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21. FICTION WITH PAGAN AND WICCAN THEMES kennealymorrison, patricia The Silver Branch. kennealy-morrison, patriciaThe Copper Crown. kennealy-morrison, patricia The Throne of Scone. http://www.candledark.net/silver/fiction.html | |
22. Patricia Kennealy-Morrison, Blackmantle patricia kennealymorrison, Blackmantle (HarperPrism, 1997). Blackmantle is theseventh book in the popular Keltiad series by patricia kennealy-morrison. http://www.rambles.net/kennealy_mantle.html | |
23. Patricia Kennealy-Morrison, The Deer's Cry patricia kennealymorrison, The Deer's Cry (HarperPrism, 1998). Legendtells of the monk Brendan, called the Navigator, who sailed http://www.greenmanreview.com/deers_cry.html | |
24. February 1999 - Older, But Still Useful, What's New reviews the 1991 film The Doors, following on the heels of her review of StrangeDays My Life With and Without Jim Morrison by patricia kennealymorrison. http://www.greenmanreview.com/archives/old0299.html | |
25. Lunacat.net - Science Fiction & Fantasy Books - Authors - Patricia Kennealy Morr patricia Kennealy Morrison. patricia kennealymorrison was born inNew York City and has lived there for most of her life. She is http://www.lunacat.net/authors/author-morrison.htm | |
26. Patricia Kennealy Morrison patricia kennealymorrison. The Silver Branch ~ Mass Market Paperback/ Published 1994 Currently unavailable. A brilliantly realistic http://www.siliconjunkies.com/vee/books/patriciakennealy/ | |
27. Book List kennealymorrison, patricia, The Oak Above The Kings, 1, 0, 1994, Speculative Fiction,kennealy-morrison, patricia, The Hedge Of Mist, 2, 0, 1996, Speculative Fiction, http://www.ceruleanbooks.com/list_files/sheet011.html | |
28. Author Details patricia kennealymorrison. Prev Author Next Author Books ReviewedThe Hedge of Mist Vector, Nov 1996 by KV Bailey Leigh Kennedy. http://www.mjckeh.demon.co.uk/aut0104.htm | |
29. The Absolutely Weird Bookshelf Hardcover Science Fiction And Fantasy Books: K Trilogy 2 Tales of Arthur kennealymorrison, patricia The Hawk's Gray FeatherRoc, New York 1990 1st ed, near F in dj. A novel of the Keltiad cycle, Vol. http://www.strangewords.com/weirdbooks/weirdk.html | |
30. Bomis: The Science Fiction/Authors/K/Kennealy-Morrison, Patricia Ring Bomis The Science Fiction/Authors/K/kennealymorrison, patricia ring. Ring RankingsClick to visit the Bomis Board for patricia kennealy-morrison. Ring sites. http://www.bomis.com/rings/Mk-kennealy-morrison_patricia-arts/ | |
31. Arthurian Stories Today Tomorrow Sci Fi Keltiad The Copper Crown, patricia kennealymorrison (Paperback - May1994), Keltiad The Throne of Scone (The Keltiad, No 2), patricia http://camelot.celtic-twilight.com/amazon/arthurian_ttscifi.htm | |
32. Books / Science Fiction & Fantasy / Fantasy / Authors, A-Z / Fantasy Authors (K) A Book of the Keltiad patricia kennealymorrison / Hardcover / Published 19972. The Hedge of Mist A Book of the Keltiad (kennealy-morrison, patricia. http://www.bookmag.com/books/science-fiction---fantasy/253.html | |
33. Books / Science Fiction & Fantasy / Fantasy / Historical The Hobbit JRR Tolkien / Audio CD / Published 1997 48. The Hedge ofMist A Book of the Keltiad (kennealymorrison, patricia. Tales http://www.bookmag.com/books/science-fiction---fantasy/13.html | |
34. Untitled patricia kennealymorrison tracked down and called me at work to let me know howunhappy she was with the use of her intellectual property. She is correct http://www.angelfire.com/mt/medtav/pkm.html | |
35. Cariadwyn Quotes they look patricia kennealy-morrison, Blackmantle . But Goddess hemakes. -patricia kennealy-morrison, Blackmantle . We have http://www.angelfire.com/weird/psychicvampiress/quotes/cariadwyn.html | |
36. Hennepin County Library - Online Catalog Author, Count. Kennealy, Jerry, 7. kennealymorrison, patricia, 6. Kennealy,patricia, 0. See kennealy-morrison, patricia. 6. Kennealy, Peter, 1. Kennedi,0. http://www.hclib.org/pub/ipac/link2ipac.cfm?term=Kennealy Jerry&index=AA |
37. All Book Sellers.com - Kennealy-Morrison, Patricia Links, Home / Science Fiction Fantasy / K / kennealymorrison,patricia Books category kennealy-morrison, patricia. The Silver http://www.allbooksellers.com/6657/Kennealy_Morrison_Patricia/ | |
38. VEMA Presentation - Arthurian Literature Kennealy, patricia. The Hawk's Gray Feather. kennealymorrison, patricia. TheOak Above the Kings. kennealy-morrison, patricia. The Hedge of Mist. http://chesterfield.k12.va.us/Schools/Manchester_HS/Library/Arthur/biblio.htm | |
39. Review Of "Blackmantle" Blackmantle, by patricia kennealymorrison published 1997; hardback 1997,HarperPrism. Blackmantle is the seventh of kennealy-morrison's http://www.flowerfire.com/seized/reviews/blackmantle_sara_lipowitz.html | |
40. Seized By The Tale: Titles Starting With B Rating 3.5 Roses Blackmantle, by patricia kennealymorrison Blackmantle, patriciakennealy-morrison's seventh book, is an autobiographical fantasy whose http://www.flowerfire.com/seized/reviews/ByTitle_B.html | |
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