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         Berlioz Hector:     more books (100)
  1. Briefe Von Hector Berlioz an Die Fürstin Carolyne Sayn-Wittgenstein (French Edition) by Hector Berlioz, La Mara, 2010-02-11
  2. Studies in modern music, first series: Hector Berlioz, Robert Schumann, Richard Wagner by W. H Hadow, 1892
  3. La damnation de Faust (Hector Berlioz New Edition of the Complete Works, Vols. 8a and 8b) by Hector; Rushton, Julian (ed.) Berlioz, 1979
  4. Lettres Inedites De Hector Berlioz A Thomas Gounet (1903) (French Edition) by G. Allix, 2010-05-23
  5. Hector Berlioz: La Vie Et Le Combat, Les Oeuvres (French Edition) by Adolphe Jullien, 2010-04-01
  6. Hector Berlioz by Tom S. Wotton, 1977-06
  7. Correspondance Inedite De Hector Berlioz, 1819-1868 (1879) (French Edition) by Daniel Bernard, 2010-02-23
  8. Hector Berlioz by William Foster Apthorp, Hector Berlioz, 2009-12-17
  9. Hector Berlioz by William Foster Apthorp, Hector Berlioz, 2009-12-17
  10. Hector Berlioz Et La Société De Son Temps (French Edition) by Julien Tiersot, 2010-01-11
  11. Hector Berlioz. by Klaus Heinrich Kohrs, 2003-07-31
  12. Hector Berlioz in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten (Rowohlts Monographien ; 254) (German Edition) by Wolfgang Domling, 1977
  13. Hector Berlioz, die symphonisch-dramatischen Werke: Mit 15 Notenbeispielen, sowie d. Libretti u. Programmen in Franz. u. Dt (German Edition) by Wolfgang Domling, 1979
  14. Hector Berlioz (Symphonia books) by John Daniskas, 1949

61. Quotez - Berlioz, Hector
Author Index berlioz, hector.
Berlioz, Hector
"Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils." - quoted in Almanach des lettres françaises Quotez - a selection of quotations
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62. Hector Berlioz
Translate this page berlioz, hector * 11. Dez. 1803 in La Côte-Saint-André (Isère) (bei Grenoble)† 8. März. 1869 in Paris. franz. Komponist und Musikschriftsteller.
Berlioz, Hector
* 11. Dez. 1803 in La Côte-Saint-André (Isère) (bei Grenoble)
† 8. März. 1869 in Paris
  • franz. Komponist und Musikschriftsteller Studium in Paris bei Lesueur und Anton Reicha 1830 Rom-Preis für die Kantate 'La dernière nuit de Sardanapale' 1830 'Symphonie Fantastique'
    1839 Konservator der Bibliothek des Pariser Conservatoires 1842-43, 1845, 1854 Deutschlandreisen Obwohl Berlioz mit seinen Kompositionen in Deutschland, Rußland und Österreich Erfolge feierte, wurde sein Werk im Heimatland Frankreich lange verkannt. Bis zu seinem Tode war er in Paris als Bibliothekar, Musikkritiker (die längste Zeit für das "Journal des Débats") und Buchautor tätig, um seinen Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen. Berlioz' kompositorisches Schaffen umfaßt Opern, Chor-, Orchester- und geistliche Werke
  • Les Francs-Juges Oper 3 Akte, op. 3
    26. Mai 1828 Paris, Salle du Conservatoire (nur teilweise UA) Benvenuto Cellini opéra semi-seria 2 Akte (4 Bilder), op. 23 IN CD
    Armand François Léon de Wailly/Henri Auguste Barbier/Alfred de Vigny
    10. Sept. 1838 Grand Opéra Paris (1. Fassung); ein Mißerfolg mit nur 7 Aufführungen
  • 63. Berlioz. Symphonie Fantastique
    MHL 341 Music History. berlioz, hector Symphonie fantastique, mvt. 5 The previouspiece on your listening list was Liszt Franz Transcendental Édude No.
    MHL 341 Music History Berlioz, Hector: Symphonie fantastique , mvt. 5
    • The previous piece on your listening list was Liszt Franz:
    • The previous symphony movement on your listening list was Beethoven: Symphony No. 3
    • With Berlioz we reach the only major early Romantic era composer who was French. He wrote a total of four program symphonies, the first of which is the famous p. 400 says: Structurally, Symphonie fantastique Symphonie fantastique
    • The
    • The detailed program or story of the symphony is given by
    • The list of the instruments does not suggest the variety of inventive things that Berlioz finds for the performers to do in this and other pieces. But part of the interest of the piece lies in its emphasis on new instrument possibilities, new tone colors and sounds that could suggest an infinite variety of emotions and ideas.
    • returns, as if the Beloved is leading the group, from Reh. E, but the revelry is interrupted by the bells m. 102, and the playing of a melody well known to audiences of the time, the Dies Irae and Dies irae con tutta forza , just before the final cadence on C major.

