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21. Donne E Conoscenza Storica Translate this page lasker-schuler, else, Il mio cuore e altri scritti, (1962, 1959,1969), traduzionee nota critica Margherita Gigliotti e Enrica Pedotti, Firenze, Giunti, 1990. http://www.url.it/donnestoria/bibliografia/shoah1.htm | |
22. CLARION UNIVERSITY NEWSwire October 17, 1995 PRESENTER AT SYMPOSIUM Dr. Erika Klusener, associate professor of modern languagesand cultures, will be a speaker at the else laskerschuler Symposium on Oct. http://www.clarion.edu/news/1995/e-news-10-17-95.htm | |
23. CLARION UNIVERSITY NEWSwire March 17, 1995 KLUESENER WRITES ABOUT GERMAN AUTHOR German expatriate poet/writer else laskerschuler(1869-1945) is a favorite of Dr. Erika Kluesener, associate professor of http://www.clarion.edu/news/1995/e-news-3-17-95.htm | |
24. Micòl Buono Translate this page Ha pubblicato diversi articoli su else lasker-schuler, Hugo von Hofmannsthal,Elsa Sophia von Kamphoevener e Marisa Fenoglio ed è socia ordinaria della http://www.sophia.unical.it/filosofia&linguaggio/buono.htm | |
25. "Mabat" Art Gallery Suffise it to recall his works for Heine, Kleist, Brecht, Walter Benjamin,Paul Celan and Heiner Muller, who are now joined by else laskerschuler. http://www.artmag.com/galeries/israel/mabat/aistvma4.html | |
26. Steffa A. Reis 1996, Heller Schatten Dunkeles Licht- Reflections on else lasker-schuler -KulturAmt, Wuppertal, Germany. 1997, Elke Pietsch Gallery, Liepzig, Germany. http://www.artmag.com/events/reis/exhibi.html | |
27. WMKO - Struktura else laskerschuler-Gesellschaft w Wuppertalu. i StwowarzyszeniePisarzy Polskich w Poznaniu. oglaszaja. im. else lasker-schuler. http://www.ko.olsztyn.pl/konkursy/konkurs_poetycki_else.html | |
28. Kaete Ephraim Marcus - A Retrospective This is illustrated, for example by the portrait of else laskerschuler (1869-1945),a German Jewish poet and artist, who fled the Nazis in 1933, visited http://www.online.co.il/kaete/Famous_People.CFM | |
29. AAC Database - Full View Of Document Language, HEB. Titlea, I and i. Ad.Author, lasker-schuler, else 1869-1945.Ad.Author, Salmon, Irit. Ad.Author, Steinitz, Rivka. Ad.Author, Barber,Anna. http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/TAU/AAC/AAC/FULL/1393445 | |
30. AAC Database - Full View Of Document Year, 1983. Pages, ?' 38. Subject, laskerschuler,else 1869-1945;. Language, HEB. Ad.Author, -, . http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/TAU/AAC/AAC/FULL/1276708 | |
31. PT - Germanic Literatures Translate this page and with an introduction by Michael Hofmann New York New Directions Books, 2002Baker Berry PT2621.A26 A2313 2002 lasker-schuler, else, 1869-1945 In Theben http://www.dartmouth.edu/~library/NewAcq/pt.shtml | |
32. Konkursy I Olimpiady I OGÓLNOPOLSKI KONKURS POETYCKI im. else laskerschuler motto; ?Lecz piesntwoja silniejsza nad ogien i wygnanie Eugeniusz Wachowiak, Córo Izraela. http://www.uwoj.wroc.pl/kuratorium/Konkursy/konkurs_poetycki.htm | |
33. Konkursy I Olimpiady historie I Ogólnopolski Konkurs Poetycki im. else laskerschuler.TURNIEJ SLOWA LITERATURY PATRIOTYCZNEJ I RELIGIJNEJ. DODN http://www.uwoj.wroc.pl/kuratorium/Konkursy/konkursy.htm | |
34. Facets Multi-Media - Item Detail: Berlin Jerusalem Berlin Jerusalem tells the story of two women else laskerschuler, a Germanexpressionist poet, and Mania Shohat, a Russian revolutionary. http://www.facets.org/movies/62820 | |
35. Vol. 6.2 / Adar 5763 / February 2003 If One Could Identify A else laskerschuler, Werke und Briefe Kritische Ausgabe, vol. I, no.I, ed. Jurgen Skrodzki, with Norbert Oellers, pp. 96-97. English http://www.jhom.com/personalities/else_schuler/heb_ballads.htm | |
36. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print Selected Poems by else laskerschuler Synopsis else lasker-schuler was a leadingExpressionist poet and one of the most prominent women writers of the early http://www.powells.com/subsection/PoetryGeneral.191.html | |
37. Collections Christian Bourgois Editeur Translate this page else lasker-schuler. Moi et moi Traduit de l'allemand par Henri-Alexis Baatsch2-267-00979-8 124 pages, 50 Francs (7,62 ) parution 1990. Gregory MOTTON. http://www.christianbourgois-editeur.fr/catalog/collect2.asp?ID=8 |
38. Catalogue Thématique Translate this page Dominique LAPORTE. Histoire de la merde collection Choix/essais 2-267-01156-5 119pages, 70 Francs (10,67 ) parution 1993 4e de couverture. else lasker-schuler. http://www.christianbourgois-editeur.fr/catalog/alpha01.asp?Alpha=l |
39. Schriftstellerinnen-Home Collections Syllabi Comments West German Writers. Irmgard Keun. IrmgardKeun Biography. else laskerschuler. else Lasker-Schüler Gesellschaft http://web.simmons.edu/~westerda/brd.html | |
40. FRANZ ROSENZWEIG RESEARCH CENTER FOR GERMAN-JEWISH Among the research projects initiated by the Center is the first criticalhistoricaledition of the works of the German-Jewish writer else lasker-schuler. http://ard.huji.ac.il/publications/25years/chap17.htm | |
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