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61. Anthem For Doomed Youth start of the Third Battle of Ypres. FirstWorldWar.com francis ledwidge.Link to the Poetry Society. Then in the lull of midnight http://www.iwm.org.uk/lambeth/anthem/ledwidge.htm | |
62. Katharine Tynan Hinkson Hewlett, Maurice 7/20 Hull, Eleanor 7/21 Hyde, Douglas 7/22 Johnson, Lionel 7/23Laraminie, W., and Lawless, Emily 7/24 Lecky, WEH, and ledwidge, francis 7/25 http://www.lib.siu.edu/spcol/inventory/mss55.htm | |
63. Classic Poetry Selection 1889) JonsonBen (1572-1637) Johnson-Lionel (1867-1902) Keats-John (1795-1821) Kettle-ThomasM (1880-1916), Lear-Edward (1812-1888) ledwidge-francis (1891-1917 http://www.merelake.com/luscombe/poets/ |
64. Irishreader.com Author List Leach, Bernadette. Leamy, Edmund. Leavy, Una. Leddin, Anthony J. ledwidge, francis.Lee, Joseph. Leend, Coral. Legg, MarieLouise. Lehane, Brendan. Leitch, Maurice. http://www.irishreader.com/Authors/Authors_L.htm | |
65. Directory :: Look.com ledwidge, francis (1) Sites. francis ledwidge Irish poet killed atYpres. Includes information on his life, some texts and http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=383344 |
66. Directory :: Look.com Mary (1) Lear, Edward (17) Leary, Denis (5) Lebling, Dave (4) Lecavalier, Vincent(6) Ledger, Heath (32) Ledoyen, Virginie (8) ledwidge, francis (1) Lee Leech http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=552996 |
67. IRISH Poets francis ledwidge, born in Slane, County Meath, Ireland, 19 August 1887. EducatedSlane Board School. ~~ THE COMPLETE POEMS OF francis ledwidge. http://www.scuttlebuttsmallchow.com/listiris.html | |
68. Engelsk, Nye Bøker September 1998 Hines / Kelman, James The secret fall of Constance Wilde / Kilroy, Thomas Talbot'sbox / Kilroy, Thomas The complete poems / ledwidge, francis The yellow book http://www.ub.ntnu.no/fakbib/dragvoll/engelsk/engbkse8.htm | |
69. Untitled Document Steen, Filip Vanrobaeys, Jan Verheye Songs of Peace is gebaseerd op het werk en hetleven van de Ierse dichter en soldaat francis ledwidge die sneuvelde op 31 http://users.pandora.be/gruwez/cds_ledwidge.htm | |
70. Literature/Authors/L/Ledwidge, Francis - Fractured Atlas Links Directory LINKS francis ledwidge Irish poet killed at Ypres. Includes information on hislife, some texts and sections on his home village of Slane. ADVERTISEMENT http://www.fracturedatlas.org/site/links/Literature/Authors/L/Ledwidge__Francis/ | |
71. Literature/Authors/L - Fractured Atlas Links Directory Le Fanu, J. Sheridan (1). Le Hunt, Bem (1). Leapor, Mary (1). Lear, Edward (20).ledwidge, francis (1). Lehman, David (8). Lem, Stanislaw (21). Lenard, Alexander(1). http://www.fracturedatlas.org/site/links/Literature/Authors/L/ | |
72. IRISH VALUABLE BOOKS Num Availability Author Title Publisher Year 30, 71, ledwidge (francis), The Complete Poems of francis ledwidge,Herbert Jenkins Ltd. Before 1932, 291, Hardback, Very good, £25,72, http://www.oxfamireland.org/shops/ROI shop websites/parliament_st/books listings | |
73. EMail Msg <9311150738.AA12300@dxmint.cern.ch> The Written Word. Michael francis ledwidge leddo@minnie.cs.su.oz.au Mail folder WWW Talk Oct 93present; Next message Terry http://ksi.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/archives/WWW-TALK/www-talk-1993q4.messages/483.html | |
74. EMail Msg <9310040125.AA07585@dxmint.cern.ch> Citations, quotes, and other thingys. Michael francis ledwidge leddo@minnie.cs.su.oz.au Mail folder WWW Talk Oct 93present; http://ksi.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/archives/WWW-TALK/www-talk-1993q4.messages/32.html | |
75. SEARC'S WEB GUIDE - 20th Century Writers Ella Young (18651951) Joseph Campbell (1870-1944) Peadar Kearney (1883-1942) ThomasMcDonagh (1878-1916) Padraig Pearse (1879-1916) francis ledwidge (1887-1917 http://www.searcs-web.com/writers20.html | |
76. Persoon Detail Fiche Titel, Plaats, Type, Subtype. Gedenkteken francis ledwidge, Ieper, Gedenktekens,Individueel. francis ledwidge. Prose Poetry francis ledwidge. http://www.wo1.be/ned/database/personen/persDetail.asp?persoonID=47 |
77. Behind The Lines. On The 65th Anniversary Of Ivor Gurney's Death, Roderic Dunnet is francis ledwidge, the eighth son of an evicted tenant farmer in Slane, CountyMeath, and 'a fitting example', Jon Stallworthy points out, 'of the 200,000 http://www.mvdaily.com/articles/2002/12/lines06.htm | |
78. Ulster Book Mailing List - Www.ezboard.com {Price in Pounds Sterling = £12.00} Stock ref 3232. £12.00 17. ledwidge,francis. Songs of the Fields. London Jenkins, 1918. 122pp + ads. http://pub9.ezboard.com/firishgenealogyandhistorybuyingsellinggenealogystuff.sho |
79. Francis Ledwidge Song Of The Blackbird Medical Book i like medical book ). francis ledwidge Song of the Blackbird by ElizabethCassidy Olson; francis ledwidge, a life of the poet by Alice Curtayne; http://www.cook-books.org/books/11320francis_ledwidge_song_blackbird.html | |
80. Read Ireland Book News - Issue 64 - New Irish Poetry Complete Poems of francis ledwidge (Paperback; 6.99 IRP / 11.00 USD) Add To Basket.The poetry of francis ledwidge evokes an Ireland of traditional nostalgia. http://www.readireland.ie/booknews/booknews3/issue64.html | |
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