    64. Treatise On Instrumentation; Author: Berlioz, Hector; Author: With Strauss, Rich
    Treatise On Instrumentation Author berlioz, hector; Author With Strauss,Richard. Treatise On Instrumentation Author berlioz, hector

    English Books

    German Books

    Spanish Books

    Sheet Music
    Treatise On Instrumentation
    Author: Berlioz, Hector; Author: With Strauss, Richard
    424 pages
    Published: December 1991
    Music Sales Limited ISBN: 0486269035 This item non-returnable. All sales final. Order may not be canceled after confirmation. PRODUCT CODE: 0486269035 USA/Canada: US$ 24.90 Australia/NZ: A$ 51.40 Other Countries: US$ 32.40 convert to your currency Delivery costs included if your total order exceeds US$50. We do not charge your credit card until we ship your order. Government and corporate Purchase Orders accepted without prior account application. PLACE AN ORDER To prepare to buy this item click "add to cart" above. You can change or abandon your shopping cart at any time before checkout. CHECK ORDER STATUS Check on order progress and dispatch. CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR ORDER Please E-mail us within one hour The NetStoreUSA website is operated by Open Communications, Inc an Arizona corporation, which has successfully served the Internet community since 1994.

    65. Berlioz
    Translate this page hector berlioz, sa vie, son influence, ses oeuvres (Symphonie Fantastique,les Troyens, Benvenuto Cellini, Harold en Italie.

    66. Hector Berlioz
    Translate this page hector berlioz. *11.12.1803 (La Côte-St.-André) - 8.3.1869 (Paris). Links Thehector berlioz Page (englisch). Internationale berlioz Gesellschaft (englisch).
    Komponisten Hector Berlioz *11.12.1803 (La Côte-St.-André) - 8.3.1869 (Paris)
    • Links:
    The Hector Berlioz Page (englisch) Internationale Berlioz Gesellschaft (englisch)

    berlioz, hector. 792. berlioz. medical studies, he at last made knownto his father the unalterable decision of devoting himself entirely
    BERLIOZ It is not only as a composer that the life of Berlioz is full of interest, although in this respect his achievement is singularly significant for the comprehension of the modern spirit in music. His literary works include the Traite d'instrumentation (1844); Voyage musical en Allemagne et en Italic (1845); Les Soirees d'orchestre (1853); Les Grotesques de la musique (1859); A travers chant (1862); Memoires (1870); Lettres intimes (1882),, For a full list of his musical works, Grove's Dictionary should be consulted. The new critical edition of the complete musical works (published by Breitkopf and Hartel) is in ten series. I. Symphonies: Fantastique, Op. 14; Fune’bre et triomphale, Op. ‘5, for military band and chorus; Harold en Italie, Op. 16, with viola solo Romeo et Juliette, with chorus and soli. II. Overtures (ten, including the five belonging to larger works). Ill. Smaller instrumental works, of which only the Funeral March for Hamlet is important. IV. Sacred music: the Grande Messe des marts, Op. 5; the Te Deum, Op. 22; L’Enfance du Christ, Op. 25, and four smaller pieces. V. Secular cantatas, including liwit scines de Faust, Op. I; LClio, on le retour ala vie, Op. J46 (sequel to Symphoijiefantastique) , and La Dalnnat’ion de Faust, Op. 24. VI. Songs and lyric choruses with orchestra, two vols. VII. Songs and lyric choruses with pianoforte, 2 vols. including arrangements of the orchestral songs. VIII. Operas: Benvenuto Cellini; Les Troyens (five acts in two parts, La Prise de Troie and Les Troyens a Carthage); Recitatives for the dialogue in Weber’s Freisch’ütz. IX. Arrangements, including the well-known orchestral version of Weber’s Invitation a la dense. X. Fragments and new discoveries.

