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1. Livybib http://ccwf.cc.utexas.edu/~tjmoore/livybib.html | |
2. Discourses On Livy: Contents DISCOURSES. Upon The First Ten (Books) of Titus livy. To. ZANOBI BUONDELMONTIAND TO COSIMO RUCELLAI. By. NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI. 1517. Title Page of 1772 Edition. http://www.constitution.org/mac/disclivy_.htm | |
3. Livy Translate this page T. LIVI AB VRBE CONDITA LIBRI. Praefatio. Liber I, Liber II, LiberIII, Liber IV, Liber V. Liber VI, Liber VII, Liber VIII, Liber IX,Liber X. http://patriot.net/~lillard/cp/liv.html | |
4. Livy livy. Page from a 15th c. Italian manuscript of livy Page from a 15th c.Italian manuscript of livy This selection). 4. Texts of livy's History. http://academic.reed.edu/humanities/110Tech/Livy.html | |
5. Livy Topics livy Topics. Topic I livy as an historian and his work as a culturaldocument. How does livy conceive of his task as an historian? http://academic.reed.edu/humanities/Hum110/LivyTopics.html | |
6. Roman Writers, Writing And Historians: Titus Livy Titus livy. 59 BC to AD 17. Much of what livy included in his history was legendand epic drama, but this style was considered good history in Roman times. http://myron.sjsu.edu/romeweb/WRITERS/art12.htm | |
7. Concordances Of Livy, History Of Rome Text of The History of Rome can be browsed through chapters and sections.Category Arts Classical Studies Roman livy......Concordances livy, History of Rome. Send this site to a friend! (click here) livyHistory of Rome. Text and Search Word Indexes of Classic Books. http://www.concordance.com/livy.htm |
8. Livy, History Of Rome (ed. Rev. Canon Roberts) Similar pages The Internet Classics Archive Works by livy Books and CDROMs, Get help Help. Works by livy The History of RomeFrom the Perseus Project Read discussion 3 comments © 1994-2000 http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/text?lookup=liv. init.&vers=English|none |
9. The Internet Classics Archive | The History Of Rome By Livy The History of Rome By livy This work is only provided via the PerseusProject at Tufts University. You may begin reading the English http://classics.mit.edu/Livy/liv.html | |
10. - Great Books - livy (59 BC17), livy was at least acquainted with Augustus, but is often identifiedwith an attachment to the Roman Republic and a desire for its restoration. http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_764.asp | |
11. Livy - Biography livy (64 or 59 BC AD 17). Titus Livius great historian. livy was uniqueamong Roman historians in that he played no part in politics. http://www.barca.fsnet.co.uk/livy.htm | |
12. Battle Of Saguntum: Polybius And Livy Battle of Saguntum Comparison of Polybius and livy. livy, a Roman bornand breed, takes a more national outlook on the events at Saguntum. http://www.barca.fsnet.co.uk/saguntum-polybius-livy.htm | |
13. Ianthe Lee: A Violet Coloured Flower ianthe lee a violet coloured flower, ianthe lee Liv, Livs, livy,Olivia. Melbourne, Australia. Twentythree. more email. http://ianthelee.blogspot.com/ | |
14. Spectacle And Society In Livy's History Help and Contact. Go. Entire Site. Andrew Feldherr Spectacle and Society in livy'sHistory Publication Date August 1998. http://www.ucpress.edu/books/pages/7089.html | |
15. Selections From Livy, U. Of Sask. To Home Page To Translations Menu. Selections from livy, Books 1 and 2Lewis Stiles, translator. Notice This translation is the copyrighted http://duke.usask.ca/~porterj/DeptTransls/Livy.html | |
16. Livy. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 livy. livys accuracy is often questionable; he ignored certain sources and hadlittle practical knowledge of military affairs or the workings of politics. http://www.bartleby.com/65/li/Livy.html | |
17. Livy His Historical Aims And Methods Walsh PG livy His Historical Aims and Methods Walsh PG. WalshPG. livy His Historical Aims and Methods http://www.clever-reference-book.com/Walsh-P-G-Livy-His-Historical-Aims-and-M-05 | |
18. Who Was Who In Roman Times: Livius Buy a book at BOLOf Germany, Holland, or Switzerland or at Amazon AmazonUK, or Amazon USA No image of livy found, Internet sources of. livy. http://www.romansonline.com/sources/Livy.asp | |
19. The History Of Rome, Vol. I databases Etext Center Homepage Header; Front Matter; Book 1 livy'sHistory of Rome, Book 1 The Earliest Legends Section 1.1 1.1. http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/toc/modeng/public/Liv1His.html | |
20. MT's 1871 Letters To Livy 17 October 1871 livy darling, this lecture will never do. 18 October 1871 livydarling, I am in a bother, don't know whether to be irritated or amused. http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/railton/roughingit/lecture/71lets.html | |
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