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Swynnerton Annie: more detail |
81. Exposed The Victorian Nude Review But even more valuable because seldom seen are the works by lesserknown artistssuch as John Collier, Herbert Draper, annie swynnerton, and William Stott http://www.caareviews.org/reviews/exposed.html |
82. St. Mary's Church, Swynnerton - Section L Inscriptions L13, In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Edith annie Watkin. Also his dearwife Sarah annie Glover who died 17th March 1977 aged 75 years Reunited, http://www.btinternet.com/~st.marys/records/map/sec_l_ins.htm | |
83. St. Mary's Church, Swynnerton - Section K Inscriptions K20, In loving memory of George H Garland of swynnerton Grange who died March 24th K21,James beloved husband of annie Garland died January 2nd 1919 aged 42 years http://www.btinternet.com/~st.marys/records/map/sec_k_ins.htm | |
84. 1901 Fynney Census Ann, F, 72, 1829, Farmer, Staffs Norton Le Moors, 1356943, 32432587, swynnerton,Stone, STS, 2576, 121. annie, F, 8, 1893, Tunstall Staffs, 851649, 20623181, Tunstall,Wolstanton, http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~finney/census/1901-fynney.htm | |
85. Art Catalogue, B&H City Museums STROUDLEY, James; SUDDABY, Rowland; SULTAN, Donald; SUTHERLAND, Graham; SUTTON, R.Fran; SUTTON, Sara; SWANWICK, Joseph Harold; swynnerton, annie Louisa. Top of page.T. http://www.art.virtualmuseum.info/index_20th.html |
86. Guccia - Pafg08 - Generated By Personal Ancestral File Rollo Payne.Rollo married annie Lousia Thomas. annie Lousia Thomas Parents.anniemarried Rollo Payne. He married Alice de swynnerton. Notes. http://www.angelfire.com/empire/lampedusa_cour/pafg08.htm | |
87. CGFA- Alphabetical Index (S) Charles top Stuck, Franz von top Stubbs, George top Sully, Thomas top Suvée,Joseph BenoÏt top Sweerts, Michael top swynnerton, annie Louise top Symons http://sai.msu.su/cjackson/s.htm | |
88. Electricbrain Home Index Arts Art History Artists S Famous quotes Hain't we got all the fools in town on our side? And hain't thata big enough majority in any town? Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn . http://www.electricbrain.com/index/Arts/Art_History/Artists/S/Swynnerton,_Annie/ |
89. A Day In The Life Of A Common Googler Kathy was excited to read that the preRaphaelite painter annie Swynnertonwas just as good as the Only True Artist, Auguste William Bouguereau. http://www.meridianmagazine.com/myhomecomputer/020215google.html | |
90. S Information Sites ARTSorgs.com. Search SPYorg.com (Not sure of spelling? Use firstletters and * such as abc* or abcd* or abcde*) Match.. All http://www.artsorgs.com/ArtHistory/Artists/S/ | |
91. Arts Art History Artists S Polish Yellow Pages - Polska - Poland - Polen Multi szukanie mainSeek. http://www.yellowpages.pl/ca/217156/Arts/Art_History/Artists/S/ | |
92. Arts/Art_History/Artists/S Search Welcome to artsentertainment-recreation.com, the comprehensivesearch portal dedicated to the arts. We have located some http://www.arts-entertainment-recreation.com/Arts/Art_History/Artists/S/ | |
93. "ARTS: ART_HISTORY: ARTISTS: S" :: Info Services By Mainseek.com :: SUPER CENY WebDesign - od 39zl/miesiac (platne tylko przez 12 m-cy) Domena+ DNS + Serwer WWW + emaile + Projekt Strony = 89zl /mc wyslij e-mail. http://mainseek.com/ca/217156/Arts/Art_History/Artists/S/ | |
94. S, Alphabetized, Artists, Visual Arts, Performing Arts At World The Visual Artist subcategories lead you to specialized informationpertaining to visual artists. You can browse in alphabetical http://www.wwar.com/categories/Artists/Alphabetized/S/index87.html |
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