    68. Academic Directories
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    69. Berlioz,Hector (1803-1869) Requiem - Jpc
    Translate this page jpc - Requiem, berlioz,hector (1803-1869) Requiem Wagner,RundfunkchorBerlin,Berlin SO, Schönwandt. More berlioz,hector (1803-1869) CDs.
    Berlioz,Hector (1803-1869)

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    Symphonie fantastique

    Nuits d'Ete
    Symphonie fantastique Der Tod der Cleopatra ... Vokalrecitals (Lieder und Arien) T.Nienstedt singt Lieder v.Komponistinnen You can place your order at any time of the day or night: Tel. +49 180 525 1717 - Fax: +49 5401 851 233 jpc Schallplatten Versandhandelsgesellschaft mbH - Lübecker Straße 9 - D-49124 Georgsmarienhütte Postfach 13 29 - D-49111 Georgsmarienhütte document.write("");

    70. Berlioz,Hector(1803-1869) - Hector Berlioz-Edition (Brilliant Classics) Bei CDHa
    Translate this page berlioz,hector(1803-1869) - hector berlioz-Edition (Brilliant Classics) zum Preisvon 19,99 Euro. Ein Film von mit. großes Bild. berlioz,hector(1803-1869).
    Musik DVD Video Tickets ... Angebote Suchen:
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    - Versandkosten - Zahlungsoptionen ... Berlioz,Hector(1803-1869) Hector Berlioz-Edition (Brilliant Classics) Symphonische Musik Inhalt: 1.Symphonie fantastique op.14 2.Harold in Italien op.16 (Symphonie in 4 Teilen mit einer Viola principal) ... 49124 Georgsmarienhütte Infos zum Produkt: vöDatum: Anzahl: Hersteller: Brilliant, Bestellen: [in den Warenkorb legen] ähnliche Artikel: Berlioz,Hecto Symphonie fan Berlioz,Hecto Symphonie fan ... La Damnation

    71. ResAnet Browse Results
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    72. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Berlioz, Hector (A-E)
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  • 73. M410 BERLIOZ - MATHIESEN - SPRING 97 Music Library Reserve Recordings
    M410 berlioz MATHIESEN - SPRING 97 Music Library Reserve Recordings. berlioz,hector, 1803-1869. berlioz, hector, 1803-1869. Beatrice et Benedict.
    Music Library Reserve Recordings
    Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869.
    La mort d'Orphee ; Scene heroique ; Le cinq mai, op. 6 ; L'imperiale, op. 26
    sound recording / Hector Berlioz. Japan : Denon, p1988.
    Listen to online copy
    Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869.
    (Colin Davis Berlioz cycle)
    LP-S .B515 A.3-1
    Listen to online copy
    Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869.
    Arkadia, p1992.
    (Capolavori = Masterpieces = Chef d'oeuvres = Aristourgimata = Obra maestra)
    CD .B515 A.2-23
    Listen to online copy
    Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869.
    Requiem, op. 5 : Grande Messe des morts ; Symphonie funebre et triomphale :
    CD .B515 D5-9
    Listen to online copy
    Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869.
    Harold en Italie sound recording : op. 16 ; Tristia : op. 18 / Hector Berlioz.
    (Digital classics)
    Listen to online copy
    Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869.
    Lelio: the return to life sound recording / Hector Berlioz. Milwaukee, WI
    : Koss Classics, p1994.
    Listen to online copy
    Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869.
    Berlioz. London : London, p1986.
    CD .B515 G1.3-14
    Listen to online copy
    Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869.
    CD .B515 D.2-2

