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21. Bibliografía Cronológica De La Obra De J. L. Borges (Annick Louis & Florian Zi Estudio de Annick Louis y Florian Ziche que comprende textos escritos por el autor argentino los publicados en diarios y revistas, los volºmenes, textos traducidos por borges, textos escritos por ©l en colaboraci³n, pr³logos, volºmenes compilados por el autor, reimpresiones y reediciones de las obras, algunas encuestas y reportajes; la bibliografa no comprendemanuscritos y cartas, traducciones de la obra de borges y bibliografa crtica sobre su obra. http://www.hum.aau.dk/institut/rom/borges/louis/main.htm | |
22. Jorge Luis Borges & The Plural I By Eric Ormsby An essay by Eric Ormsby, about the nullification of personal identity in borges literature.Category Arts Literature Authors B borges, jorge luis......jorge luis borges the plural I by Eric Ormsby. It was ironic offate, though perhaps predictable, to allow jorge luis borges to http://www.newcriterion.com/archive/18/nov99/ormsby.htm | |
23. The Jorge Luis Borges Center For Studies & Documentation a los ocho meses de gestación, nace en Buenos Aires jorge luis borges en casa de Isidoro Acevedo, su abuelo paterno. http://www.hum.aau.dk/Institut/rom/borges/borges.htm | |
24. Home The jorge luis borges Collection is a very comprehensive archive of materials related to borges' life and works. In Spanish. http://www.fst.com.ar/ |
25. The Jorge Luis Borges Center For Studies & Documentation by jorge luis borges. By this art you may contemplate the variations of the 23 letters http://www.hum.aau.dk/Institut/rom/borges/english.htm | |
26. The Jorge Luis Borges Center For Studies & Documentation New Rules to Become a Member as Associate Researcher Please, click here.New Formule to Get Variaciones borges À la Carte Please, click here. http://www.hum.au.dk/Institut/rom/borges/borges.htm | |
27. Jorge Luis Borges - Poemas_1 Extensa selecci³n de sus poemas para leer en lnea. http://www.avantel.net/~eoropesa/poesia/jlborges1.html | |
28. Borges, Jorge Luis - Autor - Enciclopedia De La Ciencia Ficción Argentina http://www.techne.com.ar/axxon/ecf/e-borges.htm | |
29. Presidential Lectures: Beatriz Sarlo: Excerpts An article, by Beatriz Sarlo. Concludes, in short, that there is no writer in Argentine literature more Argentine than jorge luis borges. http://prelectur.stanford.edu/lecturers/sarlo/excerpts/borges.html | |
30. UVa Special Collections Library: Collections The jorge luis borges Collection. One of the more notable collectionsin the Special Collections Department at the University of http://www.lib.virginia.edu/speccol/collections/borges.html | |
31. Magazine Littéraire - Jorge Luis Borges Archives du Magazine Litt©raire, article de Robert Louit. http://www.magazine-litteraire.com/archives/ar_376.htm | |
32. Jorge Luis Borges http://luis.salas.net/indexjlb.htm | |
33. The Library Of Babel An image inspired by Borge's story, accompanied by the text of the story itself with its original Category Arts Literature Authors B borges, jorge luis......The Library of Babel by jorge luis borges By this art you may contemplate the variationsof the 23 letters The Anatomy of Melancholy, part 2, sect. II, mem. http://jubal.westnet.com/hyperdiscordia/library_of_babel.html | |
34. ¡Bienvenido A LibreríaHispana.com! Antologa que incluye a los autores Gabriel Garca M¡rquez, Julio Cort¡zar, jorge luis borges, Felisberto Hern¡ndez, Jos© Mart, Federico Garca Lorca, Juan Rulfo, C©sar Vallejo y Pablo Neruda. http://www.libreriahispana.com | |
35. Jorge Luis Borges Contiene aspectos biogr¡ficos, selecci³n de poemas, artculos y cuentos. http://usuarios.lycos.es/elpoeta/borges/ | |
36. BORGES - EL ALEPH Versi³n completa del cuento de jorge luis borges. http://usuarios.lycos.es/bibliotecario/relatos/ALEPH.htm | |
37. Elatroz Relato del autor argentino jorge luis borges. http://redescolar.ilce.edu.mx/redescolar/concursos/vadecuento/cuentos/elatroz.ht | |
38. Jorge Luis Borges - Obra Poética Translate this page Compilación de poemas del escritor argentino jorge luis borges, dandocuenta de los libros en los cuales fueron publicados. http://www.geocities.com/adonisestigarribia/ | |
39. Borges - Music: Astor Piazzolla Main Page Details the artist's influences by jorge luis borges. http://www.libyrinth.com/borges/borges_music_piazzolla.html | |
40. Ivan Almeida: Jorge Luis Borges, Autor Del Poema "Instantes" An¡lisis sobre la pol©mica atribuci³n del poema al autor argentino por Iv¡n Almeida. http://www.hum.au.dk/romansk/borges/bsol/iainst.htm | |
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