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Siddal Elizabeth Eleanor: more detail |
41. Ophelia Drowning In A Lake lake. And Model for this painting. elizabeth eleanor siddal. Discoveredor seen first by William Allington a Custom Officer. Who http://website.lineone.net/~victor-morgan/ophelia.htm | |
42. Directory :: Look.com siddal, elizabeth eleanor (2) See Also. ArtMagick elizabeth eleanor siddal PreRaphaeliteCollection biography and a selection of her works with comments. http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=221468 |
43. Directory :: Look.com Christina (10) Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (14) Ruskin, John (24) Sandys, Anthony Frederick(1) Shaw, John Liston Byam (2) siddal, elizabeth eleanor (2) Solomon http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=113466 |
44. Famous Artists At Ed-u.com - The Colossal Education Mega-Site - Click Here... Elisabeth Kreutler; Elisabeth VigeÉLebrun Louise; Elisabeth Vigeé-LebrunLouise; elizabeth eleanor siddal; elizabeth Louise Vigee http://www.ed-u.com/artists-famous-e.htm | |
45. EBroadcast Internet Directories :: You'll Find It At The Internet Directories! Serov, Valentin 7 Add to favorites Seurat, Georges 4 Add to favorites Shaw,John Liston Byam 2 Add to favorites siddal, elizabeth eleanor 2, Add to http://www.ebroadcast.com.au/cgi-bin/etopic/index.cgi?base=/Arts/Art_History/Art |
46. Browsing Arts Art History Artists S Siddal, Elizabeth Eleanor Category Browse Arts Art History Artists S siddal, elizabeth eleanor Top Arts Art History Artists S siddal, elizabeth eleanor. http://www.uksprite.com/search/search/Arts/Art_History/Artists/S/Siddal,_Elizabe | |
47. Browsing Society And Culture People S Category Brinsley Shert, John Sherwin, Ralph Sherwood, Thomas Shipman, Dr. Harold Shirley,James Shute, Nevil Shuttleworth, John siddal, elizabeth eleanor Sidney, Sir http://www.uksprite.com/search/search/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Society_and | |
48. Stories Of Sussex - Rossetti's Beatrice This unhappy woman was elizabeth eleanor siddal. She was of rare beauty,and for years a source of inspiration to the little band http://www.yeoldesussexpages.co.uk/stories/people/beatrice.htm | |
49. Home eleanor Fortescue Brickdale, The Uninvited Guest, 1906. Marie SpartaliStillman. elizabeth siddal elizabeth siddal, Lady Clare, 1857. http://www.css.edu/USERS/phagen/hon4777/4777women2.htm | |
50. Home eleanor Fortescue Brickdale, The Uninvited Guest, 1906. John EverettMillais. elizabeth siddal. elizabeth siddal, Lady Clare, 1857. http://www.css.edu/USERS/phagen/hon4777/4777arthur3.htm | |
51. D.G. Rossetti Brief biography with a list of writings by Rossetti. Includes a bibliography.Category Arts Literature 19th Century Rossetti, Dante Gabriel...... In most of Rossetti's early pictures his ideal ladies were copiedafter his wife, the beautiful elizabeth eleanor siddal. He had http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/dgrosset.htm | |
52. Ophelia Millais Mock Up chartist6. And Model for this painting. elizabeth eleanor siddal.Discovered or seen first by William Allington a Custom Officer. http://homepages.tesco.net/~victor.morgan/ophelia-4.htm | |
53. Electricbrain Home Index Arts Art History Artists S Sargent, John Singer Sisley, Alfred Schafer, Frederick Ferdinand Sandys, AnthonyFrederick Shaw, John Liston Byam siddal, elizabeth eleanor Solomon, Simeon http://www.electricbrain.com/index/Arts/Art_History/Artists/S/ |
54. Neurotic Poets: Dante Gabriel Rossetti Anne. One of the PreRaphaelite Brothers discovered a beautiful milliner'sassistant, elizabeth eleanor siddal, in a London shop in 1849. http://www.neuroticpoets.com/rossetti/ | |
55. WebGuest - Open Directory : Arts : Art History : Artists : S : Siddal, Elizabeth Sites Artcyclopedia elizabeth eleanor siddal Links to works bythe artist in art museum sites and image archives worldwide. http://directory.webguest.com/index.cgi/Arts/Art_History/Artists/S/Siddal,_Eliza | |
56. Polarlicht Magazin elizabeth siddal und die Präraffaeliten (von BeateMeiswinkel) elizabeth eleanor siddals Leben steht in enger Verbindung zu den http://www.polarstar.de/heft/elizabeth.htm |
57. Miscellaneous Artists Henry Sr Shunny, Andrew Sibley, June Sicard, Louis Gabriel 20th Cen Sichel, GabrielleSickbert, Walter Richard siddal, elizabeth eleanor Siegrist, Rachel late http://www.askart.com/artists/misc/08.asp | |
58. AIM25: University College London: Rossetti Letters at 14 Chatham Place, Blackfriars Bridge, 1852; hostile criticism made his picturesdifficult to sell; fell in love with elizabeth eleanor siddal, a consumptive http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search2?coll_id=3364&inst_id=13 |
59. Main Once Upon A Time, In 1849, Two Young Students At The Model and artists elizabeth siddal, Maria SpartaliStillman, (models and wives DeMorgan, Anna Lea Merrit, John Methusela Strudwick,, eleanor Fortescue Brickdale http://www.kyrn.org/shrine/about.html | |
60. Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Biography At about the same time he met elizabeth eleanor siddal, a milliner's assistant,who became a model for many of his paintings and sketches. http://www.scholars.nus.edu.sg/landow/victorian/authors/dgr/dgrseti13.html | |
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