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         Mendelssohn Fanny:     more books (95)
  1. Fanny's Music A Tale of Two Piano Trios: Fanny and Felix Mendelssohn?s Piano Trios in D Minor (Op. 11, Op. 49); andHow a Woman Composer?s Work Should Relate to the Canon by Judit Bach, 2009-10-02
  2. At the Piano with Felix and Fanny Mendelssohn by Maurice Hinson, 1988
  3. Hidden Music: The Life of Fanny Mendelssohn
  4. Mendelssohn Essays by R. Larry Todd, 2007-09-14
  5. Twelve Songs, Op. 8, No. 3: "Italy" (Italien) Sheet Music by Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel, 2009-06-24
  6. Twelve Lieder, Op. 9, No. 12: "The Dying Nun" (Die Nonne) Sheet Music by Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel, 2009-06-24
  7. Twelve Lieder, Op. 9, No. 7: "Sleepless" (Sehnsucht) Sheet Music by Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel, 2009-06-24
  8. Twelve Songs, Op. 8, No. 2: "The Homespell" (Das Heimweh) Sheet Music by Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel, 2009-06-24
  9. Fanny Hensel. Briefe aus Paris an ihre Familie in Berlin: Nach den Quellen zum ersten Mal herausgegeben von Hans-Gunter Klein (German Edition) by Hans-Gunter Klein, 2007-07-01
  10. Fanny Hensel, geb. Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Komponieren zwischen Geselligkeitsideal und romantischer Musikasthetik (M & P Schriftenreihe fur Wissenschaft und Forschung) (German Edition)
  11. Die Kompositionen Fanny Hensels in Autographen und Abschriften aus dem Besitz der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preussischer Kulturbesitz: Katalog (Musikbibliographische Arbeiten) (German Edition) by Hans-Gunter Klein, 1995
  12. Fanny Hensel geb. Mendelssohn Bartholdy, 14. Nov. 1805- 14. Mai 1847: Dokumente ihres Lebens. Ausstellung zum 125. Todestag im Mendelssohn-Archiv der Staatsbibliothek ... Kulturbesitz. Ausstellungskataloge) by Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, 1972
  13. Fanny Hensel geb. Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Thematisches Verzeichnis der Kompositionen by Renate Hellwig-Unruh, 2000
  14. Felix Mendelssohn's influence on Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel as a professional composer by Marcia J Citron, 1984

61. Fanny Mendelssohn
Translate this page OUR OFFICIAL WEB SITE. fanny mendelssohn (1805-1847) Sechs Liederop. fanny mendelssohn (1805-1847). Sei Canti op. 7 1. in italiano.
Sechs Lieder op. 7
1. Nachtwanderer in tedesco
Parole di Josef Karl Benedikt von Eichendorff (1788-1857)

Ich wandre durch die stille Nacht,
da schleicht der Mond so heimlich sacht
oft aus der dunkeln Wolkenhülle.
Und hin und her im Tal,
erwacht die Nachtigall
dann wieder alles grau und stille.
O wunderbarer Nachtgesang, von fern im Land der Ströme Gang, leis Schauern in den [dunkeln]* Bäumen, irrst die Gedanken mir, mein wirres Singen hier, ist wie ein Rufen nur aus Träumen, mein Singen ist ein Rufen, ein Rufen nur aus Träumen. 2. Erwin Parole di Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) Ihr verblühet, süße Rosen, Meine Liebe trug euch nicht; Blühtet, ach! dem Hoffnungslosen, Dem der Gram die Seele bricht! Der auf erste Knöspchen lauernd früh zu seinem Garten ging, ach der Tage denk ich trauernd, als ich Engel an dir hing. Alle Blüten, alle Früchte Noch zu deinen Füßen trug Und vor deinem Angesichte Hoffnung mir im Herzen schlug.

