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61. Biography Of Johann (Wenzel Anton) Stamitz With Gold-music.com Johann (Wenzel anton) stamitz ( 1717 1757 ) Violinist and composer,born in Havlichakucev Brod, Czech Republic. He became concert http://www.gold-music.com/fiches/fiche_7862.php | |
62. Outline Of Major Periods & Major Composers Giovanni 17401816 Rossini, GA 1792-1868 Salieri, antonio 1750-1825 Schubert, FJ1797-1828 Spohr, Ludwig 1784-1859 stamitz, anton 1754-c.1809 stamitz, Karl 1745 http://members.aol.com/yudagawa/composers.html | |
63. Deutschlandfunk - Die Neue Platte Vom 21.7.2002, Sinfonik Translate this page zu Gast Hariolf Schlichtig und das Münchener Kammerorchester haben für TudorRecording die Bratschenkonzerte von Carl stamitz, Franz anton Hoffmeister und http://www.dradio.de/cgi-bin/es/neu-platte/442.html | |
64. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET-VERZEICHNIS DEUTSCHLAND:KOMPONISTEN stamitz, anton;stamitz, CARL; stamitz, JOHANN; STOCKHAUSEN, KARLHEINZ; STRAUS, OSCAR; http://www.phone-soft.de/cyber-world/o0155d.htm | |
65. FreehandSystems Sheet Music Online stamitz,anton (1 Title). stamitz,Carl (8 Titles). stamitz,Johann Wenzel anton (12Titles). Stanford,Charles Villiers (2 Titles). Statkowski,Roman (2 Titles). | |
66. Music Library, University Of Melbourne stamitz, anton c.17491809 Concerto, Viola, D, No.4 / edited by W.Lebermann solo vla - strings Nagels. Concerto, violin in G major http://www.lib.unimelb.edu.au/collections/music/hire/hires.html | |
67. WORK NUMBERS FOR COMPOSERS music, Marvin. Sperger, Johann Matthias, M. Meier. stamitz, anton,S. Use for this composer's symphonies, Sandberger. stamitz, Johann,W http://www.library.yale.edu/cataloging/music/worknumb.htm | |
68. Cutter Numbers For Composers: S Translate this page S762, Spohr, Louis, 1784-1859. S783, stamitz, anton, b. 1750. S7835, stamitz, Johann,1717-1757, S783 in M1010, M1011, M1105, M1106. S7836, stamitz, Karl, 1745-1801. http://www.library.yale.edu/cataloging/music/cutters.htm | |
69. My Playlists My Playlists My Downloads My Downloads My Basket My Translate this page Sor, (Joseph) Fernando (Macari) Sperger, Johannes Spohr, Louis Spontini, Gaspare(Luigi Pacifico) stamitz, anton (Thadäus Johann Nepomuk) stamitz, Carl http://byronhoyt.classical.com/reference/composerlistbio.php?wl=s&link=composerb |
70. My Playlists My Playlists My Downloads My Downloads My Basket My Alexander (Nikolayevich) Smetana, Bedrich Spohr, Louis Spontini, Gaspare (LuigiPacifico) stamitz, anton (Thadäus Johann Nepomuk) Stockhausen, Karlheinz http://byronhoyt.classical.com/reference/composerlistimages.php?wl=s&link=compos |
71. Viola, Early Modern Works Soundpost Online Winter'03 lost), stamitz, anton, 17571809, Concerto in B b , Concerto 2inF (1774), Concerto 3 in G (1784-86) Concerto 4 in D (1784-1786), http://www.soundpostonline.com/page4.htm | |
72. ICA Research Center Score Inventory, UM Libraries Stadler, anton Trois Caprices pour la Clarinette Seule copy nd cl part 5453. stamitz,Carl Andante Boston CundyBettoney c1940 cl(4) or cl(3), cl-alt score http://www.lib.umd.edu/PAL/SCPA/ST.html | |
73. DTB - Alte Folge Translate this page 1724-1788), Christian Cannabich (1731-1798), Ernst Eichner (1740-1777), Karl stamitz(1746-1801), Abt Georg Jospeh Vogler (1749-1814), anton stamitz (1754-1820 http://www.gfbm.badw-muenchen.de/akt_dtb_af.html |
74. Musica Viva The Encyclopedia Of Music S Staccato; Staff notation; Stai, Sigmund Jarle; Stalheim, Jostein;stamitz, anton; stamitz, Carl; stamitz, Johann; Standard bass; Stanford http://www.musicaviva.com/encyclopedia/alpha.tpl?phrase=S |
75. Thematic Catalogues Scarlatti, Domenico, K. Kirkpatrick. Schubert, Franz, D. Deutsch. Schutz,Heinrich, SWV, Bittinger. stamitz, anton, S. Use for symphonies, Sandberger. http://www.orchestralibrary.com/reftables/themcat.html | |
76. Composers Translate this page Ludwig 39 Schütz, Heinrich 99 Scriabine, Alexandre 100 - 34 Sides, Douglas 49Smetana, Friedrich 83 Spohr, Louis 39 stamitz, anton 60 Stockhausen, Karl http://www.tacet.de/compe.htm | |
77. Libraries: Catalogue Of Orchestral Sets: Composers Satie; Scarlatti; Schubert; Schumann; Scriabin; Searle; Seiber; Shostakovich; Sibelius;Smetana; Smyth; Sousa; Spohr; stamitz, anton; stamitz, Carl; Stanford http://www.westminster.gov.uk/libraries/special/music/composers.cfm | |
78. Music Composers Translate this page Spohr, Louis. Spratlan, Lewis. Stäbler, Gerhard. stamitz, anton. stamitz, Carl.stamitz, Johann. Stanchinsky, Alexei Vladimirovieh. Stanford, Sir Charles Villiers. http://www.artistactoractress.com/composers/ | |
79. G. Henle Verlag Urtext Noten - Index Der Komponisten Translate this page englisch) anton Kammel (französisch) Johann Baptist Neruda (deutsch) Johann BaptistNeruda (englisch) Johann Baptist Neruda (französisch) Johann stamitz ( http://www.henle.de/google/komponisten_index.htm | |
80. Repertoire For Applied Study In Flute Mozart, Andante and Rondo (International), H. *stamitz, anton, Concerto inD Major (Breitkopf Härtel), H. *stamitz, Carl, Concerto in G Major, op. http://www.personal.utulsa.edu/~leonard-garrison/appliedrep.html | |
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