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Strudwick John Melhuish: more detail |
81. CGFA- Nationality / Time Frame Index (British) top 1841 Moore, Albert Joseph top 1843 Hardy, Heywood top 1844 Swynnerton, AnnieLouise top 1845 Crane, Walter top 1849 strudwick, john melhuish top 1849 http://virtualart.admin.tomsk.ru/british.htm | |
82. CGFA- Alphabetical Index (S) top Story, George H. top Straet, Jan van der top Strigel, Bernhard top Strother,David Hunter top Strozzi, Bernardo top strudwick, john melhuish top Stuart http://btr0xw.rz.uni-bayreuth.de/cjackson/s.htm | |
83. E-bannerx.com Exchange And Directory: Arts And Humanities/Art History/Artists/S/ com). Links Artcyclopedia john melhuish strudwick Links to worksby the artist in art museum sites and image archives worldwide. http://www.e-bannerx.com/pages2/Arts_and_Humanities/Art_History/Artists/S/Strudw | |
84. The Artists Directory - Directories - FantasticArts - Www.FantasticArts.com Spencer, Stanley. SpencerStanhope, john Roddam. Stillman, Marie Spartali.strudwick, john melhuish. Stubbs, George. Stuck, Franz von. Swynnerton, Annie. http://www.fantasticarts.com/artistsdirectory/ | |
85. Electricbrain Home Index Arts Art History Artists S john Liston Byam Siddal, Elizabeth Eleanor Solomon, Simeon SpencerStanhope, johnRoddam Stillman, Marie Spartali strudwick, john melhuish Swynnerton, Annie http://www.electricbrain.com/index/Arts/Art_History/Artists/S/ |
86. Directory :: Look.com strudwick, john melhuish (2) See Also. Artcyclopedia john melhuish strudwick Linksto works by the artist in art museum sites and image archives worldwide. http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=221451 |
87. 4PopularPosters.com In The Golden Days Poster, By Strudwick, John Melhuish. It's secure and safe! * Pricing subject to change. In the Golden Days by strudwick,john melhuish 20 in. 31 in. Price* $27.00 More Info, Frame It, Add to cart. http://www.4popularposters.com/apdb/s1/p142465.html | |
88. Art-exchange, Where The World Finds Art. StrongStein, Tao, Strongwater, Andrea. Strouble, Drew, Strubel, Klaus. strudwick,john melhuish, Stumpf, Brenda C. Stupniski, Diana Cumberland-, Suarez, Olga. http://www.art-exchange.com/art-exchange/ArtResult.asp?ArtistLetter=S |
89. Strudwick, John john melhuish strudwick 1849 1937 john strudwick began his artisticcareer as a studio assistant to Edward Burne-Jones. Initially http://www.michaels.com/art/artprints/artistBio?artistid=6325 |
90. Victorian Art In Britain When Apples were Golden by john melhuish strudwick. Painted in 1906.Full Title When Apples were Golden and Songs were Sweet, But http://www.victorianartinbritain.co.uk/strudwick_apples.htm | |
91. Medieval Art Prints - LJB History Art Store Buy In the Golden Days at AllPosters.com In the Golden Days strudwick, john Melhuish20 in x 31 Buy this Art Print, Buy German Knights Plate 46 Greenredblue at http://ljbweb.com/history-art-prints/medieval.htm | |
92. JIG/Art-BonoBo - Grandes Pintores Do Mundo Translate this page Stanhope, Spencer Stanhope, Inglaterra, 1829 - 1908, strudwick, john Melhuishstrudwick, Inglaterra, 1849 - 1937, Stubbs, George Stubbs, Inglaterra, 1724- 1806, http://www.art-bonobo.com/grandespintores/cgi-bin/pintores.cgi?pais=UK |
93. Victorian Art In Britain john Mellhuish strudwick 1849 1937 john strudwick studied at theRoyal Academy Schools, where he was not a successful student. http://www.victorianartinbritain.co.uk/biog/strudwick.htm | |
94. Pre-Raphaelite Women: Brotherhood Gallery The Musician by Simeon Solomon (Alternate title Hosannah) john MelhuishStrudwick (Artmagick site)biography and 20 paintings. http://faculty.pittstate.edu/~knichols/lilith.html | |
95. Strudwick x, Bert Christensen's CyberSpace Gallery. JohnMelhuish strudwick. British, 18491935. http://bertc.com/subone/strudwick.htm | |
96. S Information Sites ARTSorgs.com. Search SPYorg.com (Not sure of spelling? Use firstletters and * such as abc* or abcd* or abcde*) Match.. All http://www.artsorgs.com/ArtHistory/Artists/S/ | |
97. ?· Jackson Pollock (1912-56) The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.ne.jp/asahi/art/dorian/L/Lists/English/J.htm | |
98. Arts/Art_History/Artists/S Search Welcome to artsentertainment-recreation.com, the comprehensivesearch portal dedicated to the arts. We have located some http://www.arts-entertainment-recreation.com/Arts/Art_History/Artists/S/ | |
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