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         Kafka Franz:     more books (100)
  1. Parabolas y paradojas / Parables and Paradoxes (Clasicos De Siempre) (Spanish Edition) by Franz Kafka, 2004-09-30
  2. The Works of Franz Kafka (with active table of contents) by Franz Kafka, 2009-08-15
  3. La metamorfosis (Clasicos) (Spanish Edition) by Franz Kafka, 2010-03-01
  4. Kafka (A Brief Insight) by Ritchie Robertson, 2010-05-04
  5. Burnt Books: Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav and Franz Kafka (Jewish Encounters) by Rodger Kamenetz, 2010-10-19
  6. The Best Known Works of Kafka by Franz Kafka, 2009-08-15
  7. El castillo (Letras Universales) (Spanish Edition) by Franz Kafka, 1998-01-01
  8. The Metamorphosis, A Hunger Artist, In the Penal Colony, and Other Stories by Franz Kafka, Translated by Ian Johnston, 2009-09-15
  9. The Z?rau Aphorisms of Franz Kafka by Franz Kafka, 2009-07-14
  10. Franz Kafka: The Office Writings by Franz Kafka, 2008-09-29
  11. Kafka: Selected Stories by Franz Kafka, 2008-07-30
  12. The Metamorphosis, In The Penal Colony, and Other Stories by Franz Kafka, 2000-05-22
  13. Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, 2009-03-31
  14. Letter to my Father by Franz Kafka, 2008-07-04

41. Kafka, Franz
Translate this page franz kafka. Geboren 3.7.1883 in Prag, gestorben 3.6.1924 in Kierlingbei Wien. Sohn eines wohlhabenden jüdischen Kaufmanns. 1901

Kino Musik Bestseller ... Gutenberg-DE
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Franz Kafka
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42. Faur, Christian
Surreal art of LA artist. Enigmatic, surreal art inspired by franz kafka, Nelly Sachs, Paul Celan and others.

43. Franz Kafka Resources Biography-Pictures Photo Album
Site also includes drawings, manuscripts and biographical information.Category Arts Literature Authors K kafka, franz......franz kafka pictures,parents,relative,friends,drawings,manuscript books kafka andKabbalah and more .. In Memory of a good man franz kafka. Pictures Photo Album.
Pictures Photo Album In Memory of a good man Franz Kafka
Daniel Hornek site
click on image for full size Kafka
It's often better to be in chains
than to be free.- The Trial
Kafka and Judaism

Kafka and Kabbalah

Franz Kafka Letter to his Father

Franz Kafka Biography
Sign Guest Book

"Only our concept of time makes it possible for us to speak
of the Day of Judgment by that: in reality it is a summary court in perpetual session"
Franz Kafka "And yet Kafka was Prague and Prague was Kafka. Never had it been Prague so perfectly, so typically, as during Kafka's lifetime, and never would it be so again. And we, his friends, 'the happy few'...we knew that the smallest elements of this Prague were distilled everywhere in Kafka's work." Johannes Urzidil -The World of Franz Kafka. Franz Kafka born July 3 in Prague -Alstandt, the first child of the merchant Hermann Kafka (1852-1931)

44. Franz Kafka,Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto,Kabbalah
franz kafka, the Ramchal, and Jewish mysticism.
Franz Kafka,Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto,Kabbalah
Daniel Hornek Site This site is dedicated in memory of Franz Kafka "I have powerfully assumed the negativity of my times'' Franz Kafka Pictures Photo Album ! Franz Kafka and Jewish mysticism- Kabbalah Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto Kabbalah ...

45. Franz Kafka Biography
To millions who have read the brooding, unsettling, but at times absurdly hilariousstories and prose poems of franz kafka, and to millions more who have never

Home page

Kafka and Judaism

Kafka and Kabbalah

Franz Kafka Letter to his Father
Daniel Hornek site
Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Jewish Czech-born writer- Jewish Czech-born German-speaking writer whose posthumously published novels express the alienation of 20th century man. Kafka's nightmares of dehumanization, bureaucratic labyrinths, and totalitarian society have much in common with the works of George Orwell ( Nineteen Eighty-Four Animal Farm, 1955). Jorge Luis Borges has noted, that Zeno's paradox against motion and the arrow and Achilles are the first Kafkaesque characters in literature. Kafka's ill health was also an important biographical factor behind the fear of physical and mental collapse dramatized in such short stories as "Ein Hungerkünstler" (1924) and "Die Vervandlung" (1915, The Metamorphosis). "As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect..."

