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81. SCORES IN MULTIPLE COPIES Bartok, Bela, 18811945. Quartets, Strings, No. 4.. MSB377q4s7no.4b6. bax, SirArnold edward trevor. Quartet, Strings, No. 1, G Major. MSB39q4s7no.1. http://www.lib.ohio-state.edu/music/minscorm.htm | |
82. Biography.com Bawden, Nina (Mary), 1925 . Bawden, Sir Frederick, bax, Sir arnold (EdwardTrevor), 1883 1953. baxendale, Leo, 1930 . baxter, George, 1804 1867. http://search.biography.com/bio_browse.pl?letter=B&num=500 |
83. B : Art Directory Bargiel, Woldemar (3). Bart³k, B©la (6). Bassett, Leslie (3). bax, ArnoldEdward trevor (6). B©riot, CharlesAuguste de (5). B¸rresen, Hakon (3). http://www.123artist.com/art/Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/B/ | |
84. Listings Of The World Arts Music Composition Composers B Listings World Arts Music Composition Composers B bax, ArnoldEdward trevor. Listings World, Over 2 million http://listingsworld.com/Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/B/Bax,_Arnold_Edward_T |
85. Biography Of Sir Arnold Bax With Gold-music.com Sir arnold bax ( 1883 1953 ) Composer, born in London, England,UK. He studied piano at the Royal Academy of Music, London. His http://www.gold-music.com/fiches/fiche_3353.php | |
86. Composer Links Guillaume; Dukas, Paul;Duncan, trevor; Dunstable, John; Elgar, Sir edward; Emmanuel, Maurice; Enescu, George; http://www.artsound.com/compos.htm | |
87. NOVEMBER 8 CLASSICALmanac 'today In Classical Music' ValeHotzulovo, Ukraine. 1883 Birth of English composer Sir ArnoldEdward trevor bax in Streatham. d-3 OCT 1953. GMN Biography; 1887 http://www.angelfire.com/ab/day/nov8.html | |
88. ¥¢¡¼¥Î¥ë¥É¡¦¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥¹ Arnold Bax ¡Ê1883-1953¡Ë The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.geocities.co.jp/MusicHall/6119/museum/bax/ | |
89. My Playlists My Playlists My Downloads My Downloads My Basket My 207. Head, Michael, A Piper, Movement1. 126. bax, arnold (EdwardTrevor), 5 Irish Songs, Movement3, I heard a Piper Piping. 340. http://www.classical.com/listen/buyoncd.php?playlist_id=514 |
90. MUSIQUE.CH - Classical Timeline Zóltan Kodály, 1882 1967. Sir George Dyson, 1883 - 1964. Sir arnold EdwardTrevor bax, 1883 - 1953. Anton Friedrich Wilhelm von Webern, 1883 - 1945. http://www.musique.ch/home/classicaltimelines_rom2.htm | |
91. Welcome To Gramophone - The World's Best Classical Music Magazine of Enescu String Quartets Nos 1 and 2. As a special surprise for the audience, theMaggini's performed the finale of the First String Quartet by arnold bax. http://www.gramophone.co.uk/newsMainTemplate.asp?storyID=689&newssectionID=1 |
92. What Happened On This Day That Year - Henrik Reinhold Krohn, composer 1882 Lazare Saminsky, composer 1883 ArnoldEdward trevor bax, London England, composer (Farewell My Youth) 1887 Yury http://www22.brinkster.com/tdty/default.asp?dt=1108&cat=4 |
93. AV Call Numbers: Composers Translate this page Bartok, Bela, 1881-1945. B28. Bauer, Marion, 1887-1955. B32. bax, Sir arnold EdwardTrevor, 1883-1953. B33. Bazelon, Irwin. B34. Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney, 1867-1944.B35. http://www.lib.uconn.edu/music/information/composersCallNo.htm | |
94. 10_03_00 (SFC, 1/2/99, p.A14)(SFC, 3/13/02, p.A26). 1953 Oct 3, arnold edward TrevorBax, British composer (Coronation March), died at 69. (MC, 10/3/01). http://timelines.ws/days/10_03.HTML | |
95. Bomis: The Reference/Encyclopedia/Microsoft Encarta/B Ring Translate this page (Encarta® Concise Encyclopedia Article) encarta.msn.com. 130. bax, Sir ArnoldEdward trevor. (Encarta® Concise Encyclopedia Article) encarta.msn.com. 131. http://www.bomis.com/rings/Mmicrosoft_encarta-b-reference/ | |
96. Home Search Newest Join The Effort Member Area About Bavaria (Encarta® Concise Encyclopedia Article) Signup! bax, Sir ArnoldEdward trevor - (Encarta® Concise Encyclopedia Article) Signup! http://www.nupedia.com/topics/b.html | |
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