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81. Forschungsperspektiven 2000plus: Bioinformatics And Theoretical Biology Bioinformatics and theoretical biology Biological and medicinal researchinvolves enormous amounts of data. Efficient processing http://2000plus.mpg.de/e/99/article/ | |
82. Theorielabor - Workshops: New Trends In Theoretical Biology - Jena 3.-4.12.1999 Translate this page 3. - 4. Dezember 1999 Workshop New Trends in theoretical biology.TheorieLabor, Ernst-Haeckel-Haus, FSU Jena. Vorträge NA Baginsky | |
83. Historical Notes: History [of Theoretical Biology] A New Kind of Science Notes for Chapter 8 Implications for Everyday Systems SectionGrowth of Plants and Animals Page 1003 History of theoretical biology. http://www.wolframscience.com/reference/notes/1003g | |
84. Rubriek: 42.10 Theoretical Biology DutchESS, Dutch Electronic Subject Service, Rubriek 42.10 theoretical biology. http://www.kb.nl/dutchess/42/10/ | |
85. Comments On Theoretical Biology NewJour Home NewJour C Search Prev Next Comments on TheoreticalBiology. Comments® on theoretical biology http//www.tandf http://gort.ucsd.edu/newjour/c/msg03341.html | |
86. Nature Publishing Group 11 July 2002. Nature 418, 141 142 (2002); doi10.1038/418141a. Theoreticalbiology Ants on a Turing trail PETER HAMMERSTEIN AND OLOF LEIMAR. http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v418/n6894/full/ |
87. Nature Publishing Group ERROR, There has been an error while processing your request. In mostcases, this is an isolated incident that can be overcome by http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v418/n6894/full/ |
88. Comp-neuro On Neuroinf.org: Robotics As Theoretical Biology Workshop Robotics as theoretical biology Workshop. FIRST CALL FOR PARTICIPATION. WORKSHOPON ROBOTICS AS theoretical biology AUGUST 10TH, 2002, EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND. http://www.neuroinf.org/lists/comp-neuro/2002/0030.shtml | |
89. Comp-neuro On Neuroinf.org: Robotics As Theoretical Biology Workshop Robotics as theoretical biology Workshop. SECOND CALL FOR PARTICIPATION. WORKSHOPON ROBOTICS AS theoretical biology AUGUST 10TH, 2002, EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND. http://www.neuroinf.org/lists/comp-neuro/2002/0063.shtml | |
90. Departmetns èesky èeská verze, Institute of Entomology Academy of Sciences ofthe Czech Republic, Department of theoretical biology, Head. Vlastimil http://www.entu.cas.cz/departmentslist.phtml?depid=2 |
91. Theoretical Evolutionary Biology Theoretical Evolutionary Biology. Home Theoretical Evolutionary Biology. How didwe get here? And What should we do next? How I Came to theoretical biology. http://www.adaptivity.org/biology.html | |
92. [Esa-theory-announce] FW ENDANGERED THEORETICAL BIOLOGY GROUP AT Esatheory-announce FW ENDANGERED theoretical biology GROUP ATLEIDEN UNIVERSITY. Chris Klausmeier christopher.klausmeier@eawag http://keittlab.bio.sunysb.edu/pipermail/esa-theory-announce/2001-April/000005.h |
93. Listings Of The World Science Biology Theoretical Biology theoretical biology has the goal of explaining the biological worldby formulating theories. Mathematical biology is closely related. http://listingsworld.com/Science/Biology/Theoretical_Biology/ |
94. GRC On Theoretical Biology Biomathematics PROGRAM FOR GRC ON theoretical biology AND BIOMATHEMATICS. Submitan abstract for a poster session click here Include name, address http://www4.stat.ncsu.edu/~bmasmith/2Kgordon/GRCWEB.html | |
95. Theoretical Biology AD.COM, Search theoretical biology. Top Science Biology Theoretical_Biology Categories 1, Careers in theoretical biology. http://www.ad.com/Science/Biology/Theoretical_Biology/ | |
96. Browsing Science Biology Theoretical Biology Category Browse Science Biology theoretical biology Careers in theoretical biologyGuidance brochure for high school and undergraduate students. http://www.uksprite.com/search/search/Science/Biology/Theoretical_Biology/ | |
97. Journals On Theoretical Biology And Neuroscience Journals on Neuroscience and theoretical biology. Acta Biotheoretica; BiologicalCybernetics; Bulletin of Mathematical Biology; Comments on theoretical biology; http://soliton.wins.uva.nl/~leeuwen/biojournals.html | |
98. Howard Pattee's Theoretical Biology: A Radical Epistemological Stance To Approac Howard Pattee's theoretical biology. a Radical Epistemological Stanceto Approach Life, Evolution and Complexity. Jon Umerez University http://www.c3.lanl.gov/~rocha/pattee/umerez.html | |
99. BioLinks.org - Your Biology Resource! Find This Home Biology theoretical biology. Journals and Publications (2)Research Groups and Centers (0), Societies and Professional Bodies (2). Links. http://www.biolinks.org/Biology/Theoretical_Biology/ | |
100. Theoretical Population Biology (Academic Press) Table of contents from vol.43 (1993). Full text to subscribers via IDEAL. http://www.apnet.com/www/journal/tp.htm |
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