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61. Amarillo Globe-News: History Makers: Jo Stewart Randel 05/19/00 jo Stewart Randel invests her time in the past to preserve the Panhandle heritagefor the writing of A Time to Purpose, a fourvolume history of carson County http://www.amarillonet.com/stories/051900/his_randel.html | |
62. Biography - C She has recorded the Sonata for Trumpet with Thomas Stevens. carson, Violet.English actress and pianist. Connealy, Mary jo. American administrator. http://www.maxopus.com/people/biog_c.htm | |
63. SWT Faculty And Staff Directory - C CC43@swt.edu, Student Center, (512) 2453872. carson, jo Ann, AssistantProfessor, 134E Psychology. JC28@swt.edu, Philosophy, (512) 245-3143. http://www1.swt.edu/catsweb/pe/PEWBBDDIR_C.HTM | |
64. TEX WILLER 1974 ja yhdessä ne aiheuttavat monta vaaratilannetta kaveruksille jo matkalla intiaanienja Moriscon luo. Tex, Kit, Tiger ja carson sekä lääkintäkapteeni http://www.bellingham.fi/tex/tarinat/willer74.htm | |
65. TEX WILLER 1971 Tex ja carson esiintyvät suuren löydön tehneinä kullanetsijöinä Kitin varmistaessaselustan. jo ensimmäisenä päivänä kumppanukset joutuvat moneen http://www.bellingham.fi/tex/tarinat/willer71.htm | |
66. Jesse Stuart Foundation Book(s) by jo carson We found 1 books by jo carson . 1. THE LAST OFTHE WALTZ ACROSS TEXAS by jo carson Availability Usually ships http://www.jsfbooks.com/BooksByAuthor.asp?AuthorID=177 |
67. Authors won prestigious awards. jo carson was born in johnson City, Tennessee,and has lived there most of her life. Rebecca Caudill is http://www.appalachianbooks.com/Authors.htm | |
68. Artistic Team It Starts With Story. About the Creative Team jo carson, Playwright.jo carson is a writer and performer from johnson City, Tennessee. http://www.comperf.com/serv01.htm | |
69. Naropa University - Summer Writing Program 2000 - Week Four Award for an HBO Special Presentation. back to top. Writing forPerformance with jo carson. The demands of language and thinking http://www.naropa.edu/swp/week4.html | |
70. SAA Bulletin 17(1): Hugh Carson Cutler Hugh carson Cutler, son of Manuel and Mary Cutler, was born September 8 of the undergraduatestudents involved in Haury's 1953 season was Patty jo Watson, who http://www.saa.org/publications/saabulletin/17-1/SAA23.html | |
71. ACCELERATED READER BY TITLE - U THROUGH Z Title Author Reading Yellow House Mystery, The, Warner, Gertrude C, 2.0, 2.0. You Hold Me and I'll HoldYou, carson, jo, 3.5, 0.5. Young Cam Jansen Lost Tooth, Adler, David A. 2.0,0.5. http://www.henrico.k12.va.us/es/fairoaks/titlutoz.htm | |
72. Mary Jo Gordon, B: - Wife Mary jo Gordon Born Died - Father William Gordon Mother Lucretia Mae WifeMartha carson Born 1791 - , , Georgia Died 1873 - , Pike, Georgia Father http://rbennett.bravepages.com/gene/gp435.html | |
73. Carson County Square House Museum, Carson County Texas - History The carson County Square House Museum was founded in Panhandle, Texas, in1965. We're a people museum, says the Museum's founder, jo Randel. http://www.squarehousemuseum.org/History.htm | |
74. I325: Carson Brig FUGAL (____ - ____) _Jeniel JUDD + carson Brig FUGAL _ _Debbi carson _ _ Kallie jo RITTER. http://fugal.net/andreas/ged2html/d0000/g0000027.html | |
75. 2001 Congressional Campaign Fundraising, TOP 50 HOUSE OPEN SEAT CAMPAIGNS BY DIS 22*, PACHECO, MARC R, MA, 9, DEM, O, $272,654. 23*, carson, jo ELLEN, AR, 3, DEM,O, $257,641. 24*, CONKLIN, H SCOTT, PA, 9, DEM, O, $256,087. 25, HERRERA, DARIO,NV, 3, DEM, O, $245,486. http://www.fec.gov/press/20020312canstat/t50ho_disb.html | |
76. Jo Clayton's History In the '30s, Bessie eloped to carson City, and jo was Born in Modesto, California,February 15, 1939 in a hospital they tore down soon afterward. http://www.dm.net/~mjkramer/johist.html | |
77. The Alsop Review made at a memorial for carson at the home of Frances and Ed Mayes. A few birthdaysago, I wrote a song, Youre No One If You Dont Know jo, which my http://www.alsopreview.com/foley/jfcarson2.html | |
78. Movies Unlimited: Product Page Category Concerts Cast johnny carson, Tommy Dorsey, Harry James, Gene Krupa, BuddyRich Gene Krupa, Cozy Cole, Max Roach, Philly jo jones, Buddy Rich and http://www.moviesunlimited.com/musite/product.asp?sku=508055 |
79. College Of Fine Arts Faculty Listing Barbara jo Revelle grew up in the woods in upstate New York Kit carson is representedin the mural but so is Juan carson, Kit's Native American captured servant http://www.arts.ufl.edu/faculty/faculty/revelle.html | |
80. My Family Robert carson HAMLETT III (Private). Parents Robert carson HAMLETT Jr. KarenSue HARGIS (Private). Parents Jack Elvis HARGIS and jo Ann ROBERTSON. http://www.humber-genealogy.com/d23.html | |
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