    74. M410 - MATHEISEN - SPRING 1997 Music Library Open Reserves
    ML410 .B5 B2 1982 berlioz, hector, 18031869. Correspondence. English. ML410 .B5 A316. berlioz, hector, 1803-1869. Damnation de Faust.
    M410 - MATHEISEN - SPRING 1997
    Music Library Open Reserves
    Barzun, Jacques, 1907-
    Berlioz and his century : an introduction to the age of romanticism / Jacques
    Barzun ; with a new preface. Phoenix ed. Chicago : University of Chicago
    Press, 1982, c1956.
    Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869.
    Berlioz : selected letters / edited by Hugh Macdonald ; translated by Roger
    Nichols. London : Faber, 1995.
    ML 410 .B5 A316
    Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869.
    La damnation de Faust; legende dramatique en 4 parties. Poeme de H. Berlioz,
    L. Gandonniere et Gerard de Nerval. English version by William Wallace.
    M1500 .B51 D16 (2 v.)
    Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869.
    L'enfance du Christ = Des Heiland's Kindheit : trilogie sacree : texte
    francais et allemand, oeuvre 25 / paroles et musique de Hector Berlioz ;
    transcrite par A. Mereaux et Th. Ritter ; paroles francaises, avec traduction
    Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869.
    Requiem mass ; and, Te Deum / Hector Berlioz. Mineola, NY : Dover
    Publications, 1996.
    M 2010 .B51 op.5 1996
    Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869.
    (Kalmus miniature orchestra scores ; no. 512)
    Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869.

    75. Berlioz,Hector (1803-1869) Symphonie Fantastique - Jpc
    Translate this page berlioz,hector (1803-1869) Symphonie fantastique Preis- und BestellinformationCD IN,ADD,m,39/24 Weitere Informationen zu diesem Titel Klangbeispiele
    Berlioz,Hector (1803-1869)
    Symphonie fantastique

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    Profi-Suche: Inhalt: 1. +Danse de Sylphes a."La Damnation de Faust" la Societe du Conservatoire Paris, Royal PO,Walter
    Weitere Berlioz,Hector (1803-1869) CDs
    Symphonie fantastique
    Nuits d'Ete Symphonie fantastique Der Tod der Cleopatra ... Benda,Georg Anton (1722-1795) Symphonie Nr.1 Bestellen rund um die Uhr: Tel. 0180/525 1717 (DM 0,24/Minute) - Fax: 05401/851 233 jpc Schallplatten Versandhandelsgesellschaft mbH - Lübecker Straße 9 - D-49124 Georgsmarienhütte Postfach 13 29 - D-49111 Georgsmarienhütte Discographien: Musik Künstler Rock Künstler Pop Künstler Klassik Komponisten ... Movie Verzeichnis document.write("");

    76. Berlioz,Hector (1803-1869) Symphonie Fantastique - Jpc
    Translate this page berlioz,hector (1803-1869) Symphonie fantastique Preis- und BestellinformationCD Dutton,ADD,m,44/47 Weitere Informationen zu diesem Titel Klangbeispiele
    Berlioz,Hector (1803-1869)
    Symphonie fantastique

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    Symphonie fantastique
    Nuits d'Ete Symphonie fantastique Der Tod der Cleopatra ... Leclair,Jean Marie (1697-1764) Recreation de Musique Nr.2 op.8 Bestellen rund um die Uhr: Tel. 0180/525 1717 (DM 0,24/Minute) - Fax: 05401/851 233 jpc Schallplatten Versandhandelsgesellschaft mbH - Lübecker Straße 9 - D-49124 Georgsmarienhütte Postfach 13 29 - D-49111 Georgsmarienhütte Discographien: Musik Künstler Rock Künstler Pop Künstler Klassik Komponisten ... Movie Verzeichnis document.write("");