62. Felix & Fanny Mendelssohn
Translate this page O komm jetzt, wo Lunen noch Wolken umzieh'n, laß durch die Lagunen,Geliebte, uns flieh'n ! fanny mendelssohn. Die Mainacht, Op. 9/6.
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Wenn die Sonne lieblich schiene
Wie in Wälschland, lau und blau,
Ging' ich mit der Mandoline
Durch die überglänzte Au'. In der Nacht das Liebchen lauschte
An dem Fenster, süß verwacht;
Wünschte mir und ihr, uns Beiden,
Heimlich eine schöne Nacht.
Der Mond, Op. 86/5
Mein Herz ist wie die dunkle Nacht,
Wenn alle Wipfel rauschen;
Da steigt der Mond in voller Pracht
Aus Wolken sacht,
Und sieh, - der Wald verstummt in tiefem Lauschen. Der Mond, der lichte Mond bist du: In deiner Liebesfülle Wirf einen Blick mir zu Voll Himmelsruh', Und sieh, dies ungestüme Herz - wird stille.
Neue Liebe, Op. 19/4
In dem Mondenschein im Walde Sah ich jüngst die Elfen reiten, Ihre Hörner hört ich klingen, Ihre Glöcklein hört ich läuten. Ihre weißen Rößlein trugen Goldne Hirschgeweih und flogen Rasch dahin; wie wilde Schwäne Kam es durch die Luft gezogen. Lächelnd nickte mir die Königin, Lächelnd im Vorüberreiten. Galt das meiner neuen Liebe ? Oder soll es Tod bedeuten !

63. Romantic Composers - Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel
Musical Research Pages Romantic Composers. fanny mendelssohn Hensel(18051847). fanny mendelssohn Hensel was a German pianist and
Musical Research Pages
Romantic Composers Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel (1805-1847) Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel was a German pianist and composer, but is better known for her letters and diaries illuminating the biography of her little brother, Felix Mendelssohn. Unfortunately most of her compositions were never published due to the prevailing attitudes against women in the 19th century. Most of her musical activities were focused around the family music salon where performances were given. Some of her early works were published during her life, but under the name of her brother Felix Mendelssohn. In 1846, the work Gartenlieder (Garden Songs) was published under her own name a year before her death.
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64. Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel "Prelude For Solo Organ"
Call 800543-5429 VIV 304. Prelude for Solo Organ By fanny MendelssohnHensel • Arranged by Barbara Harbach. The separation of fanny
Call 800-543-5429
VIV 304
Prelude for Solo Organ
By Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel • Arranged by Barbara Harbach The separation of Fanny from her family produced this poignant and wistful three-part Song Without Words. The organ, in this arrangement of a favorite piano work, combines a rhythmic pulse with a soaring melody. Fanny’s over 400 works are being slowly recovered and performed throughout the world
VIV 304, 8 pages, $5.95 Clavier
Click here to view a page of the score
A Brief Bio of the Arranger Dr. Barbara Harbach, Visiting Professor of Music at University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh, tours extensively as both a concert organist and harpsichordist. Her appearances include recitals throughout North America, Korea, Japan, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Russian Siberia as well as solo and continuo roles with symphony orchestras. She holds degrees from Pennsylvania State University, Yale University, Konzertdiplom from the Musikhochschule, Frankfurt, Germany, and the Eastman School of Music (D.M.A.). Her lively performances and recordings have captured the imagination of many American composers, and the body of work written for and dedicated to Harbach is substantial.

65. Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel "Organ Works In G Major"
Call 800543-5429 VIV 329. Organ Works in G Major By fanny MendelssohnHensel • Edited by Calvert Johnson. This is the newly-recovered
Call 800-543-5429
VIV 329
Organ Works in G Major
By Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel • Edited by Calvert Johnson This is the newly-recovered wedding recessional that Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel (1805-1847) wrote for her own wedding in 1829. A stately march, it alternates between sections of full chords and imitative sections. Fanny is quickly becoming one of the best known woman composers. This edition also contains an unfinished organ work by her. Recorded on CD by Hester Park CD 7704.
VIV 329, 12 Pages, $6.95 Click here to view a page of the score
A Brief Bio of the Editor Calvert Johnson is Professor of Music, College Organist and Chair of the Music Department at Agnes Scott College (Atlanta). He earned his doctorate in organ performance at Northwestern University where he studied with Karel Paukert. His bachelor's degree was earned at Kalamazoo College. Through the Fulbright-Hays program and a French Government Grant, he studied with Xavier Darasse at the Toulouse Conservatoire, where he was awarded the Premier Prix. Atlanta Journal and Constitution has called his playing "thoroughly invigorating" and impressive in "its rhythmic vitality." The

66. Essentials Of Music - Composers
COMPOSERS. fanny mendelssohn HENSEL Born November 14, 1805. Our pictureof fanny mendelssohn as a composer is based primarily on her songs.
Born: November 14, 1805. Hamburg, Germany
Died: May 14, 1847. Berlin, Germany
In her own words...

