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81. REDHOUSE HOT SIX - Oldtime-Jazz Der 20er & 30er Jahre Dem HotJazz hat sich die Kapelle aus Freiburg verschrieben. Louis Armstrong, King Oliver und duke ellington sind daher auch die Paten, wenn die Musik losgeht. Bandgeschichte, CD´s, Konzerttermine, Kontaktseite. http://www.redhousehotsix.de/ | |
82. Footlight.com > Ellington, Duke ellington, duke Viewing 125 of 55 results. 1. Sophisticated Swing Just OneMore Dance ellington, duke Audio CD, 2. 1938 - 1939 ellington, duke Audio CD, http://www.footlight.com/artist.cfm?artist_id=109 |
83. Vokalensemble D'accord: Weltliche Musik In Saarbrücken Vorstellung des etwa dreissigk¶pfigen Chors aus Saarbr¼cken, dessen Programm von Haydn, Schumann und Ravel bis Ligeti und duke ellington reicht. Neben Konzertkritiken gibt es Informationen f¼r Interessenten, die im Chor mitsingen m¶chten. http://user.saarland-online.de/daccord/ |
84. Footlight.com > Ellington, Duke ellington, duke Viewing 125 of 49 results. 1. Sophisticated Swing Just OneMore Dance ellington, duke Audio CD, 2. 1938 - 1939 ellington, duke Audio CD, http://www.footlight.com/artist.cfm?artist_id=109&cat_id=4 |
85. Duke Ellington Picture Link Book Promotional material for Honolulu event sponsored by the Hawaii Academy of Performing Arts. Includes various essays on his music and responses to it. http://hapa2.com/Duke/ | |
86. Alphamusic - Ellington Duke Suchergebnisse Ergebnisse für den Suchbegriff ellington,duke. ellington, duke Classics 1951 CD, 15.99 EUR weitere Artikel zu ellington, duke, Details. http://www.alphamusic.de/cgi-bin/suche.pl?fastsearch=Ellington,Duke |
87. Carter.to Personal website featuring a streaming MP3 broadcast of site owner's CD collection, playing anything from duke ellington to Ministry to Pink Floyd to Dr. Dre. http://carter.to/ | |
88. Howard University Libraries - Duke Ellington: A Centennial Tribute References ellington, duke. The html. People in Jazz http//www.acns.nwu.edu/jazz/artists/ellington.duke/.DISCOGRAPHIES, FILMOGRAPHIES. http://www.founders.howard.edu/ellington/default.htm | |
89. Duke Ellington Filmography at IMDb (Internet Movie Database). http://us.imdb.com/Name?Ellington, Duke |
90. MusicMoz - Bands And Artists: E: Ellington, Duke duke ellington. From United States Styles the entire directory. Top Bandsand Artists E ellington, duke (9) Links (9). http://musicmoz.org/Bands_and_Artists/E/Ellington,_Duke/ | |
91. Artists: Joe "Tricky Sam" Nanton Trombonist from the West Indies. Performed with duke ellington until 1946. This is a brief biography page from the People in Jazz series at Northwestern University's WNURFM, Chicago, Illinois. http://www.nwu.edu/WNUR/jazz/artists/nanton.sam/ | |
92. MusicMoz - Bands And Artists: E: Ellington, Duke: Links DownBeat.com duke ellington Includes a biography, a photo gallery, lengthydiscography with audio clips, four classic Down Beat magazine articles, and a http://musicmoz.org/Bands_and_Artists/E/Ellington,_Duke/Links/ | |
93. A Duke Ellington Panorama Project of the Washington, D.C. ellington Society. List of compositions, sessions, information on joining other societies and Love You Madly, an email discussion group, glossary, time line, centennial remembrances, news, and links. http://www.depanorama.net/ | |
94. A Duke Ellington Panorama A duke ellington Panorama. A duke ellington Panorama. A duke ellingtonPanorama has moved. Our new address is www.depanorama.net. http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Square/2660/ell/ | |
95. Doug Haining And The Twin Cities Seven - Home Small group in the grand tradition of Count Basie's and duke ellington's sideman ensembles. Biographies, their CD, schedule of events, and a small collection of links. http://www.tcseven.com/ | |
96. Down Beat Magazine Includes a biography, a photo gallery, lengthy discography with audio clips, four classic Down Beat magazine articles, and a message board. http://www.downbeat.com/artists/window.asp?aid=173&aname=Duke Ellington |
97. Ellington, Duke encyclopediaEncyclopedia ellington, duke. ellington, duke (Edward Kennedyellington), 18991974, American jazz musician and composer http://www.factmonster.com/ce5/CE016707.html | |
98. Zvuki.ru ELLINGTON, Duke : Ñïðàâêà,ôîòî,MP3,Real Audio,äèñêîãð duke ellington. ?, ? Edward Kennedyellington. 5. duke ellington Selection Solitufre/It 6. Harlem Air Shaft. http://zvuki.ru/A/P/3942/ | |
99. Duke Ellington Filmography at IMDb (Internet Movie Database).Category Arts Music Composition Composers E ellington, duke...... http://www.imdb.com/Name?Ellington, Duke |
100. African American Journey Ellington, Duke duke ellington, a hero in black history. A biography of the famous AfricanAmerican jazz bandleader, composer, and pianist. ellington, duke. http://www2.worldbook.com/features/aajourney/html/bh066.html |
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