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61. WebMuseum: Rousseau, Henri rousseau, henri. rousseau, henri, known as Le Douanier rousseau (18441910).French painter, the most celebrated of naïve artists. http://www.library.vstu.edu.ru/gallery/Rousseau/Rousseau.htm | |
62. International Art & Science. Rousseau, Henri, Byname LE DOUANIER (FRENCH: THE CU International Art Science. rousseau, henri, byname LE DOUANIER (FRENCH THECUSTOMS OFFICER), French painter, b. May 21, 1844, Laval, Fr. d. Sept. http://www.i-a-s.de/IAS/Arthtm/RousseauTh.htm | |
63. International Art & Science. ROUSSEAU, Henri Scout Attacked By A Tiger (Eclaireu International Art Science. rousseau, henri Scout Attacked by a Tiger (Eclaireurattaque par un tigre) 1904 Oil on canvas 47 3/8 x 63 3/4 in. http://www.i-a-s.de/IAS/Bilder/ROUSSEAU/scout.htm | |
64. Rousseau, Henri on Artsworld TV Useful websites rousseau webmuseum page Tiger in a Tropical Storm(Surprised!), Biography henri rousseau Artist France Born 21 May 1844 Died 2 http://www.artsworld.com/art-architecture/biographies/p-r/henri-rousseau.html | |
65. Henri Rousseau (Getty Museum) Learn about henri rousseau from the J. Paul Getty Museum's collections, with linksto works of art and images. Artists. henri rousseau, 1 of 1 previous next . http://www.getty.edu/art/collections/bio/a322-1.html | |
66. BBC - Painting The Weather - Rousseau Artist rousseau, rousseau, henri (1844-1910) Portrait by Dornac.© Archives Larousse, Paris/Bridgeman Art Library. Every effort http://www.bbc.co.uk/paintingtheweather/csv/artist/rousseau.shtml | |
67. Rousseau, Henri rousseau, henri 18441910, French primitive painter, b. Laval. He rousseau,henri. 1844-1910, French primitive painter, b. Laval. He http://www.slider.com/enc/45000/Rousseau_Henri.htm | |
68. Henri Rousseau @ Catharton Artists henri rousseau. 1844 1910. Bored? Meet people at Café Catharton Websites henrirousseau artchive.com. Message Boards Suggest or Request a board. http://www.catharton.com/artists/130.htm | |
69. Books: Art Books / Artists, A-Z / ( P-R ) / Rousseau, Henri 4. Douanier rousseau by rousseau, henri Julien F¢elix Price not available. 5.World of henri rousseau by Le Pichon, Yann (Hardcover) Price not available. http://www.picassomio.com/books/list/1,1104,1359,1401/en/ | |
70. Images Of Feeling-Biographies-Henri Rousseau Paris,1910. rousseau, henri, known as Le Douanier rousseau (18441910).French painter, the most celebrated of naïve artists. His http://digilander.libero.it/webpainter/indice/sezioni/text/rousseau.html | |
71. HallArtists.com :: Rousseau, Henri You are here Books ( PR ) rousseau, henri. World of henri rousseau Book byYann Le Pichon List Price $75.00 Our Price $75.00 Brand/Publisher Outlet http://hallartists.com/index.php/browse/1401/name/Rousseau, Henri/page/1 | |
72. Click Aqui Para Visitarel Sitio Del Pintor Henri Rousseau Llamado http://www.multimania.com/lereve/sueno.htm |
73. MuseArt ·ç¼Ò Rousseau, Henri rousseau, henri 1/3, , rousseau, henri 1844~1910 . ? . rousseau, henri 1/3, http://www.museart.co.kr/artist/fra/rousseau_henri/rousseau_henri_1.htm | |
74. MuseArt ·ç¼Ò Rousseau, Henri rousseau, henri 3/3, , rousseau, henri 1844~1910 . ? . rousseau, henri 3/3, http://www.museart.co.kr/artist/fra/rousseau_henri/rousseau_henri_3.htm | |
75. Henri Julien Felix Rousseau (1844-1910) Library Of Congress Subjects rousseau, henri Julien Fbelix, 18441910. Series Art and colour seriesLC Call No. ND553 Subjects rousseau, henri Julien Fbelix, 1844-1910. http://www.malaspina.edu/~mcneil/cit/citlcrousseauh.htm | |
76. Rousseau, Henri Julien Flix A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.Or search the encyclopaedia HUTCHINSON ENCYCLOPEDIA. rousseau, henri JulienFlix. French painter. http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0014811.html | |
77. DINO-Online - Diese Seite Kann Leider Nicht Angezeigt Werden. Kunst Künstler und Künstlerinnen R rousseau, henri rousseau, henri, http://www.dino-online.de/dino_page_02bd309b6e5ee810d2acfdffeafd6803.html | |
78. Art Print By Rousseau, Henri - Self-Portrait SelfPortrait by rousseau, henri. At 23 inches by 29 this artprint will look great on almost any wall. Framed Mounted. http://www.poster-bargains.com/giant/126338.php | |
79. Art Print - Jungle Tiger Attacking A Buffalo By Rousseau, Henri Jungle Tiger Attacking a Buffalo by rousseau, henri. This art printis 29 inches by 23 and has several framing or mounting options. http://www.poster-bargains.com/giant/126418.php | |
80. Biggallery.com Prints By ROUSSEAU, HENRI This page offers prints by the artist rousseau, henri. Help Desk Privacy Home Featured Prints View Shopping Cart Click here for a SnailMail Order http://www.biggallery.com/art/byartist/Z1005133.htm | |
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