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Shlian Deborah: more detail | |||||||||||
61. Mystery Lover's Bookstore Barbara Parker, Martha Powers, Randy Rawls, Maxwell J. Richards. JR Ripley,deborah shlian, Patricia Sprinkle, Elaine Viets. Diane Vogt, Dirk Wyle, http://www.mwa-florida.org/bookstore.htm | |
62. Creatures 'n Crooks Bookshoppe: Links Lumley Catherine Asaro Cathie John Chassie West Chris Kuzneski Christopher GoldenClive Cussler David Cole Dean James Dean Koontz deborah shlian Denise Dietz http://www.cncbooks.com/links.html | |
63. MetaEUREKA Metasearch Shields, Carol, Shiki. Shirley, James, Shirley, John. shlian, deborah, Shute,Nevil. Sidney, Philip, Sienkiewicz, Henryk. Sigourney, Lydia Huntley, Silliman,Ron. http://www.metaeureka.com/cgi-bin/odp2.pl?dir=Arts/Literature/Authors/S/ |
64. Casa Mysterioso - An Online Salon Hosted By JULIE SMITH deborah shlian Nowhere to Hide by Joan Hall Hovey ISBN 059503664 In Nowhere toHide, author Joan Hall Hovey has created a riveting thriller that will leave http://www.casamysterioso.com/review_view.asp?Page=32 |
65. Shou (Book Review) Book review of Shou by deborah Joel shlian. BOOK REVIEW Shou. by deborah Joel shlian. Publisher toExcel, an imprint of iUniverse.com, Inc. http://www.mightynatural.com/book_reviews/shou.htm | |
66. The Columnists.com Has Columns About Entertainment, Television, Music, And Scree 3. Ron Miller. reviews the new literary thriller set in China. SHOU By deborah Joel shlian. A ChineseAmerican doctor is lured into China's diabolical scheme. http://www.thecolumnists.com/miller/miller89.html | |
67. Katalog : : Arts : Literature : Authors : S : - Netz-Tipp.De James (*); Shirley, John (*); shlian, deborah (*); Shute, Nevil; http://www.netz-tipp.de/kat/Arts/Literature/Authors/S/ | |
68. Lancaster County Library System /All Locations 1993 Fic SHIVER LOUISE HERE Shivers, Louise.; LANCSTR FictionAVAILABLE 1983 Ficshlian D shlian, deborah M.; LITITZ FictionAVAILABLE 2000 Fic SHOBIN D The http://catalog.lancasterlibraries.org/search/cFic SHOBIN D/cfic shobin d/-5,-1,, | |
69. Browsing Reference Biography S Category Dr. Harold Frederick Shire, Talia Shirley, James Shirley, John Shirodkar, NamrataShirow, Masamune Shivaji Shivdasani, Aftab shlian, deborah Shocked, Michelle http://www.uksprite.com/search/search/Reference/Biography/S/ |
70. Alphamusic - Deborah Shlian Translate this page Mittwoch, den 12. Februar 2003. shlian, deborah Double Illusion Buch BERTRAMSPRINT ON DEMAND Bestell-Nr. 1-58348-606-2 16.99 EUR. Einband Pappe. http://www.alpha-musicshop.de/062/1583486062.html | |
71. JAMA -- Page Not Found Books/Fiction Shou by deborah shlian and Joel N. shlian, 419 pp, paper$17.95, ISBN 158348759, iUniverse.com, Lincoln, Neb, ToExcel, 1999. http://jama.ama-assn.org/issues/v284n8/ffull/jbk0823-1.html | |
72. A Celebration Of Women Writers: S Listings Shkapskaia, Mariia Mikhailovna (18911952); shlian, deborah M. (fl.1986)Wednesday's Child (page images at iuniverse.com). Shockley http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/authors-S.html | |
73. The Book Place $5.24, NURSERY BY shlian, deborah ISBN 0441586570 (BA) Pub Date 11/1984Cover Price $2.95, Used 1 Price $1.48 New 0 Price $2.21, http://www.the-bookplace.com/category.asp?Category=SU&start=2700 |
74. Start - Language: Englisch - Arts - Literature - Authors - S Translate this page , Shiki. , Shirley, James. , Shirley, John. , shlian, deborah. ,Shute, Nevil. , Sidney, Philip. , Sienkiewicz, Henryk. , Sigourney, LydiaHuntley. http://webkatalog.freenet.de/freenet_page_1923c14be3a2d95bb3e6fdafe9a39d89.html | |
75. Harriet Klausner's Review Archive CHIMERA by Will Shetterly THE FIG EATER by Jody Shields ANGELICA by Sharon Shinn(NEW!) DEMONS by John Shirley SHOU by deborah and Joel shlian SEA GLASS by http://harrietklausner.wwwi.com/index_author_s.html | |
76. S Website Results :: Linkspider UK Namrata@ (2); Shirow, Masamune@ (11); Shivaji@ (6); Shivdasani, Aftab@(5); shlian, deborah@ (2); Shocked, Michelle@ (9); Shockley, William http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Reference/Biography/S/ | |
77. Searchalot Directory For S Shirow, Masamune (11); Shivaji (6); Shivdasani, Aftab (5); shlian, deborah(2); Shocked, Michelle (9); Shockley, William (1); Shor, Miriam http://www.searchalot.com/Top/Reference/Biography/S/ | |
78. Reference: Biography: S - WorldSearch.com 9); Shivdasani, Aftab@ (5); shlian, deborah@ (2); Shocked, Michelle@(8); Shockley, William@ (1); Shor, Miriam@ (4); Shore, Dinah@ (1); Shore http://www.worldsearch.com/dp.lisa/en/Reference/Biography/S | |
79. SinC Internet Chapter Guest Authors The details can be found on the author's page below. Guest Author for March2003 deborah Turrell Atkinson. Book Giveaway Primitive Secrets. http://www.sinc-ic.org/GA.shtml | |
80. Lancaster County Library System /All Locations Mark Nearby AUTHORS are Year Entries Shlain Bruce 1992 1 Shlain Leonard 2 shlianDeborah M 2000 1 shlian Joel N 2000 1 Shlichta Joe 1996 1 Shlomo Yitzhaqi http://catalog.lancasterlibraries.org:90/kids/10,146/search/aShloss, Carol./ashl | |
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