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1. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Physiology & Biophysics (Biosciences) Virtual Library includes links to physiology and biophysics servers, journals, universities, and institutes. From Cornell University. Physiology biophysics (Biosciences). A component of The WorldWide Web Virtual Library http://physiology.med.cornell.edu/WWWVL/PhysioWeb.html | |
2. Biophysics Offers graduate studies in biophysics which follow two main tracks, molecular biophysics and functional magnetic resonance imaging. http://www.biophysics.mcw.edu/ | |
3. Harvard Biophysics and Philosophy The program is designed to nurture independent, creative scientists.......The Harvard University http://twod.med.harvard.edu/labgc/biophysics | |
4. Biophysical Society A FASEB member and publisher of the "Biophysical Journal." Extensive resources include an Category Science Biology biophysics......Site Index, View March issue of Biophysical Journal. 2003 Member DuesRenewal 2003 Annual Meeting Addendum 2003 Annual Meeting Abstracts http://www.biophysics.org/ | |
5. Springer LINK: European Biophysics Journal Journal of the European Biophysical Societies' Association published by SpringerVerlag. Includes Category Science Biology biophysics Publications......The Springer Journal European biophysics Journal publishespapers in all fields of biophysics. Springer LINK, http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00249/ | |
6. International Union For Pure And Applied Biophysics Established worldwide professional society based in England for all biophysicsrelated disiplines. http://www.iupab.org/ |
7. Biophysics And Biophysical Chemistry Home Page Department of biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry outlines the structure of the intercampus program in molecular biophysics. http://biophysics.med.jhu.edu/ | |
8. Biophysics Textbook Online A biophysics hypertextbook, sponsored by the Biophysical Society and endorsed by International Union Category Science Biology biophysics Publications......Have comments about biophysics Textbook Online? Send feedback. Steinbach.5/06/02 Computational and Theoretical biophysics Tamar Schlick. http://www.biophysics.org/btol/ | |
9. Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biophysics Graduate program, faculty, positions, postdocs, student resources, and publications. http://biochem.wustl.edu/ | |
10. Department Of Medical Biochemistry And Biophysics Research at MBB covers many fields of medical biochemistry and biophysics. http://www.mbb.ki.se/ |
11. Welcome To Applied BioPhysics Site An electrical biosensor, Electric Cellsubstrate Impedance Sensing (ECIS) for quantitative mammalian cell morphology, attachment, and spreading measurement in real time, e.g. for high-throughput screening. http://www.biophysics.com |
12. T-10 At LANL The Theoretical Biology and biophysics Group (T10) at Los Alamos National Laboratory focuses on the modeling of biological systems and the analysis and informatics of molecular and cellular biological data. http://www.t10.lanl.gov/ | |
13. Laboratory Of Paul B. Manis, Ph.D. Cellular basis of information processing in the auditory system. Potassium channels, modeling, synaptic transmission, and dendritic integration. http://www.med.unc.edu/~pmanis | |
14. Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biophysics Faculty, areas of research, courses, departmental facilities, and a tour of the campus. http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/gsas/biochem/ | |
15. Physiology And Biophysics At SUNY Stony Brook In addition to advanced courses in biophysics and physical chemistry of biomembranes, and physiology and pharmacology of http://www.pnb.sunysb.edu/ | |
16. IDEAL Redirect Service Publishes in the areas of biochemistry and biophysics, especially those related to molecular biology, cell biology, and developmental biology. http://www.idealibrary.com/links/toc/abbi | |
17. UIUC Chapter Of The Illinois Biophysics Society Hopes to create an educational and friendly environment where biophysics students can keep in touch Category Science Biology biophysics......MISSION. This chapter of the Illinois biophysics Society (IBS) encouragesthe participation of all student interested in biophysics research. http://www.life.uiuc.edu/biophysics/ibs/ | |
18. Medical Biophysics [BC Cancer Research Centre] Research focuses on understanding and improving the treatment of solid cancers with radiation and drugs. http://www.bccrc.ca/mb/ | |
19. Institute Of Biophysics The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences studies molecular structure, functions of biological membranes, ion channels, biopotentials, and extracellular electric fields. http://www.bio21.bas.bg/ibf/ | |
20. Medical Biophysics An online community for the study of medical biophysics at UWO. Supports user submitted comments, Category Science Biology biophysics......Medical biophysics The University of Western Ontario. Funded GraduateResearch Positions available in Medical biophysics for 2003 04 http://www.uwo.ca/biophysics/ | |
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