46. Art Songs By L. Foss
Song cycles and individual song based on lyrics from Wallace Stevens, W. H. Auden, A. E. Housman, franz kafka, Friedrich Nietzsche, and William Shakespeare. Includes lyrics not under copyright.
Lukas Foss (1922-)
Song Cycles

47. Leni's Franz Kafka Page
Extensive biographical information, photographs, commentaryincluding an essay by Vladimir Nabokov on The Metamorphosis electronic texts of kafka's works, information on adaptations in other media.
web hosting domain names email addresses related sites Leni's Franz Kafka Page
        Call me Leni. I'll be your mistr-, er, hostess.  Let's make ourselves a little more comfortable and I'll tell you about my dear friend Franz.         Welcome, one and all. You might be wondering, "Why'd you pick that slut Leni to host your page?" Well, yes, she is a little cock-crazy, but there's more to her than that. To start with, I like her raw carnality, as brought into Joseph K.'s cold, unfeeling, sterile world.  [Footsteps in background. Angry male voice.]  "You stupid whore!  I thought this was going to be the tryouts for Leni Does Prague !  Not this book stuff!  What a ripoff!"  [Door slamming.]  Before we were so rudely interrupted, I'd just like to say. . .         Well, what can you say about a man who lived at home until he was 40 (more or less), despite difficult relations with his father, had a crappy job, tried to pass himself off as a slacker (claiming he did nothing but sit around and accomplished next to nothing, cf. the Letter to his Father ), was teminally depressed, believed he was an utter failure (according to his father's standards), and proved to be one of the greatest writers of the 20th century (even if against his own wishes)?

48. Kafka, Franz
Comments/Inquiries ©New York University 19932003. kafka, franz. Sex, Male. NationalOrigin, Czechoslovakia/Austria. Ethnic Origin, Jewish. Era, Early 20th Century.
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Kafka, Franz
Sex Male National Origin Czechoslovakia/Austria Ethnic Origin Jewish Era Early 20th Century Born Died Awards Fontaine Annotated Works A Country Doctor A Hunger Artist In the Penal Colony The Metamorphosis ... A Report to an Academy

49. K - Essay über Franz Kafka --- Versuch, Strategien Aus Kafkas Literatur Auf Arc
Versuch der Umsetzung von Strategien von franz kafka zur Erzeugung von Literatur in Architektur. Diplomarbeit von Ralf Kammerer, Universit¤t Stuttgart.

Propone una dettagliata biografia dell'autore.
F ranz K afka nasce a Praga il 3 luglio del 1883 dal commerciante ebreo Hermann Kafka (1852-1931) e da Julie Löwy (1856-1934), nella casa chiamata Zum Turm Uradnice Ebbe tre sorelle più giovani, Elli, Valli e Ottla, scomparse tutte nei campi di concentramento nazisti. Negli anni 1889-1901 Kafka studia nella Deutsche Knabenschule Descrizione di una battaglia
Nell’ anno 1907 comincia a lavorare presso le "Assicurazioni Generali", per passare nell’anno successivo all’"Istituto di assicurazioni contro gli infortuni sul lavoro per il Regno di Boemia", di cui rimarrà dipendente fino al 1922, quando andrà in pensione per malattia.
Fra il 1910 e il 1912 Kafka si occupa sempre più intensivamente di cultura ebraica, e stringe amicizia con Jizchak Löwy, che è a capo di una piccola compagnia di artisti ebrei. Nel 1910 inizia inoltre i Diari ; nel 1911 comincia il romanzo Il disperso (rimasto incompiuto, pubblicato postumo da Brod con il titolo America ). In questi anni scrive molti testi brevi, apparsi dapprima nella rivista "Hyperion" (1908), infine in una edizione a parte con il titolo

