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61. El Square / Días Enteros En Las Ramas. Marguerite Duras. Editorial Seix-Barral, Translate this page El Square / Días enteros en las ramas. duras, marguerite. Colección Bibliotecade Bolsillo Genero Novela 240 págs. PVP 2,70 euros ISBN 84-322-3052-9, http://www.seix-barral.es/fichalibro.asp?libro=59 |
62. Duras, Marguerite duras, marguerite (19141996). French novelist, representative memory.marguerite duras was born in Gia Dinh, Vietnam. She spent http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/D/durasmarguerit | |
63. Marguerite Duras, 1914-1996 / Annotations De Patrick Coppens Avec La Collaborati Translate this page marguerite duras, 1914-1996. Les lieux de marguerite duras / margueriteduras, Michelle Porte . Paris Editions de Minuit, 1977. http://www.sdm.qc.ca/txtdoc/tbhduras.html | |
64. La Espia Del Sur duras, marguerite, Los ojos azules pelo negro , Tusquets, BCN, 1987, Narrativa, Homo. http://www.geocities.com/laespia/duras.htm | |
65. Deux Ou Trois Chose Bookstore Hard to find books for marguerite duras. Hiroshima Mon Amour ~ Usually shipsin 24 hours marguerite duras, et al / Paperback / Published 1987. http://www.geocities.com/Paris/LeftBank/2800/bookduras.html | |
66. Duras, Marguerite Asterisks indicate multimedia. Comments/Inquiries ©New York University 19932003.duras, marguerite. Sex, Female. National Origin, France. Era, Mid 20th Century. http://endeavor.med.nyu.edu/lit-med/lit-med-db/webdocs/webauthors/duras221-au-.h | |
67. Cahier De Littérature Française/Duras, Marguerite: "L'Amant" Translate this page Auteur marguerite duras. Titre L'amant. Editeur ( ). marguerite duras,L'Amant. Télécharger le fichier au format Word RTF (lisible sur PC et Mac). http://mneia.org/biling/clf/fiches/duras/duras.htm | |
68. Cahiers De Littérature Française/Duras, Marguerite: "L'amant" http://mneia.org/biling/clf/fiches/duras/clf_dur.htm |
69. The War: A Memoir, By Duras, Marguerite alienson-earth, Title The War A Memoir. Author duras, marguerite. http://www.aliensonearth.com/catalog/detail/0125/0125J791593.html | |
70. French Literature 20 MC: D-E-F Hiroshima mon amour $9.95 Author duras, marguerite Published by Folio ISBN 2070360091Section Literature 20 Century MC. Les petits chevaux Tarquinia $9.95 http://www.europeanbook.com/liter202C.html | |
71. Alphamusic - The Lover Translate this page Donnerstag, den 06. Februar 2003. duras, marguerite The Lover Buch PantheonBooks VÖ-Datum 9/1998 Bestell-Nr. 0-375-70052-8 10.94 EUR. 117. http://www.alphamusikshop.de/528/0375700528.html | |
72. Duras, Marguerite duras, marguerite 1914, French author, b. Saigon, Indochina (now Ho ChiMinh City, Vietnam). Often ranked duras, marguerite. 1914-, French http://www.slider.com/enc/16000/Duras_Marguerite.htm | |
73. Brief Record Hitlist - TLCPL Catalog Your search for Author duras,marguerite occurs 37 times in tiger. French duras, marguerite. Un Barrage contre le Pacifique / marguerite duras. http://www.toledolibrary.org/scripts/titlelink3.exe?a1=duras,marguerite |
74. DINO - Kultur - Literatur - Autoren Und Autorinnen - D - Duras, Marguerite Autoren und Autorinnen D duras, marguerite duras, marguerite, http://www.dino-online.de/dino_page_36a20fad8b34896bbc470030b19c2551.html | |
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77. Marguerite Duras -- Marguerite Duras marguerite duras. Price $9.95. Coop Discount 10%. by marguerite duras. SubterraneanCo. Due/Published November 1990, 208 pages, paper. ISBN 0872861996. http://www.semcoop.com/detail/0872861996 | |
78. Duras, Marguerite (1914-1996) duras, marguerite (19141996). lokal begrenset tilgang * usikker/gammel. Dialogue/ marguerite duras dialogus NY diskusjonsforum. ANDRE OPPSLAG. http://www.hum.uit.no/alm/littvit/forfatter/Duras Margueri |
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80. Titel/Författarsökning Författare, duras, marguerite. Titel, Det är allt ; översättning och efterordKennet Klemets. Författare, duras, marguerite. Titel, Älskaren från norra kina. http://katalog.morbylanga.se/sv/opac/sok_titelforf.asp?TextForf=Duras, Marguerit |
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