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1. Heather McHugh Includes a scrollable epoem, vita, and some salty quotes.Category Arts Online Writing Poetry Personal Pages M......HEATHER McHUGH. Photo ©1999 Margaretta K. Mitchell, The Academy of AmericanPoets keeps a far fancier page of info on Heather McHugh at this link. http://www.spondee.com/ | |
2. Heather McHugh Heather McHugh (1948). She was born in San Diego and educated atRadcliffe College (BA) and the University of Denver (MA). She http://www.geocities.com/womenpoets/mchugh.html | |
3. Poetry Daily Feature: Heather McHugh Heather mchugh heather McHugh alternates teaching at the University of Washingtonin Seattle and at the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College. http://www.poems.com/agnimchu.htm | |
4. Heather McHugh HEATHER McHUGH has been praised for her articulate toughness, bedrock wisdom,and mind that makes language itself seem to think. Her poems http://www.grdodge.org/poetry/content_McHugh.htm | |
5. HEATHER McHUGH HEATHER McHUGH My cup of tea. © 1995, Heather mchugh heather McHugh is the authorof Hinge Sign Poems 19681993 (Wesleyen University Press/UPNE). http://faculty.washington.edu/jnh/vol1no2/mchu.html | |
6. Heather McHugh Heather McHugh. Three Variations on Five Senses. a worn knobbed stick between hislegs. to keep off dogs WC Williams. 1. a sip, a whiff. a glimpse of the single. http://www.ct.edu/univrel/ctreview/spring97/hmall.html | |
7. The Marlboro Review - Heather McHugh Heather McHugh. Heather McHugh's most recent books include Hinge Sign Poems 19681993 (finalist for the 1994 National Book Award http://www.marlbororeview.com/biohm.html | |
8. Heather McHugh Heather McHugh (1948 ). Heather McHugh bio-bibliography, The Academyof American Poets. A bio-bibliography, including awards (Hinge http://library.marist.edu/diglib/english/americanliterature/20thc-americanpoets/ | |
9. SWAN /All Libraries Num Mark AUTHORS (16 of 6) Year mchugh heather 1948 1 Cyclops / Euripides ;Translated By Heather McHugh With Introduction And Notes By David Konstan. http://swan.sls.lib.il.us:90/kids/0,11,358/search/aMcHugh, Gladys,/amchugh glady | |
10. SWAN /All Libraries 1958 1 Mchugh Frances Y 8 Mchugh Frank 1899 1981 5 Mchugh Gelolo 1907 1950 1 MchughGladys 1958 1 Mchugh Gretchen 1941 1982 1 mchugh heather 1948 6 Mchugh http://swan.sls.lib.il.us:90/kids/0,11,358/search/aMcHugh, Gladys,/amchugh glady | |
11. McHugh Heather McHugh. Poet and essayist Heather McHugh is the Milliman DistinguishedWriterin-Residence at the University of Washington in Seattle. http://wupa.wustl.edu/asmbly/bio/McHugh | |
12. Heather McHugh mchugh, heather. Real Name heather mchugh http://dagwood.sandwich.net/starfall/characters/mchugh.html | |
13. Heather McHugh & WORLD POETRY Check out the complete texts of "For Raya" and "ABlind of Green" from this poetry archive. heather mchugh. Her work is eminently readable; more importantly it is rereadable http://www.worldpoetry.com/poets/mchugh.heather.html | |
14. Heather McHugh Bio Note for heather mchugh. hmch Sciences. See complete curriculumvitae below for more detail. CURRICULUM VITAE heather mchugh. http://www.spondee.com/vita.html | |
15. Heather McHugh - The Academy Of American Poets Find a biography of this awardwinning poet, the texts of several of her poems, and links to more resources about her. heather mchugh. heather mchugh was born to Canadian parents in San Diego, California, in 1948. http://www.poets.org/lit/poet/hmchufst.htm | |
16. Heather McHugh - The Academy Of American Poets heather mchugh The Academy of American Poets presents biographies, photographs,selected poems, and links as part of its online poetry exhibits. http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=239 |
17. Heather McHugh - The Academy Of American Poets heather mchugh What He Thought. Add to a Notebook What He Thought heathermchugh. Hear it! Read by the author about this recording. http://www.poets.org/poems/Poems.cfm?prmID=1270 |
18. McHugh, Heather Comments/Inquiries ©New York University 19932003. mchugh, heather. On-LineAuthor Site. Sex, Female. National Origin, United States of America. http://endeavor.med.nyu.edu/lit-med/lit-med-db/webdocs/webauthors/mchugh154-au-. | |
19. McHugh, Heather Unspeakable Literature Annotations. mchugh, heather Unspeakable. Genre, Poem (2 pp.). http://endeavor.med.nyu.edu/lit-med/lit-med-db/webdocs/webdescrips/mchugh1115-de | |
20. Online NewsHour: What's Poetry? -- April 6, 1998 The poet, heather mchugh gives a pretty good answer in this poem. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june98/pinsky_4-3.html | |
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