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61. SALLUST Translate this page sallust (Gaius sallustius Crispus), geb. 86 v.Chr. in Amiternum gest. Bellum IugurthinumI (Vorwort) Kremser. sallust bei amazon.de. © Helmut Schulze, 2002. http://www.litlinks.it/sx/sallust.htm | |
62. OUP USA: Sallust's Bellum Catilinae 9 An American Philological Association Book, sallust's Bellum Catilinae Editedwith an Introduction and Commentary by JT RAMSEY This new commentary, while http://www.oup-usa.org/isbn/0891305602.html | |
63. Sallust sallust 86 bc c.34 bc , Roman historian. He was tribune of the people(52 bc ) and praetor (46). sallust. 86 bc -c.34 bc , Roman historian. http://www.slider.com/enc/46000/Sallust.htm | |
64. Latein Am Wüllenweber Gymnasium Translate this page Lebenslauf. sallust heißt mit ganzem Namen Gaius sallustius Crispus und wurde86 v. Chr. Daraufhin wurde sallust Statthalter der neuen Provinz Afrika. http://www.zum.de/Faecher/L/NRW/wwg_neu/Sallust/sallust.html | |
65. UNIT XIII - Sallust UNIT XIII sallust C. sallustius Crispus (ca.8735 BC) held political office in theturbulent middle decades of the first century BC Born of a plebeian family http://www.holycross.edu/departments/classics/wziobro/Readings/UNITXIIISallust.h | |
66. Sallust Kleine Übersetzungs-Bibliothek, Nr.83/84, Verschwörung Des Catilina Translate this page sallust Kleine Übersetzungs-Bibliothek, Nr.83/84, Verschwörung des Catilina.Titel Kleine Übersetzungs Catilina Autor sallust. Rubrik1 Lernhilfen http://www.mega-buecher.de/Sallust-Kleine-Uebersetzungs-3804411835.html | |
67. Pompeii - House Of Sallust Pompeii House of sallust. The house of Sullust is located next to the bakershouse. Pompeii - House of sallust www.volcanolive.com Copyright John Seach. http://www.volcanolive.com/sallust.html | |
68. Gregory Sallust Series The Gregory sallust series of novels in chronological order of plot Title (clickon title to return to 1st editions), Period of Plot, Date of 1st publication. http://users.whsmithnet.co.uk/bob.rothwell/Sallust.htm | |
69. Sallust gen_jd95t.jpg. ptg_jd-95t.jpg. http://cti.itc.virginia.edu/~jjd5t/region-vi/sallust/sallust-table1.html | |
70. Some Points Concerning Sallust And History Some points concerning sallust and the growth of Roman History. By sallust smoothness.For sallust history should make you work. It http://chss2.montclair.edu/classics/romciv/sallust.html | |
71. [Dirk Herrmann Dirk Herrmann dirk@sallust.ida.ing.tubs.de . From Marius Vollmer.Subject Dirk Herrmann dirk@sallust.ida.ing.tu-bs.de . http://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/guile-devel/2002-12/msg00073.html | |
72. 205G T-O Map, Sallust From Miller Via Wright. Slide 205G. TO map, sallust from Miller via Wright. (orientedwith East at the top) Slide 205 Monograph. http://gate.henry-davis.com/MAPS/EMwebpages/205G.html | |
73. 205MM T-O Map From 13 Th Century Sallust Manuscript (10.5 Cm Diameter). Slide 205MM. TO map from 13th century sallust manuscript (10.5 cmdiameter) oriented with East at the top. Slide 205 Monograph. http://gate.henry-davis.com/MAPS/EMwebpages/205MM.html | |
74. Sallust sallust The Jugurthine War. Prominent Roman politicians mentioned in sallust'smonograph (for page numbers see index at the back of the book) http://www.uvm.edu/~bsaylor/rome/sallust.html | |
75. Sallust Conspiracy of Catiline ca. 4340 BC by sallust 87-35 BC Reading notesAdamKissel. Secondary sources. outline more or less following http://home.uchicago.edu/~ahkissel/sallust.html | |
76. Sallust sallust. To Multiple recipients of list exlibris@library.berkeley.edu ; Subjectsallust; I am looking for a bibliographical reference on an edition of sallust. http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/byform/mailing-lists/exlibris/1998/10/msg00103.ht | |
77. Re: Sallust Re sallust. Undorf, Wolfgang wrote Hello, dear colleagues. I amlooking for a bibliographical reference on an edition of sallust. http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/byform/mailing-lists/exlibris/1998/10/msg00145.ht | |
78. Sallust Translate this page BIOGRAFIE sallusts. sallust sallust wurde 86 v. Chr. in Amiternum (heute SanVittorino bei L'Aquila) geboren und entstammte einer wohlhabenden Familie. http://www.land.salzburg.at/schule/faecher/latein/st_rupert/sallustbio.htm | |
79. PS: Sallust. Politik Und Geschichtsschreibung Im 1. Jahrhundert V. Chr. Translate this page Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Johne Proseminar sallust. Politik und Geschichtsschreibungim 1. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Literatur sallust, hrsg. vV Pöschl, 2. Aufl. http://www.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/vorlesng/ws9697/data/ws969706104.htm | |
80. UE: Latein Für Historiker: Sallust, De Coniuratione Catilinae sallust, Werke, lat. u. dt. http://www.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/vorlesng/ws9697/data/ws969706103.htm | |
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