51. Franz Kafka
Offre notizie biografiche e bibliografiche relative all'autore, oltre alla trama in breve de La metamorfosi.
Franz Kafka
Gregor Samsa, commesso viaggiatore, è, fallito il padre, il sostegno della famiglia. Ma, svegliatosi un mattino dopo una notte di incubi, si trova trasformato in uno scarafaggio. Accortosi della ripugnanza che desta nei familiari, si adatta a dormire sotto il letto ed a non comparire più. Si nutre soltanto di rifiuti, assistito da una vecchia serva, unica a non scansarlo. Ma un giorno, attirato dal suono del violino della sorella Grete, riappare tra i suoi. Il padre gli scaglia una mela, che lo ferisce, Gregor ne muore poco dopo. La vecchia serva, commiserandolo, lo getta nella spazzatura. Indietro

52. Leni's Franz Kafka Page
Extensive biographical information, photographs, commentaryincluding an essay by Vladimir Nabokov Category Arts Literature Authors K kafka, franz......Leni's franz kafka Page. Some views about kafka and his works Basically, thisis the obligatory Quotes Page about our boy franz. But it's interesting!
web hosting domain names email addresses related sites Leni's Franz Kafka Page
        Call me Leni. I'll be your mistr-, er, hostess.  Let's make ourselves a little more comfortable and I'll tell you about my dear friend Franz.         Welcome, one and all. You might be wondering, "Why'd you pick that slut Leni to host your page?" Well, yes, she is a little cock-crazy, but there's more to her than that. To start with, I like her raw carnality, as brought into Joseph K.'s cold, unfeeling, sterile world.  [Footsteps in background. Angry male voice.]  "You stupid whore!  I thought this was going to be the tryouts for Leni Does Prague !  Not this book stuff!  What a ripoff!"  [Door slamming.]  Before we were so rudely interrupted, I'd just like to say. . .         Well, what can you say about a man who lived at home until he was 40 (more or less), despite difficult relations with his father, had a crappy job, tried to pass himself off as a slacker (claiming he did nothing but sit around and accomplished next to nothing, cf. the Letter to his Father ), was teminally depressed, believed he was an utter failure (according to his father's standards), and proved to be one of the greatest writers of the 20th century (even if against his own wishes)?

Todo sobre franz kafka. Su vida, su obra, sus textos, pel­culas sobre su vida y mucho m¡s.
Leer textos y conocer su obra Su vida/Galería de fotos Existencialismo
Contexto histórico.
Un hombre clave en la literatura del siglo XX
Películas sobre Kafka o su obra
Correo Kafka Lee los comentarios de los usuarios sobre Kafka. Incluye el tuyo

54. Franz Kafka, Biografie (1/9)
Translate this page Biographie In Prag wurde franz kafka am 3. Juli 1883 geboren, in Pragverbrachte er auch den größten Teil seines kurzen Lebens.
Biographie Stadt Schreiben Max Brod bekennt er:
Fortsetzung (2)
Zu Seite: Zur CD-ROM HOME

55. Biographie: Franz Kafka, 1883-1924
Translate this page 1883-1924. franz kafka. Schriftsteller. 1883 3. Juli franz kafka wird als Sohn desjüdischen Kaufmanns Herrmann kafka und dessen Frau Julie (geb.
Franz Kafka
Beginn der Freundschaft mit Max Brod
"Beschreibung eines Kampfes" ist das früheste erhaltene literarische Werk. Kafka vernichtet später einen großen Teil seines Frühwerks, das nicht mehr seinen künstlerischen Intentionen entspricht.
Er arbeitet als Aushilfskraft in der privaten Versicherungsgesellschaft Assicurazioni Generali.
Das Romanfragment "Hochzeitsvorbereitungen auf dem Lande" erscheint.
Kafka arbeitet für die "Arbeiter-Unfall-Versicherungs-Anstalt" für das Königreich Böhmen.
Aufenthalt im Sanatorium aufgrund einer Lungenerkrankung.
Anfang des Jahres entstehen erste Entwürfe zum "Verschollenen" (von Brod "Amerika" betitelt).
Veröffentlichung des ersten Buches "Betrachtung", einer Sammlung von 18 kurzen Prosastücken.
Erste Begegnung mit Felice Bauer und Beginn eines umfangreichen Briefwechsels zwischen beiden.
Mit der Niederschrift des "Urteils" gelingt Kafka der Durchbruch zu jener kafkaesken Darstellungsart, die seinen späteren Weltruhm begründet.
Kafka hält seine erste öffentliche Lesung mit "Das Urteil" in Prag.

