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1. Constantine P. Cavafy This website on the Greek poet includes a brief biography and an extensive selection of poems translated into English in online text form, with the original Greek versions as well. (Note You'll need an appropriate Greek alphabet font installed on your computer to properly view the Greek texts.) http://users.hol.gr/~barbanis/cavafy/ | |
2. Ars Gratia Artis From The Writings Of C. P. Cavafy A brief excerpt of prose by cavafy on the condition of being a poet. http://www.crocker.com/~lwm/cavafy.html | |
3. Cavafy, C.P.; Savidis, G., Ed.; Keeley, E. And Sherrard, P., Trans.: C.P. Cavafy (Revised ed.) by cavafy, CP; Savidis, G., ed.; Keeley, E. and Sherrard, P., trans.,published by Princeton University Press. CP cavafy Collected Poems. http://pup.princeton.edu/titles/5107.html | |
4. Ithaka - C.P. Cavafy C.P. cavafy. (18631933) http://ithaca.rice.edu/kz/Misc/Ithaka.html | |
5. C.P. Cavafy: From Ithaca To Tarpon Springs C.P. cavafy FROM ITHACA TO TARPON SPRINGS C.P. cavafy is considered to be Greece's greatest modern poet. He lived and wrote at the turn of the century (18631933), in Alexandria, Egypt, and his works continue to inspire and enlighten readers http://www.jou.ufl.edu/people/faculty/jbabanikos/tarpon.html | |
6. Katalog - Wirtualna Polska Poczta Czat SMS Pomoc Szukaj.wp.pl Katalog -Polskie www -wiatowe www -Wirtualna Polska -Katalog wiatowy -FTP/Pliki -Grupy dyskusyjne R E K L A M A R E K L A M A wp.pl Katalog Katalog wiatowy Arts Literature Authors C http://katalog.wp.pl/DMOZ/Arts/Literature/Authors/C/Cavafy%2C_C._P. | |
7. Princeton University Press Books In Poetry cavafy, CP; Savidis, G., ed.; Keeley, E. and Sherrard, P., trans. CP cavafyCollected Poems. (Revised ed.). Chiao, M.; Hinton, D., trans. http://pup.princeton.edu/catalogs/subjects/poea.html | |
8. Collected Poems (Revised); Author: Cavafy, C. P.; Author: Cavafy, Constantine; P Collected Poems (Revised) Author cavafy, CP; Author cavafy, Constantine RevisedEdition; Princeton Modern Greek Studies (Paperback); Paperback Published http://www.opengroup.com/pxbooks/069/0691015376.shtml | |
9. Kostas Hrisos [Au] Greek And International Poetry And Art Poetry in Greek and English. Original and submitted poetry. Includes collections by the famous Greek poets Seferis, Elytis, cavafy and others. http://www.btinternet.com/~kostas.hrisos |
10. Complete Poems Of Cavafy [I.E. K. P. Kabaphes] (Expanded); Author: Cavafy, C. P. Complete Poems Of cavafy IE KP Kabaphes (Expanded)Author cavafy, CP; Author cavafy, Constantine. http://www.opengroup.com/pxbooks/015/0156198207.shtml | |
11. Billie Dee's Poetry Anthology: Constantine Cavafy Site includes poems, photo, brief biography, and links. http://www.geocities.com/billiedee2000/anth-cavafy.html | |
12. The Complete Poems Of Cavafy -- C. P. Cavafy Rae Dalven W. H. Auden by CP cavafy,. Translated by Rae Dalven,. Introduction by WH Auden. Harcourt.Due/Published October 1976, 311 pages, paper. ISBN 0156198207. http://www.semcoop.com/detail/0156198207 | |
13. C. P. Cavafy - The Academy Of American Poets The Academy of American Poets presents a biography and links. http://www.poets.org/poets/cpcav | |
14. C. P. Cavafy -- Collected Poems -- C. P. Cavafy George Savidis Edmund Keeley Phi CP cavafy. Collected Poems. Price $17.95. Coop Discount 10%. by CP cavafy,.Edited by George Savidis,. Translated by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard. http://www.semcoop.com/detail/0691015376 | |
15. C. P. Cavafy - The Academy Of American Poets CP cavafy The Academy of American Poets presents biographies, photographs, selectedpoems, and links as part of its online poetry exhibits. CP cavafy. http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=338 |
16. Michael Hamburger - The Academy Of American Poets CP cavafy An audio introduction to the poetry, for general readers, byHuck Gutman, Professor of English at the University of Vermont. http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=356 |
17. Thermopylae - C.P. Cavafy CP cavafy. (18631933). Thermopylae. Translated by Edmund Keeley Philip Sherrard.Other poems of cavafy Ithaka. Che fece il gran rifiuto. Thermopylae. Exiles. http://ithaca.rice.edu/kz/Misc/Thermopylae.html | |
18. GREEK POETRY RESOURCES P. cavafy More cavafy's Poems A selection of poems by cavafy Poetry of Constantinecavafy Untitled In English cavafy cavafy, CP CP cavafy Collected Poems. http://www.webexpert.net/vasilios/gpoetry.htm | |
19. Plagiarist.com Poetry » Archive » C.P. Cavafy » "Waiting For The Barbarians" and Write CommentsComments Help with site features.Help Browse Authors.Browse AuthorsBrowse Titles.Browse Titles More poems by CP cavafy.CP cavafy (65 poems http://www.plagiarist.com/poetry/?wid=2271 |
20. Plagiarist.com Poetry » Archive » C.P. Cavafy Q R S T U V W X Y Z Poems by CP cavafy » According To The FormulasOf Ancient Grecosyrian Magi » Addition » Aemilianus Monae http://plagiarist.com/poetry/?aid=80 |
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