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81. Art History Advance Course Information-Winter 2001 natalie clifford barney, The One Who is Legion, or AD's AfterLife (London EricPartridge, 1930). selections. natalie clifford barney and her circle http://reg.ucsc.edu/soc/aci/winter2001/arth.html | |
82. En Travesti Translate this page autonomia. (Premessa). Si pensi solo al mitico salotto internazionaledi natalie clifford barney. Cfr Paris was a woman. Portrait http://orlando.women.it/info/circola/entravesti.html | |
83. Tawjihe-English Quotations natalie clifford barney. Youth is not a question of years one is young orold from birth. Fatalism is the lazy man's way of accepting the evitable. http://www.tawjihe.com/quotes/enguots/English Quoitations/B/Natalie Clifford Bar | |
84. Remy De Gourmont Vu Par Natalie Barney - Les Amateurs De Remy De Gourmont http://www.remydegourmont.org/vupar/rub1/barney.htm | |
85. January, 1989 HOW(ever) In this issue Elizabeth Lahey Meredith Stricker natalie clifford BarneyJane Underwood Elizabeth Robinson alerts postcards endnotes http://www.scc.rutgers.edu/however/print_archive/0189.html | |
86. Bibliographie Nationale Française Livres - Numéro 2/2002 - 92. Biographies, Gà Translate this page BN 02688056 notice au format Unimarc ISO-2709 02-04494 barney, natalieClifford Traits et portraits / natalie barney. - Paris Mercure http://bibliographienationale.bnf.fr/Livres/M2_02.H/cadre92-1.html | |
87. Alice Pike Barney Alice Pike barney (18571931), American Painter and Pastelist, Lucifer (natalie Cliffordbarney), c. 1892 Medusa (Laura Dreyfus barney), 1892. The Field, c. 1892. http://www.nhptv.org/kn/vs/artlabbarney.htm | |
88. Katalog - Wirtualna Polska Serwis Katalog w Wirtualna Polska S.A. pierwszy portal w Polsce. http://katalog.wp.pl/DMOZ/Arts/Literature/Authors/B/Barney%2C_Natalie_Clifford | |
89. Links To Literature: Author Index B Barnes, John Bova, Ben . Barnes, Julian 4 Bowen, Gail . barney, NatalieClifford Bowering, George . Barrett, B. Elizabeth 28 Bowles, Jane 4. http://www.linkstoliterature.com/authorsb.htm | |
90. NL 23 - Biographisches & Erlebnisberichte http://www.onb.ac.at/ariadne/02bier23.htm | |
91. Sagesses Des Nations, Recherche Dynamique De Citations Du Site Citations.ca Translate this page Sagesses des nations, recueil de quelques milliers de citations, dictons et proverbes. Recherche dynamique par auteurs, thèmes et pays http://citations.ca/ | |
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