    77. Ãåêòîð Áåðëèîç - BERLIOZ, Hector | Êëàññè÷åñêàÿ ìóç�
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    Ïîñëóøàòü ñî÷èíåíèÿ àâòîðà â Real Audio
    Áåðëèîç âîøåë â èñòîðèþ êàê ñìåëûé õóäîæíèê, ðàñøèðèâøèé âûðàçèòåëüíûå âîçìîæíîñòè ìóçûêàëüíîãî èñêóññòâà, êàê ðîìàíòèê, îñòðî çàïå÷àòëåâøèé áóéíûå äóõîâíûå ïîðûâû ñâîåãî âðåìåíè, êàê êîìïîçèòîð, òåñíî ñâÿçàâøèé ìóçûêó ñ äðóãèìè âèäàìè èñêóññòâ, êàê ñîçäàòåëü ïðîãðàììíîé ñèìôîíè÷åñêîé ìóçûêè - ýòîãî çàâîåâàíèÿ ðîìàíòè÷åñêîé ýïîõè, óòâåðäèâøåãîñÿ â òâîð÷åñòâå êîìïîçèòîðîâ XIX âåêà.
    Áåðëèîç îêàçàëñÿ òèïè÷íûì ñàìîó÷êîé: ìóçûêàëüíûìè çíàíèÿìè îí áûë îáÿçàí ñåáå è êíèãàì, êîòîðûå íàõîäèë â áèáëèîòåêå îòöà. Çäåñü îí ïîçíàêîìèëñÿ ñ òàêèìè ñëîæíûìè òðóäàìè, êàê "Òðàêòàò î ãàðìîíèè" Ðàìî, ñ êíèãàìè, òðåáîâàâøèìè ãëóáîêîé ñïåöèàëüíîé ïîäãîòîâêè.
    Ïî ñîâåòó Ëåñþýðà â 1826 ãîäó Áåðëèîç ïîñòóïèë â êîíñåðâàòîðèþ.  òå÷åíèå ñëåäóþùèõ äâóõ ëåò, ïî ñëîâàì Áåðëèîçà, åãî æèçíü îçàðÿëè "òðè óäàðà ìîëíèè": çíàêîìñòâî ñ òâîðåíèÿìè Øåêñïèðà, ¸òå è Áåòõîâåíà. Ýòî äàëüíåéøèå ñòóïåíè äóõîâíîãî ñîçðåâàíèÿ. Íî áûëà åùå îäíà ìîëíèÿ, íå èìåþùàÿ îòíîøåíèÿ ê ìóçûêå.
    Ëåãêî âîñïëàìåíÿþùèéñÿ, íåïðåðûâíî íàõîäÿùèéñÿ â ñîñòîÿíèè òâîð÷åñêîãî âîçáóæäåíèÿ, Áåðëèîç ñî÷èíÿåò, ïåðåõîäÿ îò îäíîãî çàìûñëà ê äðóãîìó: êàíòàòû, ïåñíè ("Èðëàíäñêèå ìåëîäèè"), îðêåñòðîâûå óâåðòþðû è ìíîãîå äðóãîå. Ñ 1823 ãîäà îí âûñòóïàåò â ïå÷àòè ñ îñòðîïîëåìè÷åñêèìè ñòàòüÿìè è íà äîëãèå ãîäû íå ðàññòàåòñÿ ñ ïåðîì æóðíàëèñòà. Òàê íåçàìåòíî, íî èíòåíñèâíî îí âòÿíóëñÿ â õóäîæåñòâåííóþ æèçíü Ïàðèæà, ñáëèçèâøèñü ñ ëó÷øèìè ïðåäñòàâèòåëÿìè ïåðåäîâîé èíòåëëèãåíöèè: þãî, Áàëüçàêîì, Äþìà, åéíå, Ëèñòîì, Øîïåíîì è äðóãèìè.

    78. Berlioz, Hector
    berlioz, hector. (18031869). French composer. The Blue Planet LIVE! inHong Kong 28-30/03/2003. Hong Kong Philharmonic Debuts Under the Sea!

    79. Berlioz, Hector
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    80. Berlioz, Hector
    berlioz, hector. La site Links hector berlioz by Robert Poliquin (verycomplete catalog!); hector berlioz; berlioz, hector (by HNH).

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