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Home - Authors - Herbert Zbigniew |
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81. Zbigniew Herbert "The Envoy Of Mr Cogito" The Envoy of Mr Cogito by zbigniew herbert Go where those others went tothe dark boundary for the golden fleece of nothingness your last prize. http://www-thphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/users/WitoldMaciejewski/envoy.html | |
82. Zbigniew Herbert Translate this page zbigniew herbert. Brevier. Herr. an deinen unerforschlichen gestaden. (zbigniewherbert wurde 1924 in Lemberg geboren und starb 1998 in Warschau. http://members.chello.at/nikolaus.werle/HerbertBrevier.htm | |
83. ACCENT Translate this page Hemingway, Ernest. herbert, zbigniew. Hernàndez i Dolç, Agustí. Hernández,Pau Joan. assassins, Els. herbert, zbigniew. A Ryszard Krynicki. Carta. http://www.sapiens.ya.com/rtoldram/Catala/Autors/CAindexH.htm | |
84. Zbigniew Herbert | Arion arion ZBIGNIE W herbert It is he Arion the Hellenic Caruso concertmasterof the world of antiquity priceless like a necklace or better like a http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/xconnect/v6/i3/g/herbert1.html | |
85. Zbigniew Herbert | Story About King Midas story about king midas ZBIGNIE W herbert At last the golden stags soundly sleepin the meadows and also the mountain goats head on shoulder the bison the http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/xconnect/v6/i3/g/herbert2.html | |
86. Peter Dale Scott: Poetry Translation The following pointers to poems by zbigniew herbert have Peter Dale Scott listedas their translator or cotranslator Preliminary Investigation of an Angel . http://ist-socrates.berkeley.edu/~pdscott/t1.html | |
87. Zbigniew Herbert Poetry page, zbigniew herbert, The Envoy of Mr Cogito, From the Top of the Stairs,The Monster of Mr Cogito, Mr Cogito on the Need for Precision, Report from http://www.aajkaynaam.org/site/poetry/zherbert.htm | |
88. "Jonasz" Zbigniew Herbert Jonasz zbigniew herbert. I nagotowal Pan rybe wielka zeby polknelaJonasza. Jonasz syn Ammitaja uciekajac od niebezpiecznej http://archidiecezja.lodz.pl/da5/poezja/jonasz.html | |
89. Arts/Literature/Authors/H/Herbert,_Zbigniew Our search portal also gives you the option to conduct a query using our intelligentsearch feature. / Arts / Literature / Authors / H / herbert, zbigniew. http://www.arts-entertainment-recreation.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/H/Herbert,_ | |
90. Katalog - Wirtualna Polska Serwis Katalog w Wirtualna Polska S.A. pierwszy portal w Polsce. http://katalog.wp.pl/DMOZ/Arts/Literature/Authors/H/Herbert%2C_Zbigniew | |
91. A.B.E. Marketing >> KSI¡¯KI >> SZUKAJ >> AUTOR :: "herbert" saur Jestesmy wylacznym przedstawicielem wydawnictwa KG.SAUR wiecej . KSIAZKI SZUKAJ AUTOR herbert . wszedzie w wynikach wyszukiwania. http://www.abe.com.pl/html/polish/search.php?autname=herbert |
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