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61. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection Library. Online Literary Criticism Collection. katherine Fowler philips(1631 1664). Criticism about katherine Fowler philips. Sorry. There http://www.ipl.org.ar/cgi-bin/ref/litcrit/litcrit.out.pl?au=phi-161 |
62. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection 66 CE) philips, katherine Fowler (1631 1664) Phillips, Caryl (1958 - ) Piercy,Marge (1936 - ) Piglia, Ricardo (1941 - ) Pirandello, Luigi (1867 - 1936 http://www.ipl.org.ar/cgi-bin/ref/litcrit/litcrit.browse.pl?au=OP |
63. Browsing Arts Literature Authors P Philips, Katherine Category Browse Arts Literature Authors P philips, katherine Top Arts Literature Authors P philips, katherine. katherine philips. Bartleby etext. http://www.uksprite.com/search/search/Arts/Literature/Authors/P/Philips,_Katheri | |
64. Listings Of The World Arts Literature Authors P Philips, katherine philips Biographical Introduction Post Review Short biographyfrom Ron Cooley at the University of Saskatchewan. katherine philips. http://listingsworld.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/P/Philips,_Katherine/ |
65. Scrittori Nella Rete Translate this page Petrarca il Canzoniere Petrarca page Petrarch page Petroni, Giulio (Italia) GiulioPetroni page philips, katherine Fowler (Inghilterra) katherine Fowler http://www.alice.it/writers/net.wri/wnetin16.htm | |
66. Chapter Katherine Philips (Orinda). Of Collected English Verse By Co Chapter katherine philips (Orinda). of Collected English Verse byCollections. katherine philips (Orinda). 16311664. http://www.bibliomania.com/0/2/277/133/20436/1.html | |
67. Vers Libre [free Verse]: Authors - P Payne, John Howard Peacock, Thomas Love Peele, George Peerson, Martin Percy, ThomasPerreault, John philips, John philips, katherine Fowler Phillips, John http://www.nth-dimension.co.uk/vl/author_list.asp?letter=p |
68. Gender Inn: Alphabetischer Suchindex Within the Gates 1610 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart /USA 643 philips, Letters Orindato Poliarchus 645 philips, Poems 635 philips, katherine Fowler 3030 Phillips http://db.genderinn.uni-koeln.de/cgi-bin/n/suchindex?w=ad&bu=P |
69. Women Writers Project Owenson, Sydney The Lay of an Irish Harp published 1807 $10.00 Poems published 1801$3.00 Original Title Page for Poems philips, katherine Horace, conclusion http://www.unl.edu:2020/alpha/Women_Writers_Project.html | |
70. Constructing Gender Identity In The Poetry Of Katherine Philips :: Essays And Te An analysis of gender identity in several poems by the 17th century poet, katherinephilips. Constructing Gender Identity in the Poetry of katherine philips. http://www.academon.com/lib/paper/6590.html | |
71. About Katherine Philips Edson katherine philips Edson. (January 12, 1870 November 5, 1933) reformer,public official katherine philips was born in Ohio. http://womenshistory.miningco.com/library/bio/blbio_edson_katherine.htm | |
72. Philips: Poems (Sample) The collection of poems by katherine philips (fully entitled Poems by the MostDeservedly Admired Mrs. katherine philips, the Matchless Orinda, to which is http://www.tei-c.org/Applications/Samples/wwp-samples-philips.html | |
73. Historical Manuscripts Commission | National Register Of Archives | List Of Pers Arts Patron (1) philips, John (fl 18101835) Naval Officer, Liverpool (1) philips,katherine (1631-1664) nee Fowler, poet and translator as Orinda (6) philips http://www.hmc.gov.uk/nra/browser/person/page/personPH.htm | |
74. I3814: Katherine (ABT 1875 - ____) BIRTH ABT 1875. Family 1 HELGELAND Oskar Kristensen HELGELAND. katherine INDEX. HOME Isabell philips. ABT 1788 . http://nsgna.ednet.ns.ca/miller/d0001/g0000090.htm | |
75. Matt & Andrej Koymasky - Famous GLTB - Katherine Philips BIOGRAPHIES. Last update October 28 th 2002, katherine philips (1631 1664) UK Poet. Neé Fowler, known as the Matchless Orinda . http://andrejkoymasky.com/liv/fam/biop2/phil6.html | |
76. Katherine Philips (1632-1664) And Henry Vaughan (1622?-1695) First Previous Next Last Index Home Text. Slide 7 of 8. http://clcgi.cl.msu.edu/~tavrmina/eng310a/PPT/17th/sld007.htm |
77. EVD Playwright Browse - M-R Jane; philips, Ambrose; philips, katherine; philips, William; Phillip,John; Phillips, Edward; Phillips, Stephen; Phillips, Stephen and http://www.ohiolink.edu/db/evdnames-m.html | |
78. I462: Katherine Kennerly CALVERT (____ - ____) m 1790 _ _Lydia Beck RALLS _ m 1766 _ katherine Kennerly CALVERT Francis philips LEE. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~harrisonrep/Harrison/d0009/g0000086.htm | |
79. Women Writer Links Page - P Parnell, Lelia. Partnoy, Alicia. Pedler, Margaret. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. philips,katherine Fowler. Plath, Sylvia. Pomeroy, Claire. Pool, Maria Louise. Mail? http://historyoftheworld.com/women/p.htm |
80. The Sacred Name Of Friend: John Keatss Secular Sacrament And Katherine Phi The Sacred Name of Friend John Keatss Secular Sacramentand katherine philips Lisa Inman, Masters Candidate, English. http://www.utulsa.edu/tugr/sacred.html | |
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