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61. LESELUST: John Irving - Garp Rezension von Daniela Ecker. http://www.die-leselust.de/buch/irving_john_garp.htm | |
62. Irving, John Translate this page Roman Rencontre avec john irving à l'occasion de la sortie de « La quatrièmemain ». irving, john. john Foley. De la perte et autres obsessions. ENTRETIEN. http://dossiers.lesoir.be/nosrencontres/TousLesArticles/A_0266C2.asp | |
63. The New York Times: Book Review Search Article By john irving. New York Times The author discusses the pornography victims' compensation bill and censorship. Registration required http://www.nytimes.com/books/97/06/15/lifetimes/25665.html | |
64. Irving, John encyclopediaEncyclopedia irving, john. irving, john, 1942, Americanwriter, b. Exeter, NH His mixture of wild plot strategies http://www.factmonster.com/cgi-bin/id/A0825528 | |
65. LESELUST: John Irving - Die Wilde Geschichte Vom Wassertrinker. *** Rezensionen Das Leben des Fred Bogus Trumper von USA nach Wien nach Zell am See und weiter nach Idaho - vorgestellt in der Leselust von Daniela Ecker. Mit Leseprobe. http://www.die-leselust.de/buch/irving_john_wassertrinker.htm | |
66. Irving, John. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. irving, john. 1942,American writer, b. Exeter, NH His mixture of wild plot strategies http://www.bartleby.com/65/ir/Irving-J.html | |
67. The New York Times: Book Review Search Article By john irving. New York Times The author responds to letters to the editor about his Pornography and the New Puritans essay. Registration required http://www.nytimes.com/books/97/06/15/lifetimes/26086.html | |
68. Irving, John. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language: Fourth irving, john. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language FourthEdition. 2000. 2000. irving, john. DATES Born 1942. American writer. http://www.bartleby.com/61/32/I0243250.html | |
69. LESELUST: John Irving - Lasst Die Bären Los *** Rezensionen - Bücher - Lesen * Der erste Roman des amerikanischen Autors vorgestellt in der Leselust von Daniela Ecker. Mit Leseprobe. http://www.die-leselust.de/buch/irving_john_baeren.htm | |
70. Author John Irving Speaks Out On Act 60. A letter from john irving about Act 60 in Vermont and its negative impact on education and the state's children. http://www.act60.org/irving.htm | |
71. Irving, John Comments/Inquiries ©New York University 19932003. irving, john. Sex, Male.National Origin, United States of America. Era, Late 20th Century. Born, 1942. http://endeavor.med.nyu.edu/lit-med/lit-med-db/webdocs/webauthors/irving138-au-. | |
72. LESELUST: John Irving - Eine Mittelgewichtsehe *** Rezensionen - Bücher - Lesen Zwei Paare versuchen den Partnertausch vorgestellt in der Leselust von Daniela Ecker. Mit Leseprobe. http://www.die-leselust.de/buch/irving_john_mittelgewichtsehe.htm | |
73. In Defense Of Sentimentality By john irving. New York Times The author discusses the importance of sentimentality in writing. Registration required http://www.nytimes.com/books/97/06/15/lifetimes/irving-sentimentality.html | |
74. Irving, John R.P. - Bright Sparcs Biographical Entry irving, john RP Bright Sparcs Biographical entry, Bright Sparcs is a biographical,bibliographical and archival database of Australian scientists with links http://www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/bsparcs/biogs/P002946b.htm | |
75. LESELUST: John Irving - Hotel New Hampshire *** Rezensionen - Bücher - Lesen ** john Irvings bester Roman Eine Familie, das heit inzestu¶ses Verlangen, Hotels, B¤ren, Tote, Vergewaltigung, Terroristen und vor allem Zusammenhalt und Liebe. Vorgestellt in der Leselust von Daniela Ecker. Mit Leseprobe. http://www.die-leselust.de/buch/irving_john_hotel.htm | |
76. Review By john irving. New York Times The author reviews Tar Baby by Toni Morrison. Registration required http://www.nytimes.com/books/97/06/15/lifetimes/irving-tar.html | |
77. IRVING, JOHN Tilbage Til forsiden irving, john. john Winslow irving født den 2.marts 1942 i New England, USA 01 Verden ifølge Garp ( The http://www.bibliografi.dk/irving_john.htm | |
78. LESELUST: John Irving - Biographie Und Bibliographie Eine ausf¼hrliche Biographie ¼ber john irving mit Vorstellung all seiner B¼cher. Von Daniela Ecker in der Leselust. http://www.die-leselust.de/autoren/irving_john.htm | |
79. Irving, John john irving, 1 Nomination. Screenplay The Cider House Rules 1999. http://www.thegoldenglobes.com/nominee/irving_john.html | |
80. Review By john irving. New York Times The author reviews The Good Son by Craig Nova. Registration required http://www.nytimes.com/books/97/06/15/lifetimes/irving-good.html | |
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