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141. Children's Books / Authors Illustrators, AZ / ( V ) / Verne, 1. Around the World in Eighty Days jules verne / Scholastic Paperbacks / April 1996. 4.Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea jules verne / Puffin / July 1995. http://hallkidstales.com/V/5.shtml |
142. The Secret Adventures Of Jules Verne Fan Club Includes membership information, series overview, production details and credits, character profiles, video clips, and links to merchandise and clubproduced fanzines. http://www.fanclub.sajv.net |
143. Ellen Mac Arthur - Kingfisher Challenges Deuxi¨me du dernier Vend©e Globe, aussi l'aise sur multicoque que monocoque. Prochain projet le troph©e jules verne. http://www.kingfisherchallenges.com/ |
144. Jules Verne @ Catharton Authors jules verne. 1828 1905. Bored? Websites The North American jules verne Society.Zvi Har'El's jules verne Collection. Garmt de Vries' jules verne Collection. http://www.catharton.com/authors/87.htm |
145. Bibliomania Jules Verne With Around the World in 80 Days online http://www.bibliomania.com/Fiction/verne/index.html |
146. Oversigt - Fundne Poster Oversigt fundne poster. Posterne 1 til 20 ud af 25 (lfo=verne, jules). Mappe1 (kassette 1-6) \Ved Bent Børgesen\ lb verne, jules Zarens kurér. http://libra.dde-drift.dk/is/wsk/query-sh.asp?base=&ccl=lfo=Verne, Jules |
147. Romanian Books World Literature Jules Verne B13.06.001, verne, jules, 800 de leghe pe Amazon, (copertata ), 250, $12, . B13.06.002,verne, jules, Aventurile a 3 rusi si 3 englezi in Africa australa, 168, $ 9, . http://www.romaniandolls.com/books/013literaU/literaU06/literaU06index.html |
148. EbooksLib, Your Source For Quality EBooks! Welcome, Join. Login. English eBooks by verne, jules. verne, jules, 20,000 LeaguesUnder the Seas, Buy this eBook. Foreign Language eBooks by verne, jules. http://www.ebookslib.com/?a=s&aut=1291 |
149. R2D2s Freunde Was fr¼her Sciencefiction war, ist heute Vergangenheit. Das gilt f¼r jules Vernes Reise zum Mond ebenso wie f¼r George Orwells 1984. Roboter haben dieses Schicksal zwar noch nicht erleiden m¼ssen, reine Zukunftsphantasien sind sie aber l¤ngst nicht mehr. Ein Bericht von Torsten Beyer zur aktuellen Lage der Roboterforschung mit Schwerpunkt auf Forschung in Deutschland. http://www.heise.de/ix/artikel/2002/05/160/ |
150. Centres De Ressources De La Maison Des Langues Des exercices interactifs et des liens pour l'apprentissage gratuit des principales langues du monde sur Internet. Propos©s par l'universit© jules Vernes d'Amiens. http://www.u-picardie.fr/CRL/minimes/index.html |
151. Bibliomania Free Online Literature And Study Guides With "Around the World in 80 Days" onlineCategory Arts Literature Works Around the World in 80 Days......800+ texts of classic literature, drama, and poetry together with detailed literature study guides. Large reference book and nonfiction section http://www.bibliomania.com/Fiction/verne/ |
152. The Poetry Workshop Pages Tools and information that inspires and equips young poets to be better and more thoughtful writers.Category Kids and Teens School Time English Writing......Welcome to the Poetry Workshop Pages! Would you like to be a better poet?This page is intended to help you actively write and respond http://www.geocities.com/amylynnhess76/ |
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