"I'm beginning to publish... and if I've done it of my own free will and cannot blame anyone in my family if aggravation results from it... then I can console myself with the knowledge that in no way did I seek or induce the kind of musical reputation that might have brought me such offers. I hope I shall not disgrace you all, for I am no femme libre... If it [my publication] succeeds, that is, if people like the pieces and I receive further offers, I know it will be a great stimulus to me, which I have always needed in order to create. If not, I shall be at the same point where I have always been." German pianist, composer of Lieder and chamber music. Sister of Felix Mendelssohn.
When Felix Mendelssohn visited England in 1846-47, he had a private audience with Queen Victoria. She told him how much she liked his songs, and asked if she could sing her favorite "Italien" from his Op.8 collection. After she sang it, Felix admitted to her that it was not his, but rather his sister Fanny's. The Queen had good taste, for Fanny Mendelssohn was a marvelous composer, largely under-appreciated to this day.
Fanny was born to a prosperous family of the Jewish intelligentsia in Hamburg, granddaughter of the philosopher Moses Mendelssohn. She received early musical training from her mother, and like her younger brother studied composition with C.F. Zelter, who introduced her to the music of

67. ‘ŒÉi‚b‚cj
mendelssohn, fanny. Chorlieder,Duette, Terzette. CD 3525; mendelssohn, fanny. Oratorium Duette.
  • Atterberg, Kurt.
  • Enna, August. The Little Match Girl
  • Onslow, Georges.
  • Stamitz, Carl. Chamber Works.
  • Reinecke, Carl. Piano Quartets, Piano Quintet.
  • Dittersdorf, Ditters von. Giob.
  • Toch, Ernst.
  • Hamerik, Asger. Helsingborg Symphony Orhcestra, Thomas Dausgaard. Dacapo: 8.224161 (CD). Recorded 1997-2000, released 2001. [CD 3508]
  • Langgaard, Rued. Violin Sonatas vol. 1. Serguei Azizian, Anne Oland. Dacapo: 8.224153 (CD). Recorded 1999, released 2001. [CD 3509]
  • Dussek, Johann Ladislaus. Piano Concertos.
  • Hummel, Johann Nepomuk. Messe op. 80, Graduale op. 88, Offertorium op. 89.
  • Paderewski, Ignaz. Orchestral Works. Cracow State Philharmonic Orchestra, Roland Bader. Koch: 3-1735-2 (CD). Recorded 1995, released 1999. [CD 3512]
  • Salieri, Antonio. Emperor's Mass.
  • Telemann, Georg Philipp. Der Schulmeister, Alles redet jetzt und singet. Herrad Wehrung, Traugott Schmohl, Fernand Koenig, Heidelberger Kammerorchester. Impromptu: Imp 75 004 (CD). Recorded 1964-72. [CD 3514]
  • Telemann, Georg Philipp. Kantaten.
  • 68. Fanny Mendelssohn Komponistin
    Translate this page fanny mendelssohn, Komponistin. Rom 1839. Wenn ich Dich bis jetzt hergewünschthabe, so geschah es nicht allein meinet-, sondern auch Deinetwegen. mendelssohn.htm
    Fanny Mendelssohn, Komponistin Rom 1839
    Wenn ich Dich bis jetzt hergewünscht habe, so geschah es nicht allein meinet-, sondern auch Deinetwegen. Neulich aber habe ich Dich bloß meinetwegen hergewünscht, denn anstatt mich zu ennuyieren, wie ein Mops auf dem Koffer, würde ich mich wie ein Kaninchen amüsiert haben, wenn Du mir geholfen hättest. Es war eine feierliche Sitzung der Archäologischen Gesellschaft, Winckelmanns Geburtstag (ich gratuliere), und ich war hingegangen worden. Die Sitzungen finden auf dem Tarpejischen Felsen statt. Rom, den 25. Februar Wir karnevalierten einstweilen hier lustig fort, und das tolle Zeug amüsiert mich weit über meine eigene Erwartung. Eine förmliche Beschreibung der Sache kann ich Euch ersparen, denn die Mühe hat Goethe vor mehr als 50 Jahren übernommen, und in den Grundzügen wie in vielen einzelnen Masken ist es dasselbe geblieben. Wir haben es auf alle Weise versucht, auf drei verschiedene Balkons im Korso, zu Fuß und zu Wagen. Letztere Art ziehe ich durchaus vor; denn nicht nur, daß man sich auf bequeme und sichere Weise mitten im Gewimmel bewegt und alles gut übersehen kann, sondern der Hauptspaß besteht eigentlich in dem kleinen Kriege, den alles gegen die Wagen führt, und die beiden Wagenreihen untereinander.

