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61. EBroadcast Internet Directories :: You'll Find It At The Internet Directories! Add to favorites rakosi, carl@ 2 Add to favorites Raleigh, Sir Walter@ 10 Addto favorites Ramsay, Allan@ 1 Add to favorites Ransom, John Crowe@ 1 Add http://www.ebroadcast.com.au/cgi-bin/etopic/index.cgi?base=/Arts/Literature/Poet |
62. BPJ Author Index "R" -- 1950-2003 rakosi, carl David Ignatow at the Bar, A Chapbook for David Ignatow (Chapbook14), 26 (Fall 1975), 42; An Admonition by David Ignatow, ibid., 42. http://www.bpj.org/index/R.htm | |
63. Literary Broadsides Ad Infinitum Limited, no. 10 of 75. rakosi, carl. AMERICANA XXV LONGSHOREMAN.Stephen Wrest Ltd., 1979. Ransome, John Crowe. CLOAK MODEL. http://www.lib.utulsa.edu/speccoll/litbroa0.htm | |
64. A Little Too Little: Re-reading Lorine Niedecker By Jenny Penberthy carl rakosi has written of her as Objectivism's most representative practitioner With her the external world, the object is primary, it is most out front http://www.scc.rutgers.edu/however/v1_1_1999/jplittle.html | |
65. American Poetry 20th Contents Prizes. Prosody and Versification. rakosi, carl. Ransom, John Crowe Bells for JohnWhitesides Daughter Here Lies a Lady. Reed, Ishmael. Reese, Lizette Woodworth. http://www.fitzroydearborn.com/Contents/AmPoet20Cts.htm | |
66. Web Sites Links - Suite101.com carl rakosi in conversation carl rakosi, together with Louis Zukofsky, George Oppen,and Charles Reznikoff, form the core of that group which has come to be http://www.suite101.com/linkcategory.cfm/4847/6791 | |
67. Performance Poetry Links - Suite101.com sites on the www. Access poets like jas h. duke, Rochelle Ratner,Marilyn Rosenberg and carl rakosi. Also the Collective Effort http://www.suite101.com/links.cfm/4847 | |
68. Michael Heller carl rakosi Man and Poet (Man/Woman and Poet Series) Michael Heller (Editor) /Paperback / Published 1993 Our Price $19.95 (Special Order) carl rakosi Man http://www.cortlandreview.com/bookstore/heller.htm | |
69. WHMC-Columbia--Open Places York, New York; Quayle, Louise; Rachel, Naomi; Radin, Doris; Ragosta,Raymond; Raiziss, Sonia; rakosi, carl; Ralston, Patricia L. Randall http://www.system.missouri.edu/whmc/invent/3068.html | |
70. R Gregg; @ Raitano, Natalie; @ Raitt, Bonnie; @ Raje, Anant; @ rakosi,carl; @ Raleigh, Sir Walter; @ Ralph, Christopher; @ Ramagos, Tonya; http://www.ad.com/Reference/Biography/R/ | |
71. R R. Top Arts Literature Authors R Categories Racina, Thom; Rafkin,Louise; Ragen, Naomi; rakosi, carl; Ramagos, Tonya; Ramsay, Allan; http://www.ad.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/R/ | |
72. Boop.ca Everyone's Portal Ella@ 2 Rains, Claude@ 7 Rains, Janet@ 2 Rainwater, Gregg@ 2 Raitano, Natalie@3 Raitt, Bonnie@ 10 Raje, Anant@ 1 rakosi, carl@ 2 Raleigh, Sir http://www.boop.ca/boop/cgi-bin/odp/index.cgi?base=/Reference/Biography/R/ |
73. Listings Of The World Arts Literature Authors R Racina, Thom (2) Rafkin, Louise (2) Ragen, Naomi (2) rakosi, carl (3) Ramagos,Tonya (2) Ramsay, Allan (2) Randall, Alice (2) Randisi, Robert J. (2) Raney http://listingsworld.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/R/ |
74. Authors List Rahv, Philip, 1949, 1957 rakosi, carl, 1941, Ransom, John Crowe, 1941 Rao, Raja,1963 Read, Herbert, 1948, 1951 Rexroth, Kenneth, 1944, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952 http://www.willhallbooks.com/authors36to63.html | |
75. 1941-1945 Poems. 32 pp. P SMP. Series POMY I. 14. rakosi, carl (Callman Rawley) (b. 1903).Selected Poems. (LC 4218829 rev.) 32 pp. D AE. P SMP. Series POMY I. 15. http://www.willhallbooks.com/41to45.html | |
76. Back Issues 00-04 29/No.1 $3.95 Claudia Keelan, Jane Hirshfield, carl rakosi, Jane Mead, John Yau,Seamus Heaney (cover), David Trinidad, Tory Dent, James Haug, Martha Rhodes http://www.aprweb.org/shopsite/page2.html | |
77. Back Issues 95-99 Sutphen, Larry Levis Add to Cart View Cart, Jan/Feb 1997 Vol 26/No 1 $7.00Frank Lima (cover), David Shapiro, Jennifer Snyder, carl rakosi, Barbara Guest http://www.aprweb.org/shopsite/page10.html | |
78. The Sun Moon Classics France The Children of Clay 100 (155713-272-0, $14.95) rakosi, carl USA Poems1923-1941 64 (1-55713-185-6, $12.95) Raworth, Tom England Eternal Sections http://www.sunmoon.com/classics.html |
79. SFU Library - Special Collections And Rare Books Collections Policy At SFU Libra Frank Olson, Charles Oppen, George Oppenheimer, Joel Padgett, Ron Palmer, Michael,Patchen, Kenneth Perelman, Bob Pound, Ezra rakosi, carl Rexroth, Kenneth http://www.lib.sfu.ca/about/collections/specificcollections/specialcollections/s | |
80. PAL: Charles Reznikoff (1894-1976) Guest, David. Conveyances Oral History in the Work of carl rakosi andCharles Reznikoff. carl rakosi Man and Poet. Ed. Michael Heller. http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap7/reznikoff.html | |
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