatta roberto ( 1911 - . Max Ernst matta roberto Hommage à Man Ray http://artdif.com/lithographies/lithographiespub/1036849263.html | |
28. Artdif : Offre Du Public Translate this page Lindstrom Bengt Lindstrom Bengt Man Ray Nuit à St Jean de Luze matta robertomatta roberto ( 1911 - . matta roberto ( 1911 - . Come detta Dentro http://artdif.com/lithographies/lithographiespub/1036849492.html | |
29. Matta Echaurren, Roberto http://www.puc.cl/faba/ARTE/AUTORES/Matta.html | |
30. Featured Artist Matta. Roberto matta roberto Matta was born in Santiago, Chile in1911. He graduated in 1931 from the College of the Sacred Heart http://www.balharbourgallery.com/matta/mattamain.htm | |
31. Roberto Matta Roberto Matta Untitled, 1941 Crayon and Pencil on Paper 11 x 14 1/2Inches, Roberto Matta (Chile, born 1911), Matta had an enormous http://www.latinamericanmasters.com/Pages/matta.html | |
32. Matta: Art Gallery art gallery for Chilean 20th century artist roberto matta Artworks by Chilean artist roberto matta. (born 11/11/11, died 11/23/02) http://www.matta-art.com/ | |
33. Mattbio Brief biography, bibliography, and a lithograph offered for sale. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/fineart/Mattbio.htm | |
34. Roberto Matta Translate this page roberto matta (1911-2002) Santiago, Chile, http://www.epdlp.com/matta.html | |
35. Roberto Matta Online roberto matta Chilean Surrealist Painter, C.19122002 Guide to pictures ofworks by roberto matta in art museum sites and image archives worldwide. http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/matta_roberto.html | |
36. Matta, Roberto Translate this page Biografía matta en la Enciclopedia Encarta. Páginas en la red sobre el artistaEnlaces a museos con cuadros de matta, e bases de datos de imágenes. http://www.lablaa.org/blaavirtual/donacion/masinter/matta.htm | |
37. FUSION Anomaly. Roberto Matta Telex External Link Internal Link Inventory Cache. roberto matta ThisnOde last updated October 28th, 2002 and is permanently morphing http://fusionanomaly.net/robertomatta.html | |
38. Matta, Roberto (1911-2002) matta, roberto. painter, architect, sculptor. 11 Nov 1911, Santiago de Chile 23Nov 2002, Civitavecchia Real name matta Echauren, roberto Sebastian Antonio. http://www.xs4all.nl/~androom/biography/p000172.htm | |
39. Matta, Roberto matta, roberto 'Eramen'. (19851986) Picture by Pat/Androom (Jun 1998). http://www.xs4all.nl/~androom/biography/i000339.htm | |
40. Roberto Echaurren Matta Biographical Information roberto Echaurren matta Click here to view new works. Chilean, 1911 - 2002Mata was born in Santiago de Chile of French, Spanish and Basque blood. http://www.wolman-prints.com/pages/artistbiog/new/m/ | |
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