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Orlovsky Peter: more books (33) | ||
41. Directory :: Look.com Web Tools. orlovsky, peter (1) Sites. Four Poems by peter orlovskyWith a brief biographical note and photograph. Help build http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=114039 |
42. Directory :: Look.com 7) Opdyke, Linda (1) Orange, Jason (3) Orbach, Jerry (2) Orbison, Roy (9) Orbit,William (3) Orczy, Emmuska (7) Orlando, Gates (1) orlovsky, peter (1) Ormandy http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=552999 |
43. Beach Archive Bremser, Bonnie Corso, Gregory 2. Correspondence Ferlinghetti, Lawrence 3. CorrespondenceG P Giorno, John Leary, Timothy orlovsky, peter Plymel, Charles 4 http://www.nyu.edu/library/bobst/research/fales/coll_mss/beach.html | |
44. Allen Ginsberg Produced by Miles Associates for Allen Ginsberg and peter orlovsky Engineer DaveBaker Recorded at Apostolic Studios New York City June July 1969 Music c http://www.english.uga.edu/wblake/SONGS/AGrecinfo.html | |
45. Kulchur Press Records 3, Oppenheimer, Joel. 3, orlovsky, peter. 3, Owens, Rochelle. 4, Padgett,Ron. 6A, Oppenheimer, Joel. 6A, orlovsky, peter. 6A, Owens, Rochelle. 6A, Padgett,Ron. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/indiv/rare/guides/Kulchur/main.html | |
46. DINO - Language: Englisch - Arts - Literature - Authors - O - Orlovsky, Peter O orlovsky, peter orlovsky, peter, Sprache/Language. Websites, http://www.dino-online.de/dino_page_7152e7f131c518f612ea3490462a544b.html | |
47. Me And My Brother, A Film By Robert Frank, Beat Generation VHS Video over, fractured chronology and many other devices to tell both fictional and documentarystories. Featuring Julius orlovsky, peter orlovsky, Allen Ginsberg http://www.kerouac.com/video/video_frank_brother.html | |
48. Poetry Center - Orlovsky, Peter - 09/28/78 Reader orlovsky, peter. Accession Number 290. Date 09/28/78. Length50 minutes. Tape Quality good. Collection Poetry Center. Ethnicity white. http://www.sfsu.edu/~poetry/newcatalog/966.htm | |
49. Poetry Center - Ginsberg, Allen - 09/28/78 and Tyger with peter orlovsky, a Buddhist song, Don't Grow Old, PlutoniumOde, and Blues Song to Father on His Death. orlovsky, peter; Antler (Co http://www.sfsu.edu/~poetry/newcatalog/492.htm | |
50. Beatgallery Allen Ginsberg, Gregory Corso, peter orlovsky, peter orlovsky. Anne Waldman,R. Suckenik (?) Ed Sanders, Ed Dorn, A. Waldman, A. Ginsberg, guest. http://hspandler.bene-net.de/beatgallery.htm | |
51. BeatBooks - Results 423 orlovsky, peter. Clean Asshole Poems Smiling Vegetable Songs Poems1957-1977. SF City Lights, 1978. First edition. Wrps., 144pp. http://www.beatbooks.com/cgi-bin/bbb455/scan/fi=products/st=sql/co=1/sf=catalog/ |
52. AllenGinsberg.org :: Library peter Lafcadio orlovsky, San Francisco, CA, 1956, peter orlovsky and youngerbrother, Lafcadio, at 5 Turner Terrace in San Francisco, CA in 1956 prior to http://www.allenginsberg.org/library_db.asp?mode=1&thisPage=Photography |
53. CHARACTERS IN BEAT AND BOHEMIAN LITERATURE Desolation Angels. orlovsky, peter George in Dharma Bums; Simon Darlovskyin Desolation Angels and Book of Dreams. P. PARKER, EDIE http://home.swbell.net/worchel/charkey.htm | |
54. Psychedelic 60s: The Beats: San Francisco peter orlovsky. First Poem Cover First Poem peter orlovsky, ALLENGINSBURG MET twentyyear-old peter orlovsky within a year of his http://www.lib.virginia.edu/speccol/exhibits/sixties/beatssf.html | |
55. Allen Ginsberg Collection orlovsky, peter (A. Ginsberg's Partner) Naropa Institute Postcard fromAllen Ginsberg to David McReynolds, mention of P. orlovsky, 1979; http://www.sunysb.edu/library/mc332.htm | |
56. Howls, Raps & Roars (in VSCCAT) 25 / Gregory Corso. A rainbow ; Morning again / peter orlovsky. 4.A poem for cocksuckers ; A poem for the old man / John Wieners. http://scolar.vsc.edu:8003/VSCCAT/ACD-1734 | |
57. Ann Charters Papers 147, Olson, Charles, nd. 148, orlovsky, peter, nd. 149, Patchen, Kenneth,nd. Zukofsky, Louis, 1970. orlovsky, peter, 1966. Jack Kerouac's house, 1966. http://www.lib.uconn.edu/DoddCenter/ASC/findaids/Charters_A/MSS19980200.html | |
58. Container Listing 238, O'Hare, Lynn, 19721973. 239, Oldenberg, Patty, 1974. 240, Oppenheimer,Joel, 1972. 241, orlovsky, peter, ca. 1972-1975. 242, Owen, Maureen, ca.1971. http://www.lib.uconn.edu/DoddCenter/ASC/findaids/Fagin/containerlisting.htm | |
59. Poets Information And Links Novalis (17721801) - Read how a tragedy led to his talent O'Hara, Frank (1926-1966)- Art and cultural references Olafsson, Bragi orlovsky, peter - Four poems http://www.linklane.com/p/poets.htm | |
60. Search Results (Browse) Fine in black card wrappers. Title 4696, $45. (GINSBERG, Allen). orlovsky, peter.Dear Allen Ship Will Land Jan 23, 58. Buffalo Intrepid Press-(1971). http://www.harpersbooks.com/browseresults.asp?TYPE=Beat Lit |
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