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41. Page Title Let me know if what you are looking for is not here. SPECIAL FEATURE mishima yukio. MISHIMA,YUKIO, Manatsu no Shi (Death in Midsummer), (Sogensha, 1953). http://rarebooksinjapan.com/page14.html | |
42. Nihon.fr.st, Tout Sur Le Japon Translate this page mishima yukio. Le véritable amour reste secret Le célèbre écrivainmishima yukio explique et valorise l'esprit chevaleresque. http://www.efrance.fr/nihon/pages/litterature/romanciers/mishima.htm | |
43. Yukio Mishima Sanno Kai Giuseppe Fino Libreria Ar Edizioni Di Ar Translate this page a firma di Shigeki Takarada è apparso un articolo dedicato al successo di pubblicoottenuto dallIstituto Yukio Mishima (mishima yukio Bungaku-kan http://www.xcom.it/ar/mishima.htm | |
44. Bibliographie De Yukio Mishima Translate this page Bibliographie de Yukio Mishima. 1968, Salle de classe épistolaire de mishima yukio(mishima yukio Reta Kyoshitsu). 1968, Le Soleil et l'Acier (Taiyo to Tetsu), http://fabien.osmont.free.fr/mishima/biblio.htm | |
45. Mishima Yukio Geständnis Einer Maske. Roman. Translate this page mishima yukio Geständnis einer Maske. Roman. Titel Geständnis einerMaske. Roman. Autor mishima yukio. Rubrik1 Belletristik http://www.biografien-und-mehr.de/Mishima-Yukio-Gestaendnis-einer-Mas-3499156520 | |
46. Mishima Yukio Bester John Acts Of Worship : Seven Stories mishima yukio Bester John Acts of Worship Seven Stories. Title Actsof Worship Seven Stories Author mishima yukio Bester John. http://www.novelshopping.com/Mishima-Yukio-Bester-Jo-Acts-of-Worship-Seven-S-087 | |
47. A BOOKS & MORE / Asien-Bücher Translate this page Weiter zu, Libri. Druckversion . Über das Buch Über den Autor/ die Autorinmishima yukio, mishima yukio. Liebesdurst. Originaltitel Ai no kawaki. http://www.inside-a.com/books/anzeigen.php3?booksid=788 |
48. Untitled Document Pr©sentation de l'auteur japonais, oeuvres, extraits. http://members.aol.com/faktys/mishima.html | |
49. City Honors Yukio Mishima Page A yukio mishima Page mishima books currently in print. This page was created initially for City Honors School students by teacher C. LaChiusa. Your comments are appreciated. A yukio mishima Page. The Use of Contrast in The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea http://cityhonors.buffalo.k12.ny.us/city/rsrcs/eng/auth/mis.htm | |
50. Mishima, Yukio. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 mishima, yukio. (y ´k m sh´ mä) (KEY) , 192570, Japanese author, b. http://www.bartleby.com/65/mi/MishimaY.html | |
51. YUKIO MISHIMA in Henry Scott Stokes' The Life and Death of yukio mishima or (for works not yet published in translation) translated http://rehue.csociales.uchile.cl/rehuehome/facultad/publicaciones/autores/mishim | |
52. Untitled Document Kurze Biographie und Beschreibungen mehrerer Werke von mishima. http://www.muenster.de/~taucher/lyrik/lyrik3.htm | |
53. Yukio Mishima - Patriotismus Kurze Vorstellung der Erz¤hlung Patriotismus von yukio mishima. http://www.alexander-verlag.com/Neuer/autoren1/mishima.htm | |
54. Yukio Mishima Biography, bibliography, summaries of some of his main works, chronology and articles. http://www.members.tripod.com/dennismichaeliannuzz/index.HTML | |
55. Yukio Mishima Brief biography with list of selected works.Category Arts Literature Authors M mishima, yukio...... Later he changed his name into yukio mishima so that his antiliteraryfather wouldn't know he wrote. The name yukio can loosely http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/mishima.htm | |
56. Y. Mishima, Unter Dem Sturmgott Band 2 der Tetralogie. http://www.hanser.de/buch/1986/3-446-14628-8.htm | |
57. Seppuku And Jisatsu In Modern Japanese Literature: Yukio Mishima, Natsume Soseki Including the works of yukio mishima, Natsume Soseki and Kokoro. http://www.utexas.edu/depts/grg/ustudent/gcraft/fall97/brown/essays/seppuku.html | |
58. Resources - Japanese Literature Includes information on mishima's life and work. http://www.us-japan.org/lit/mishima.html | |
59. Yukio Mishima Brief biography with list of selected works. http://kirjasto.sci.fi/mishima.htm | |
60. Dojoji: One Of Yukio Mishima's Modern Noh Plays Discussion of mishima's play, Dojoji. http://www.wdog.com/rider/writings/dojoji_one_of_yukio_mishima.htm | |
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