Morgan, Robert C.,"PAINTED: The Presence of the Past," essay for the catalogue of the show at the Joe and Emily Lowe Art Gallery, Hofstra Museum, Hofstra University, Long Island, NY Westfall, Stephen, "Wild Beauty", essay in catalogue for retrospective exhibition at Museo de Las Americas, Marzio, Abril. Morgan C., Robert, "Straight Painting", essay for brochure of the exhibition at the Painting Center, New York, October Vine, Richard, "Joan Thorne at Casa de Bastidas," Art In America Magazine, Junio issue, New York, New York Taveras, Fior D'Aliza, "Joan Thorne expone en Plaza de la Cultura" El Siglo, Abril 28, Dominican, Republic Fermin, Elizabeth Toribio, "Retrospectiva, exposicion de la norteamericana Joan Thorne," Listin Diario, Abril 21, Dominican, Republic De Tolentino, Marianne "Retrospectiva de la Norteamericana Joan Thorne," Listin Diario, Febrero 1, Santo Domingo, Dominican, Republic Los Santos, Danilo, "Las Calidades y esencias de Joan Thorne," El Caribe, Enero 17, Santo Domingo, Dominican, Republic Goris, Virginia, "Joan Thorne en retrospectiva: una evaluacion al trabajo de tres decadas," | |