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41. WebGuest - Open Directory : Arts : Literature : Authors : O Gregory (1); Orwell, George (36); Ostriker, Alicia (1); Ovid@ (10); Owen,Wilfred (9); owens, rochelle (1); Ozick, Cynthia (2). Sites O'Brien http://directory.webguest.com/index.cgi/Arts/Literature/Authors/O/ | |
42. EGS Database Date of birth Oct 6, 1968 Date of death Date of marriage Jun 21, 1986Children of Kimberly rochelle Morrell and James Doyle owens Jr. http://www.edenfield.org/dbase/dbase07/aca00083.htm | |
43. A.bacus Melanie Neilson. Civil Noir. 58. Barone, Dennis. The book of discoveries. 59. owens,rochelle. From Luca discourse on life death. 60. Taylor, Thomas Lowe. http://www.potespoets.org/abacus.htm | |
44. BU MFLL Faculty Staff Owens Kristine Bryan. Elizabeth Frohlich. Martha Holmes. rochelle Keesler. BertrandLandry. April Stephenson. Lesley Yoder. Lindsey owens. Graduate Student in French. http://lang.bu.edu/people/owens |
45. Chana Bloch - About Dahlia Ravikovitch, The Window New and Selected Poems owens, rochelle. The Window. American Book Review, September/October 1989. http://www.mindspring.com/~chanab/about.html | |
46. Louis Owens A Conversation with Louis owens by John Purdy Bone Game 's Terminal Plots and HealingStories by rochelle Venuto The Syncretic Impulse Louis owens' Use of http://www.hanksville.org/storytellers/Owens/ | |
47. A Celebration Of Women Writers: O Listings Callaghan (fl.1980); owens, rochelle (fl.1961) Not Be Essence That CannotBe (with additional poems) (at Light and Dust). owenson, Sydney http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/authors-O.html | |
48. Book Author Page rochelle owens, HOME Homepage SEARCH Search Page. The following titles arelisted for the book author rochelle owens 1. (1973), The Karl Marx Play. http://www.eur.com/musicals/aut.cfm?Author=347 |
49. Lyricist Page rochelle owens, HOME Homepage SEARCH Search Page. The following titles arelisted for the lyricist rochelle owens 1. (1973), The Karl Marx Play. http://www.eur.com/musicals/lyr.cfm?Lyricist=633 |
50. Owens, Rochelle Website Results :: Linkspider UK owens, rochelle Websites from the Linkspider UK. owens, rochelle Directory. CompleteResults for owens, rochelle Related Topics. Keyword owens, rochelle. http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Arts/Literature/Authors/O/Owens,Rochelle/ | |
51. Montana - Used Bookstore the Works of William Shakespea by Shakespeare William; FUTZ by owens, rochelle;The Visit by Durrenmatt, Friedrich; The Doctor and the Devils. by Thomas, Dylan. http://www.birdsnestbooks.com/books/search.html?term=Plays and Playrights |
52. Temple University News Bureau - News Releases POETS GEORGE ECONOMOU AND rochelle owens TO PRESENT JOINT READING IN TEMPLE'S POETSAND WRITERS SERIES Temple University's Poets Writers Series will host http://www.temple.edu/news_media/bb195.html | |
53. Listings Of The World Arts Literature Authors O Emmuska (8), Orlovsky, Peter (2) Orr, Gregory (2) Orwell, George (40) O'Siadhail,Micheal (5) Ostriker, Alicia (2) Owen, Wilfred (12) owens, rochelle (2) Ozick http://listingsworld.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/O/ |
54. Portrait/Subject Collection 439 Oppenheimer, Ernest Kant Oppenheimer, Joel Folder 440 Orczy, Emmuskz, BaronessFolder 441 AOrgan Grinder@ Folder 442 owens, rochelle Oxford, Robert http://www.nyu.edu/library/bobst/research/fales/coll_mss/portrait4.html | |
55. Directory :: Look.com Advertiser $ 0.01) Other Categories. owens, Buck (8) owens, Chris (4)owens, Dana (14) owens, Ginny (7) owens, rochelle (1), Help build http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=5825198 |
56. Jesse Owens Museum - Articles Rersourced rochelle Stevens, 29 a member of the 4.400 meter relay team and an alternate for Ms.Stevens is a fivetime winner of the Jesse owens Classic 400 meter race http://www.jesseowensmuseum.com/articles/art12.html | |
57. O, Ok O'Neill, Eugene The Hairy Ape Mildred -Long Day's JourneyInto Night Mary. owens, rochelle -Futz Mrs. Loop. http://www.geocities.com/womensmonologues/o.html | |
58. PolitInfo.com: Web Directory: Arts O 1 O'Rourke, PJ@ 4 Orr, Gregory 1 Orwell, George 36 O'Siadhail, Micheal 4Ostriker, Alicia 1 Ovid@ 10 Owen, Wilfred 9 owens, rochelle 1 Ozick http://web.politinfo.com/index.cgi?base=/Arts/Literature/Authors/O/ |
59. Nancy Owens Memorial Foundation - Sponsors SHARON DREYER, NANCY PROLER. TOM DUNLAP, rochelle PYE. TERRY LEIGH, YVONNE ZIEGLER.Copyright ©20022003 Nancy owens Memorial Foundation Website Design by OCAY.COM. http://www.nancyowens.org/sponsors2002.htm | |
60. O Omar Khayyam; Orczy, Emmuska; Orlovsky, Peter; Orr, Gregory; Orwell,George; Ostriker, Alicia; Owen, Wilfred; owens, rochelle. Ozick, Cynthia; http://www.ad.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/O/ | |
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