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61. Klassika: Claudio Monteverdi Translate this page claudio monteverdi (1567-1643). Bild Geburtstag 5. Mai 1567 (Taufdatum) in Cremona(Italien). DVD Empfehlung für dieses Werk von claudio monteverdi geleitet. http://www.klassika.info/Komponisten/Monteverdi/ | |
62. Monteverdi, Claudio. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 monteverdi, claudio. His brother Giulio Cesare monteverdi, 1573?, was a composer,organist, and critic, and claudios assistant at the court of Mantua. 1. http://www.bartleby.com/65/mo/Montever.html | |
63. Essentials Of Music - Composers COMPOSERS. claudio monteverdi Born May 15, 1567. Cremona, Italy DiedNovember 29, 1643. Venice, Italy Italian composer. Leading http://www.essentialsofmusic.com/composer/monteverdi.html | |
64. Claudio Monteverdi, Bibliography a cura della Fondazione claudio monteverdi, Instituta et monumenta, Ser. http://www.sun.rhbnc.ac.uk/~uhwm006/montbib.html | |
65. Playing MONTEVERDI, Claudio (1567-1643) Playing a piece by monteverdi, claudio (15671643). Title L'OrfeoSuite from - Sequenced by MJ Starke Music file from Classical http://www.kfki.hu/~arthp/music/16_cent/montever/mvorfeo.html | |
66. Playing MONTEVERDI, Claudio (1567-1643) Playing a piece by monteverdi, claudio (15671643). Title Sinfonia(Ritornel) from Poppea Sequenced by HG.Uszkoreit Music file from http://www.kfki.hu/~arthp/music/16_cent/montever/poppea.html | |
67. Heck Music: Monteverdi, Claudio http://www.heck.com/browse/music/Composers/Monteverdi,_Claudio |
68. Heck Music: Monteverdi, Claudio http://www.heck.com/browse/music/Symphonies_&_Orchestras/Composers/Monteverdi,_C |
69. Monteverdi, Claudio monteverdi, claudio 15671643, Italian composer; first great figurein the history of opera. His earliest monteverdi, claudio. 1567-1643 http://www.slider.com/enc/36000/Monteverdi_Claudio.htm | |
70. Academic Directories Back to Educational Resources. monteverdi, claudio, http://www.allianceforlifelonglearning.org/er/tree.jsp?c=42608 |
71. Musica Viva: The Free Sheet Music Directory: Claudio Monteverdi Musica Viva The Free Sheet Music Directory Composer monteverdi, claudio FreeSheet Music Directory, claudio monteverdi. 1 sites. Showing nos. 1 1 http://www.musicaviva.com/fsmd/list.tpl?no=1&category=Monteverdi |
72. Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643) Discussion Port [Western Canon claudio monteverdi (15671643) Discussion Port Western Canon University CommonsWestern Canon University Lecture Halls The Crow's Nest Classical Music http://classicals.com/music/ClaudioMonteverdi(1567-1643)hall/mobydick.html | |
73. Julius Herford Collection : Monteverdi 388 monteverdi, claudio Choral Works 21 pages of lecture notes Lecture dates1966 387 monteverdi, claudio Vespers 79 pages of notes 25 pages of analysis. http://www.music.indiana.edu/collections/herford/montv.html | |
74. Claudio Monteverdi @ Catharton Musicians claudio monteverdi. ? Bored? Websites claudio monteverdi hnh.com. claudiomonteverdi mpg.de. claudio monteverdi geocities.com/CollegePark/. http://www.catharton.com/musicians/524.htm | |
75. LookSmart - Claudio Monteverdi Sites. monteverdi, claudio Classical Composers - View a portrait,next to his life dates, of the first important composer of opera. http://www.looksmart.com/eus1/eus317828/eus317855/eus129295/eus234583/eus234584/ |
76. La Discographie De L' Orfeo De Monteverdi Retour vers L' Orfeo de claudio monteverdi. http://orfeo.grenoble.free.fr/Annexes/Discographie.htm | |
77. Playing MONTEVERDI, Claudio (1567-1643) Playing a piece by monteverdi, claudio (15671643). Title Domine adadiuvandum from Vespro della beata Vergine Sequenced by A.Naigeon http://gallery.euroweb.hu/music/16_cent/montever/domadju.html | |
78. Iannis Xenakis Translate this page claudio monteverdi. Compositeur italien né en Crémone en 1567, mort à Venisele 29 novembre 1643. monteverdi, claudio Lettere, dediche e prefazioni. http://mediatheque.ircam.fr/saison2001-2002/Agora2002/Monteverdi.htm | |
79. Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643) claudio monteverdi (15671643). Creator of Modern Music ; Last Significant MadrigalComposer; First Great Opera Composer; monteverdi, claudio (1567-1643). http://wicr.uindy.edu/Education/Composers/MonteverdiC.html | |
80. Oregon Chorale Repertoire By Title - M My Lagan love, folk, Ireland, violin, women, Flannery, 198803, MAGNIFICATA SEI VOCI, monteverdi, claudio, Lk. Anima mea, monteverdi, claudio, 1989-12, http://www.oregonchorale.org/Repertoire/WCCrep_M.htm | |
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