56. Franz Kafka Forum Frigate
Discussion forum and live chat devoted to franz kafka's life and works.
Franz Kafka Forum Frigate
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The Jolly Roger One Page Version
WRITER ... Dedicated Hosting
Franz Kafka Forum Frigate
Welcome to the Franz Kafka Forum Frigate. Post yer opinion, a link to some of yer work, or yer thoughts regarding the best books and criticisms concerning Franz Kafka. We'd also like to invite ye to sail on by the Franz Kafka Live Chat , and feel free to use the message board below to schedule a chat session. And the brave of heart shall certainly wish to sign their souls aboard The Jolly Roger Oak planks of reason, riveted with rhyme,
designed to voyage across all of time.
The Metamorphosis

Post Message
The Jolly Roger One Page Version

57. Kafka, Franz
Seite von Projekt Gutenberg mit kurzer Biografie, Bibliografie und Links zu OnlineTexten.

Kino Musik Bestseller ... Gutenberg-DE
Autoren A - Z
Startseite Info CD-ROM ... Druckversion
Franz Kafka
Werke u.a.: Im Projekt Gutenberg-DE vorhanden:

58. Kafka, Franz
Translate this page kafka, franz. © Copyright franz kafka. Foto. kafka, franz, * 3. 7.1883 Prag (Tschechische Republik), † 3. 6. 1924 Kierling
A B C D ... Kafka, Helene Schwester Maria Restituta
Kafka, Franz
Franz Kafka. Foto.
Kafka, Franz, * 3. 7. 1883 Prag ( Tschechische Republik ), † 3. 6. 1924 Kierling ( Gemeinde Klosterneuburg, ), Schriftsteller, einer der bedeutendsten deutschsprachigen Prosa-Autoren des 20. Jahrhunderts. Studierte an der Brod , zusammen besuchten sie die literarischen unter anderem G. Meyrink, E. und F. Werfel Kafka Enge seiner beruflichen literarischen Arbeit ("Brief an den Vater", 1919). Die Tuberkulose-Erkrankung 1917 verschaffte Kafka testamentarische handschriftlichen Nachlass zu vernichten, wurden von Brod nicht befolgt; die von ihm herausgegebenen Romanfragmente "Der Prozess" (1925, entstanden 1914/15), "Das Schloss" (1926, entstanden 1922) und "Amerika" (1927, von Kafka unter dem Titel "Der Verschollene" 1911-14 begonnen, Eingangskapitel "Der Heizer" erschien 1913) sowie die Herausgabe der "Gesammelten Schriften" (7 , 1935-37, mit Biographie von M. Brod) leiteten die weltweite Rezeption Kafkas ein. Brod gibt in seinen Kommentaren eine

59. ClassicNotes: Franz Kafka
pair Networks Hosted by pair Networks. franz kafka. Biography of franz kafka (18831924). franzkafka was born on July 3, 1883 in the Jewish ghetto of Prague.
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Biography of Franz Kafka (1883-1924)
Kafka's biography reads almost like a critical analysis of his work, for so much of the neurotic tension of his writing finds its clear origin in the events of his life. Franz Kafka was born on July 3, 1883 in the Jewish ghetto of Prague. He was an outsider from the start. Prague's Jews were doubly outsiders because they spoke German-the official language of the Hapsburg Empire-in a Czech city, yet they were neither Germans nor Czechs. Moreover, as an "assimilated" non-believer, Kafka was an outsider even in the Jewish community. Later in life he would learn Hebrew and dream of going to Palestine, but he never fully accepted Judaism, and though he seemed to remain religious, his beliefs lay clearly outside any charted tradition. Kafka's ambivalent take on authority-his ability to respect it, rebel against it, and blame himself for everything-seems to come mainly from his relationship with his father. Hermann Kafka, a self-made storekeeper, had a gigantic build and a brash character, opposed to Franz's smaller body and milder, highly intellectual, personality. Though he was very energetic and, according to his friends, smooth and charming, Kafka never managed to emerge out of his father's shadow and escape his self-hatred. Later in life he undertook a variety of health regiments and diets in an attempt to boost his physique.

60. Franz Kafka
Translate this page franz kafka. franz kafka ist ein weltberühmter deutscher Erzählerdes zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Mehr über franz kafka im Internet
Franz Kafka
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