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Home - Composers - Dowland John |
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81. Säveltäjien Teosluetteloita Dowland dowland, john john dowlandin sävellystuotannosta ei ole olemassa modernia, kattavaateosluetteloa. Poulton, Diana john dowland. New and revised edition. http://www.kaapeli.fi/~musakir/Verzeichnis/dowland.html | |
82. KU Choral Library Holdings - By Title Fine Knacks for Ladies, dowland, john, SATB, Faber Music, 25, 02, 136, CliffordBartlett. Fine Knacks for Ladies, dowland, john, SATB, Oxford 15, 24, 01, 23,Charles Scott. http://www.ku.edu/~choirs/ChoralLb/KuChLibF.htm | |
83. Versand 1266, dowland, john, First Book of Songs (1597), 31,00. 1441, dowland, john, SecondBook of Songs (1600), 31,00. 1442, dowland, john, Third book of songs (1603), 31,00. http://www.seicentomusic.de/n53.htm | |
84. Zeal.com - United States - New - Entertainment - Music - Genres - Classical - Co A great resource for United States New - Entertainment - Music - Genres - ClassicalMusic - Composers - Renaissance - dowland, john. dowland, john Preview http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=1173326 |
85. Bd dowland,john, Lachrimae Pavan, **/Konrad Ragossnig/, *SCH. dowland,john, The Kingof Denmark´s Galliard, **/Konrad Ragossnig/, *SCH. dowland,john, Two Pieces, *AL. http://www.netax.sk/~zsapka/B-D.HTM | |
86. Published Music By Composer William Byrd. Come to me grief forever; The eagle's force. Thomas Campian.Never weatherbeaten saile. john dowland. 1. Lacrimae Antiquae. 10. http://www.laymusic.org/music/sp/html/bycomposer.html | |
87. Iclassics.com - Classical Music And More john dowland. dowland Songs Lachrimae. Seaven Teares Music of john dowland.dowland In Darkness Let Me Dwell. dowland In Darkness Let Me Dwell. http://www.iclassics.com/iclassics/artists_result.jsp?entityId=248 |
88. Wiener Singakademie - Konzerte Mit Werken Von John DOWLAND Translate this page Dirigenten Conductors, Jahresprogrammen Annual Programs. Konzerte mitWerken von Concerts with pieces composed by john dowland (1563-1626). http://www.singakademie.at/archive/k_dowlan.html |
89. Www.iper1.com - John Dowland Cerca la rima. john dowland. Åland Auckland Isole Auckland Leo HendrikBaekeland Basutoland Beveland William Buckland Burgenland http://www.iper1.com/rime/index.asp?cerca=John Dowland |
90. JHS: Directory 33. dowland, john, The Lowest Trees Have Tops, dowland concert, dowland,john, Piper's Pavane, From dowland to Silvio, MP3, 100. dowland http://jeffrysteele.com/jhs-directory.html | |
91. John Dowland | Musiques.mysic.com john dowland biographies partitions et tablatures paroles de chanson vid©osclips dates de concert musiciens interviews mp3s actualit©s musicales http://musiques.mysic.com/John_Dowland.html | |
92. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET-VERZEICHNIS DEUTSCHLAND:DOWLAND, JOHN john dowland - CD-Shop Musica Bona;john dowland (1563 - 1626); john dowland (andreas-gruen.de); Romanischer http://www.phone-soft.de/cyber-world/o7153d.htm | |
93. John Dowland (1563-1626) Forum Frigate john dowland (15631626) Forum Frigate Post MessageThe Jolly RogerOnePage Version. Welcome to the john dowland (1563-1626) Forum Frigate. http://jollyroger.com/zz/ymusicd/JohnDowland(1563-1626)hall/shakespeare1.html | |
94. John Dowland | Music.mysic.com john dowland biographies chords and tabs lyrics videos tour dates musicians interviewsmp3s music news pictures midi files CD Covers discount. john dowland. http://music.mysic.com/John_Dowland.html | |
95. John Dowland Sheet Music, Lyrics, Chords, Tabs, Scores, Midi, Videos, Cd's - Sta Find john dowland Official sheet music, songbooks, lyrics, tabs, midi(if available). Stagepass john dowland, What If I Never Speed? Sacred http://www.stagepass.com/groupartist/artist_items.hperl?Artist=Dowland, John |
96. Alphamusic - Lieder Translate this page Februar 2003. Cover vergrößern, dowland,john (1562-1626) Lieder CD (Lieder undArien) Stradivarius, DDD, 01 VÖ-Datum 2.9.2002 Bestell-Nr. 6093419 19.99 EUR. http://www.alphamusik-shop.de/419/6093419.html | |
97. Dowland's Homepage The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://home.kimo.com.tw/teddywang69/dowland.html |
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