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41. Balboa Park, Administration Bldg Describes the building constructed for the 1915 PanamaCalifornia Exposition in Balboa Park, along with the involvements of architects Bertram Goodhue, irving Gill, and john Charles Olmsted. http://www.sandiegohistory.org/bpbuildings/admin.htm | |
42. Guardian Unlimited Books | Authors | Irving, John john irving (1942). If memoir. Criticism Josie P Connell's john irvingprovides an accessible analysis of each novel. On this site. http://books.guardian.co.uk/authors/author/0,5917,-91,00.html | |
43. LESELUST: John Irving - Owen Meany Rezension von Daniela Ecker. http://www.die-leselust.de/buch/irvin001.htm | |
44. Guardian Unlimited Books | Links | Irving, John Go to Guardian Unlimited home. http://books.guardian.co.uk/links/sites_on_writers/f-k/links/0,6135,97429,00.htm | |
45. Irving, John encyclopediaEncyclopedia irving, john. irving, john, 1942, Americanwriter, b. Exeter, NH His mixture of wild plot strategies http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0825528 | |
46. John R. Good Elementary School PK5th Grade. irving ISD. http://www.irving.isd.tenet.edu/good | |
47. Irving, John peopleBiographyPeopleI irving, john (Winslow) writer Birthplace Exeter, NHBorn 3/2/42 Previous irving, Amy, Top of section I, Next irving, Washington. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0157229.html | |
48. John Irving: A Novelist Builds Out From Fact To Reach The Truth By Mel Gussow. New York Times A discussion of A Widow for One Year and how it relates to the author's own life. Registration required http://www.nytimes.com/library/books/042898irving-novel.html | |
49. Irving, John. A Widow For One Year. How to subscribe to Booklist Magazine irving, john. A Widow for OneYear. May 1998. 576p. Random, $27.95 (0375-50137-1). irving http://www.ala.org/booklist/v94/adult/ap1/02irving.html | |
50. Gottes Werk Und Teufels Beitrag - Rezension Bei Lesewelt.de Rezension in lesewelt.de. http://www.literaturnews.de/rubriken/belle/romane/0400gotteswerk.html | |
51. Kirjavinkit - Melankolia.net Kirjat. irving, john Garpin maailma. irving hämmästyttää jälleen 40luvullaei ollut helppoa olla yksinhuoltajaäiti. irving, john Kaikki isäni hotellit. http://www.melankolia.net/kirjavinkit/listaa.php?author_id=8 |
52. John Irving And Me, Notre Dame Magazine, Summer 2000 By Jerry Janicki. Notre Dame Magazine An essay about the life of a writer. http://www.nd.edu/~ndmag/janisu00.htm | |
53. ::Casa Del Libro:: irving, john, Exeter, (1942- ). http://www.casadellibro.com/fichas/fichaautores/0,1463,IRVING32JOHN,00.html | |
54. Witwe Für Ein Jahr (John Irving) - Rezension Bei Lesewelt.de Rezension in lesewelt.de. http://www.literaturnews.de/rubriken/belle/romane/0899witwe.html | |
55. John Irving john irving, john Winslow irving är född 1942 vid sidan om. johnirving visste tidigt att han ville skriva romaner. Han ser sig http://www.wwd.se/forfattare/irving.htm | |
56. "Plot As Repetition: John Irving's Narrative Experiments." By Debra Shostak. A paper about sorrow and plot in irving's novels. http://www.eiu.edu/~multilit/english2205-fall99/garp/criticalread.htm | |
57. LESELUST: John Irving - Gottes Werk Und Teufels Beitrag Rezension von Daniela Ecker. http://www.die-leselust.de/buch/irving_john_gotteswerk.htm | |
58. Keep Passing Open Windows; A Web Site Devoted To The Works Of John Irving / 1997 Site by fan Barb TroyerTurvey devote to irving and his works.Category Arts Literature Authors I irving, john...... Keep Passing Open Windows. A Web Site devoted to the works of john irving. .This is not an official or unofficial john irving site. http://www.corpus-delicti.com/barb/keeppassing.html | |
59. LESELUST: John Irving - Witwe Für Ein Jahr Rezension von Daniela Ecker. http://www.die-leselust.de/buch/irvin003.htm | |
60. The New York Times: Book Review Search Article By Richard Bernstein. New York Times irving discusses the release of A Prayer for Owen Meany. Registration required http://www.nytimes.com/books/97/06/15/lifetimes/18325.html | |
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