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61. AGENTBEATS Agent based artificial life beat machine. Evolve musical patterns by artificial life simulations. http://agentbeats.net | |
62. COMPLEX ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS GROUP AT IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Computer Science, Complex Adaptive Systems Group. Studying natural and artificial complex Category Computers artificial life Research Groups...... This page is maintained by the Artificial Intelligence Research Groupin the Department of Computer Science at Iowa State University. http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~honavar/alife.isu.html | |
63. Carlos.Gershenson@COGS.Sussex Work of Carlos Gershenson Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence, Behaviourbased systems, artificial societies, artificial life http://www.cogs.susx.ac.uk/users/carlos | |
64. Macintosh Artificial Life Software Macintosh artificial life Software HAS MOVED! Bookmark TheNew Location because this link will vanish soon http://www.bdt.com/home/brianhill/elsewhere.html | |
65. Syllabus Of Readings For Complex Adaptive Systems And Agent-Based Computational It is based in part on the artificial life syllabi prepared by Emanuel Gruengard(BarIlan University), John Koza (Stanford University), and Martin Zwick http://www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/sylalife.htm | |
66. E-den Freeware artificial life program designed for the Windows environment. http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Forum/3830 | |
67. Introduction To Artificial Life And Java Illustration : Cellular Automata, Genet Introduction to the main chapters of artificial life with applets and applications.All texts are available in PDF. Many links to artificial life. http://www.rennard.org/alife/english/entree.html | |
68. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MIND-RELATED TOPICS An annotated bibliography of cognitive science, artificial intelligence, neurobiology, artificial life, linguistics, neural networks, connectionism, cognitive psychology, consciousness. http://www.thymos.com/mind.html | |
69. Artificial Life The technology of artificial life was first conceived by John von Neumann, who alsohad plenty to do with the nuclear effort, the technology of artificial death http://mosaic.echonyc.com/~steven/alife.html | |
70. Laboratory Of Artificial Life And Robotics, ISTC-CNR GRAL Research Group on artificial life - is a scientific group interested inartificial life, Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Evolutionary http://gral.ip.rm.cnr.it/ | |
71. Artificial Life Games Homepage Logo ALife Games Demos Reviews. Logo To Play On Line Sites, ArtificialLife Games Homepage. Logo Therapeutic Games Sites. Robot Related Sites. http://gral.ip.rm.cnr.it/luigi/lupa_algames.html | |
72. Artificial Life V Nara, Japan; 1618 May 1996.Category Computers artificial life Conferences Past Conferences...... Takashi Yuasa, Preconference Event Public Seminar Multimedia, Computers artificial life May 15, 1996, Wednesday afternoon. Program (Updated May. http://www.hip.atr.co.jp/departments/Dept6/ALife5.html | |
73. Untitled Due to the installation of a new artificial life web site, and loss of interestin artificial life from my part, artificial life Online 2.0 has ceased its http://news.alife.org/ | |
74. Complex Systems Virtual Library By Themes - Artificial Life Links to online documents about artificial life.Category Computers artificial life Publications......Complex Systems VL by themes - artificial life. Info artificial lifeOnline ALife information maintained by the Santa Fe Institute. http://lorenz.mur.csu.edu.au/complex/library/0ArtificialLife.html | |
75. SSIE580B - Evolutionary Systems And Artificial Life: Lecture Notes SSIE 580B Evolutionary Systems and artificial life. 7. artificial life SelfOrganizingand Evolutionary Systems (Updated June 26, 1997). Evaluation. http://www.c3.lanl.gov/~rocha/ss504_02.html | |
76. Artificial Life artificial life. *ALife Project. 1. O-Kaki Stem Seed Project A-Life http://www2d.biglobe.ne.jp/~aquila/a_index.html | |
77. Artificial Life Games As Free Software Developer of artificial life games as free software with open source code - download the game and Category Computers artificial life......We develop artificial life games as free software with open sourcecode download our game and the source code. Games Featuring http://alifegames.sourceforge.net/ | |
78. International Society For Artificial Life Search Box. Welcome to the International Society for artificial life Thisis the web page of the International Society for artificial life (ISAL). http://society.alife.org/index.php | |
79. Artificial Life Meets Entertainment artificial life meets Entertainment Lifelike Autonomous Agents. ALIVEstands for artificial life Interactive Video Environment . http://pattie.www.media.mit.edu/people/pattie/CACM-95/alife-cacm95.html | |
80. Artificial Life A collection of Jeffrey Ventrella's AL programs, including a very original "Breeding gliders Category Computers artificial life Cellular Automata...... The Evolution of artificial life some similar variations found on the internet ..1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Aalife Online Go see artificial life Online! http://www.ventrella.com/Alife/alife.html | |
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