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1. Lichfield - Anna Seward Anna Seward (1742-1809) The Swan of Lichfield. A monument to AnnaSeward, the Swan of Lichfield, can be found in the Cathedral. http://www.lichfield.gov.uk/history-as.ihtml | |
2. Anna Seward Anna Seward (17471809). http://www.sonnets.org/seward.htm | |
3. Anna Seward Anna Seward. Anna Seward, 17471809, English poet. Seward lived in Lichfield(and was in fact known as the Swan of Lichfield ), where http://www.english.upenn.edu/~jlynch/Frank/People/seward.html | |
4. Anna Seward Anna Seward. Anna Seward was born in Lichfield, England (which is northnortheastof Birmingham), in 1747, to Thomas Seward and Elizabeth Hunter. http://www.angelfire.com/mi2/rainbowhaven/seward.html | |
5. SEWARD, ANNA seward, anna (17471809), English writer, often called the http://25.1911encyclopedia.org/S/SE/SEWARD_ANNA.htm | |
6. Poems By Anna Seward Poems By anna seward (1810). "Eyam". For one short week I leave, with anxious heart, http://omega.cc.umb.edu/~fayeng/seward.html | |
7. Sonnet To The Rev. Richard Polwhele," By Anna Seward willing to enter any sort of dialogue with Polwhele is anna seward. Her "Sonnet " admittedly, is not a defense of The http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/britpo/unsex/unsex-app2.html | |
8. Seward, Anna. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. seward, anna. (s ´w rd)(KEY) , 17421809, English poet, called the Swan of Lichfield. http://www.bartleby.com/65/se/Seward-A.html | |
9. Sequoia To Shakespeare's Plays (table). Alphabetic Index To Entries. The Columbi Seville. sevin. Sèvres. Sèvres, Treaty of. Sèvres ware. Sewall, Samuel. seward,anna. seward, William Henry. seward. seward Peninsula. Sewell, anna. Sewell, Jonathan. http://www.bartleby.com/65/index215.html | |
10. Seward, Anna encyclopediaEncyclopedia seward, anna, sE'wurd Pronunciation Key. seward,anna , 17421809, English poet, called the Swan of Lichfield. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0844595.html | |
11. Seward, William Henry Previous seward, anna, Next seward. The Columbia Electronic EncyclopediaCopyright © 1994, 2000, Columbia University Press. Licensed http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0844596.html | |
12. Anna Seward (1742-1809) This page features links to the poetry of anna seward (17421809) To cite this page, be sure to substitute today's date seward, anna. "Portrait of Miss Levett." http://www2.hn.psu.edu/faculty/kkemmerer/18thc/women/seward/portrait.htm |
13. Seward, Anna seward, anna 17421809, English poet, called the Swan of Lichfield. seward,anna. 1742-1809, English poet, called the Swan of Lichfield. http://www.slider.com/enc/48000/Seward_Anna.htm | |
14. Ser - Sha Marie de RabutinChantal, marquise de Seville sevin Sevres Sevres ware Sevres, Treatyof Sewall, Samuel seward seward Peninsula seward, anna seward, William http://www.slider.com/enc/s_12.htm | |
15. Archives Hub: A Collection-level Description For The Anna Seward Letters for the anna seward Letters. Existenceof Copies. The anna seward Letters are available on microfilm.......A Collectionlevel http://www.archiveshub.ac.uk/news/02092006.html | |
16. Words Of Women Anna Seward Click here to return to main page, anna seward. (17471809). lilip'sphotography Post to the messageboard Elizabeth Akers Allen Jane http://www.photoaspects.com/lilip/seward.shtml | |
17. Words Of Women - WOW Anna Seward Click here to return to main page, anna seward. (17471809). AutumnLeaves Written in the Blank Page of the Sorrows of Werther Elegy http://www.photoaspects.com/lilip/poets/seward1.html | |
18. Anna Seward (1742-1809) anna seward (17421809). Knowledge, A Poem in the Manner of Spencer. Tocite this page, be sure to substitute today's date seward, anna. http://www.hn.psu.edu/Faculty/KKemmerer/18thc/women/seward/knowledge.htm |
19. Anna Seward (1742-1809) anna seward (17421809). Portrait of Miss Levett Use this information responsibly.To cite this page, be sure to substitute today's date seward, anna. http://www.hn.psu.edu/Faculty/KKemmerer/18thc/women/seward/portrait.htm |
20. Seward, Anna encyclopediaEncyclopedia seward, anna, sE'wurd Pronunciation Key. seward,anna , 17421809, English poet, called the Swan of Lichfield. http://print.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0844595.html | |
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