    69. Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel
    fanny mendelssohn Hensel. Norton Classics website.
    Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel Norton Classics website "I don't quite know what Goethe meant by demonic influence .. . but this much is clear: if something of the sort exists, you exert it over me. I think if you seriously proposed that I become a good mathematician I would have no particular difficulty in doing so, just as I might stop being able to make music tomorrow, if you thought I couldn't do it anymore. Therefore be very careful with me."
    - letter to her brother Felix

    70. Women In Music
    fanny mendelssohn 18051847. fanny mendelssohn. fanny mendelssohn lived during theRomantic period. She was the sister of the famous composer Felix mendelssohn. In Music/women_in_mus
    Women In Music Throughout history women have been denied opportunities to express themselves in creative ways. These four women represent just a few of the many women whose important artistic contributions have changed the world. Fanny Mendelssohn Clara Schumann Martha Graham Marion Anderson Fanny Mendelssohn
    Fanny Mendelssohn. [Online Image] Available , June 15, 2001. Fanny Mendelssohn
    lived during the Romantic period . She was the sister of the famous composer Felix Mendelssohn . Fanny was born into a wealthy German family. She was a brilliant composer and piano player. Even though she was as talented as her younger brother Felix, she never became as famous as him. Her family discouraged her from writing music and giving concerts. Music was not considered a worthy occupation for women of her time or social position. It was not until the end of her short life that her music was even published. Back to top Clara Schumann
    Clara Schumann. [Online Image] Available

    71. The Fanny Mendelssohn Award In Music - Queen's University School Of Music, Kings
    The fanny mendelssohn Award In Music. Established through donations ofQueen's University Alumni in 1997, marking the 150th anniversary
    Student Info

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    The Fanny Mendelssohn Award In Music
    Established through donations of Queen's University Alumni in 1997, marking the 150th anniversary of the death of the great pianist and composer, Fanny Mendelssohn. Awarded to a student in the fourth year of the Bachelor of Music program on the basis of financial need and outstanding overall accomplishment. Selection will be made in consultation with the School of Music. Last modified 11/18/02

    72. Werner Icking Music Archive: Fanny Mendelssohn
    Werner Icking Music Archive Sheet Music; Archives musicales partitions;Archivio di Musica Spartiti; Musikarchiv Noten; fanny mendelssohn.
    Music Archive Home Other Composers Event Log of New Scores Event Log of Revised Scores
    Werner Icking Music Archive
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    Fanny Mendelssohn
    • Italien (Italy) for vocal and guitar Opus 9, No. 3 with lyrics by Franz Grillparzer - arranged and translated into English by Fred Nachbaur . With Noteworthy Composer source file
    Music Archive Home Other Composers Event Log of New Scores ... Event Log of Revised Scores 2001-02-08, Werner Icking (1943-2001), GMD Christian Mondrup Werner Icking Music Archive

    73. Women Of Note - Mendelssohn
    fanny mendelssohn (18051847) fanny was Felix's elder sister by four years,and like him was a child prodigy. The composer - fanny mendelssohn.
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    two hundred and fifty years
    of music by women Fanny Mendelssohn
    Fanny was Felix's elder sister by four years, and like him was a child prodigy. Throughout their lives they had an extremely close personal and musical relationship, Felix often depending on Fanny for advice about his works. Despite being discouraged by both him and her father from publishing her works, she wrote over 400 pieces, in the main piano works and lieder. Her music was heard at the Sunday morning 'Musicales' at their house in Berlin, which were attended by eminent musicians. Goethe was not alone in considering her to be just as gifted as her genius brother. While people often compare her music with that of Felix, her expression is of an altogether more passionate nature. Her music is only now coming to light and being published.
    Click on these works and books for more details below: You can download and hear the first minute of the Piano Trio by clicking here . For general information about playing our sound clips, click

