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21. Erica Jong Fan List These are the users who have erica jong listed as one of their favourites (63 membershave erica jong listed, and the 150 most recently updated profiles of http://members.diaryland.com/edit/authors.phtml?author=Erica Jong |
22. FFE ADVISORY BOARD: Erica Jong Erica Jong. Author. http//www.ericajong.com/. http://www.ffeusa.org/board/jong.html | |
23. R Buchbesprechung Belletristik erica jong erlangte mit Angst vorm Fliegen als Schriftstellerin Weltruhm. Ihr neuer Roman erz¤hlt die Geschichte einer j¼dischen Familie in Amerika. http://www.ksk-clausthal-zellerfeld.de/fre/bbe/anged50.html | |
24. Bompiani - Erica Jong Video intervista all'autrice di Paura di volare, bibliografia, notizie e recensioni dei suoi libri. http://www.rcs.it/rcslibri/bompiani/_minisiti/jong/benven.htm | |
25. Novecento: Erica Jong Luciano Simonelli offre in lettura l'intervista alla scrittrice americana, che nei suoi libri ha denunciato la condizione della donna. http://www.simonel.com/diario1/pag9.html | |
26. Erica Jong: Der Teufel In Person Bernd Heimberger rezensiert erica jong Der Teufel in Person. http://www.luise-berlin.de/Lesezei/Blz99_07/text54.htm | |
27. Erica Jong Web Site: Her Works, Books, Poetry, And Life erica jong Website. The author of Fear of Flying, Fear of Fifty, othernovels, nonfiction, and poetry. About erica jong. Also see http://www.ericajong.com/abouterica.htm | |
28. Erica Jong Web Site: Her Works, Books, Poetry, And Life Information about her works and life. Writer's forum, criticism, contact information. http://www.ericajong.com/ | |
29. Creative Quotations From Erica Jong (1942-____) Quotes from erica jong to inspire your creative thinking http://creativequotations.com/one/284.htm | |
30. ::Casa Del Libro:: jong, erica, Libros del autor 17 librosencontrados, 1. ISADORA EMPRENDE EL VUELO Editorial EDICIONES GRIJALBO SA , 1997, http://www.casadellibro.com/fichas/fichaautores/0,1463,JONG32ERICA,00.html | |
31. JONG, ERICA Tilbage Til forsiden jong, erica. erica Mann jong er født den 26. marts1942 i New York City, USA. 01 Luft under vingerne (Fear http://www.bibliografi.dk/jong_erica.htm | |
32. Jong, Erica (Mann) encyclopediaEncyclopedia jong, erica (Mann), jông, zhông Pronunciation Key.jong, erica (Mann) , 1942, American novelist and poet b. New York City. http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0826580.html | |
33. Tips For Writers From Erica Jong Weekly bits of advice. http://www.ericajong.com/tipswriters.htm | |
34. Jong, Erica peopleBiographyPeopleJ jong, erica writer Birthplace New York City Born3/26/42 Previous Jones, Tommy Lee, Top of section J, Next Jonson, Ben. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0157303.html | |
35. Remembering Anne Sexton Article originally published Oct. 27, 1974 in the New York Times. jong reminisces about Sexton's life and career. Site requires free registration. http://www.nytimes.com/books/97/07/20/reviews/jong-sexton.html | |
36. Quotez - Jong, Erica Author Index jong, erica. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/6517/501.htm | |
37. The New York Times: Book Review Search Article erica jong's review Outrageous, inevitable, infinitely rereadable, 'Lolita' at 30 is as young as she was as a glimmer in her author's eye. http://www.nytimes.com/books/97/07/20/reviews/16009.html | |
38. Jong, Erica (Mann). The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. jong, erica (Mann). (jông,zhông) (KEY) , 1942, American novelist and poet b. New York City. http://www.bartleby.com/65/jo/Jong-Eri.html | |
39. 31481. Jong, Erica. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996 ATTRIBUTION erica jong (b. 1942), US author. A Day in the Life ,How To Save Your Own Life (1977). BIOGRAPHY Columbia Encyclopedia. http://www.bartleby.com/66/81/31481.html | |
40. Erica Jong @ Catharton Authors erica Mann jong. ? Bored? Meet people at Café Catharton Suggest or Request aroom. Can't find what you want here? Try searching Google for erica jong http://www.catharton.com/authors/568.htm | |
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