    74. Mendelssohn
    fanny und Felix mendelssohn , doch die
    Briefe einer ungehorsamen Frau
    Musik und Gedanken der Geschwister Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
    Die musikalisch-literarische Begegnung trägt zwar den Titel "Geschwister der Romantik, Fanny und Felix Mendelssohn", doch die Hauptrolle ist Fanny (1805 - 1847) zugedacht. Der Schauspieler Karl Michael Vogler wählte aus der umfangreichen Korrespondenz des Bruders und der Schwester Briefe aus, die das Bild einer Frau am Beginn ihrer künstlerischen Emanzipation zeichnen.
    Fanny schlug einen für ihre Zeit ganz und gar unschicklichen, unerhörten Weg ein; sie wagte es, gegen alle Konventionen und gegen den Willen des Bruders Felix (1809 - 1847) ihre eigenen Kompositionen zu veröffentlichen. Hier erfährt man nun, wie sie ihren Schritt mal verzagt, mal selbstbewußt, mal bissig verteidigte, wie sarkastisch sie gegen die Diskriminierung einer komponierenden Frau aufbegehrte. Felix
    gab nachträglich seine Zustimmung, schrieb ihr anerkennende Worte und bewunderte sogar die Originalität, die Eigenständigkeit ihrer Werke.
    Karl Michael Vogler liest mit sanftem, weichem Tonfall und doch spannungsvoll; ihm gelingt es, Fanny aus dem großen Schatten des berühmten Bruders zu lösen. Diese Absicht verfolgte sicherlich auch Konstanze Eickhorst bei der Zusammenstellung der musikalischen Beiträge von Felix und Fanny. Die Pianistin bevorzugt spieltechnisch höchst anspruchsvolle Stücke, die Fanny als eine Komponistin mit stürmischem Temperament ausweisen. Das Beiheft zur CD enthält hilfreiche Erläuterungen und Bewertungen der Klavierwerke. Leider verzichtete Konstanze Eickhorst auf eine enge Verknüpfung mit den Inhalten der Briefzitate, so dass man ihre glanzvollen Interpretationen als Unterbrechung statt als Ergänzung empfinden muss.

    75. Fanny Hensel-Mendelssohn - Music By
    Translate this page fanny Hensel-mendelssohn und informationen um fanny Hensel-mendelssohn. fanny Hensel-mendelssohnDas Jahr - Klavierzyklus. Mehr fanny Hensel-mendelssohn Albums
    Fanny Hensel-Mendelssohn und informationen um Fanny Hensel-Mendelssohn
    Artists Peter Tschaikowsky Harry Belafonte Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Handel ... Fanny Hensel-Mendelssohn
    Fanny Hensel-Mendelssohn Das Jahr - Klavierzyklus
    Year: Song titles:
  • April. Capriccioso August. Allegro Dezember. Allegro molto Februar. Scherzo Januar. Ein Traum. Adagio quasi una Fantasia, - attacca Juli. Serenade Juni. Serenade Mai. Frühlingslied März. Agitiato Nachspiel. Choral November. Mesto Oktober. Allegro con spirituoso September. Am Flusse
  • Mehr: Fanny Hensel-Mendelssohn Albums: Das Jahr - Klavierzyklus impressum

    76. TRIO ORLANDO - Felix I Fanny Mendelssohn
    TRIO ORLANDO FELIX I fanny mendelssohn, FELIX mendelssohn BARTHOLDYTRIO br. 1 op. 49 ud fanny mendelssohn HENSEL TRIO op. 11 u
    FELIX MENDELSSOHN - BARTHOLDY TRIO br. 1 op. 49 u d -molu
    LIED - ALLEGRETTO 7. FINALE - ALLEGRO MODERATO TRIO ORLANDO: Tonko Niniæ, violina Vladimir Krpan, glasovir Andrej Petraè, violonèelo Felix Mendelssohn, ton majstor: ing. Božidar Panduriæ Fanny Mendelssohn, ton majstor: Dubravka Vrbljanac MASTERING: Dubravka Vrbljanac, Studio R-11 HRT 1999. UMJETNIÈKI PRODUCENT: Joško Kriviæ (P) i (C) 2000. ORFEJ

    77. TRIO ORLANDO Felix I Fanny Mendelssohn

    78. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Fanny ( Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Felix Hensel Fanny Bartholdy
    Translate this page mendelssohn-Bartholdy fanny ( mendelssohn-Bartholdy Felix Hensel fanny BartholdyFelix mendelssohn- Hallaschka Heike Kommerell Heidi Müller-Ruppert Stefan
    Autor: Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Fanny ( Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Felix Hensel Fanny Bartholdy Felix Mendelssohn- Hallaschka Heike Kommerell Heidi Müller-Ruppert Stefan Ruppert Stefan Müller
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    79. Fanny-Hensel-Mendelssohn-Saal
    Translate this page fanny-Hensel-mendelssohn-Saal, Clara-Wieck-Schumann-Saal. Diese beiden Sälesind von der Größe, der Ausstattung und dem Fassungsvermögen fast ident.
    Fanny-Hensel-Mendelssohn-Saal Clara-Wieck-Schumann-Saal

    80. Idw - Fanny Hensel-Mendelssohn Ist Eine Komponistin Der Universität Dortmund
    Translate this page fanny Hensel-mendelssohn ist eine Komponistin der Universität Dortmund.Datum der Mitteilung 14.01.1999. Absender Klaus Commer.

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