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1. The CGI Resource Index Over 2500 links to cgi programs (mostly in Perl), information, and jobs. The most comprehensive cgi Category Computers Programming Languages Perl WWW Directories......3991 cgi resources listed in 344 categories at The cgi Resource Index. Thousandsof premade cgi's written in Perl, C, C++, and other languages! http://cgi.resourceindex.com/ | |
2. The CGI Directory: CGI Scripts, Tutorials, And More. Links to cgi scripts, tutorials, code, books, and other resources. By DevStart.com. Directory http://www.cgidir.com/ | |
3. CGI For Me: An Idea Whose Time Has Come. Service provides cgi scripts, tutorials and help for people wanting to add cgi to Web sites without programming. Requires registration. ©19972003 cgi For Me. All Rights Reserved. http://www.cgiforme.com/ | |
4. CGI101 - Learn CGI Today! Provides quite simple online tutorials and script libraries though not all scripts seem to work. http://www.cgi101.com/ | |
5. CGI Programming OpenFAQ Anyone can become a contributor to this document. http://www.boutell.com/openfaq/cgi/ |
6. The CGI Resource Index Download cgi code for guestbooks, hit counters, searches and clocks. Welcome to Matt's Script Archive. Offering free cgi scripts to the web community since 1995! http://www.cgi-resources.com/ | |
7. The CGI Resource Index: Programs And Scripts: Perl Big collection of Perl scripts.Category Computers Programming Perl WWW Scripts Collections...... Auctions (27), Conduct online webbased auctions using these Perl cgi scripts. Collections(69), Collections of Perl cgi scripts for use in your web page. http://cgi.resourceindex.com/Programs_and_Scripts/Perl/ | |
8. CGI Programming By Collin Forbes: Introduction Simple, readable programs written in Perl which will make your web server dance. http://kuoi.asui.uidaho.edu/~collinf/ | |
9. The Common Gateway Interface The Common Gateway Interface, or cgi, is a standard for external gateway programs to interface with information servers http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/cgi | |
10. The Common Gateway Interface Description of the Common Gateway Interface (cgi). Contains also some tutorial pages about decodings Category Computers Programming Internet cgi Tutorials...... The current version is cgi/1.1. cgi Documentation. If you have no idea what cgiis, you should read this introduction. Examples of cgi behavior and programs. http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/cgi/overview.html | |
11. The Icestorm Network - Superior Web Hosting - Reseller Program - Free Email - DN Unixbased web hosting, reseller program, PHP, FrontPage 2002, cgi support, Miva, POP3 accounts, and built in shopping cart. http://www.icestorm.com/ | |
12. The Common Gateway Interface Specification The cgi Specification. This is the specification for cgi version 1.1, orcgi/1.1. The server and the cgi script communicate in four major ways. http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/cgi/interface.html | |
13. Perlunity.de | Die Community Für Perl PHP CGI Apache MySQL Und Javascript Community zu cgi und Perl. Gibt Tipps zur Programmierung, h¤lt Scripts zum Download bereit und stellt B¼cher zum Thema vor. http://www.perlunity.de/ | |
14. Untitledhttp//www.cgi-club.com/ - March 16, 2003 - 9 KB6. Cgi Freehttp//www.cgi- Cool cgi resource lets users find scripts by programming language or by keyword search. http://redirect-west.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.cgi-club.com/&y=023579B76A98 |
15. Matt's Script Archive, Inc. :: Free Perl CGI Scripts Welcome to Matt's Script Archive. Offering free cgi scripts to the web communitysince 1995! Other sites by Matt cgi Resource Index 3,000+ cgi Scripts! http://www.scriptarchive.com/ | |
16. Howstuffworks "How CGI Scripting Works" Tutorial that describes how to add cgi scripting to a web site. http://www.howstuffworks.com/cgi.htm | |
17. CGI Welcome To Our Web Site! Provides a complete range of IT services, including outsourcing, systems integration, management Category Regional North America Business and Economy Computers......cgi provides the full range of information technology services (IT) including consulting,systems integration and the management of IT and business functions http://www.cgi.com/ | |
18. Web Conquest - Reliable Webhosting At An Affordable Price Offers web hosting services with email boxes, full cgi/PHP capabilities. http://www.webconquest.com/ | |
19. CGI City - One Of The Biggest WWW Resources For CGI And Perl Materials. Large WWW resources for cgi materials. Also offers custom cgi and Perl development services. CollectionCategory Computers Programming Collections and Directories......cgi City is a huge resources site for cgi and Perl materials. Great forboth novice and advanced web author/developers. Don't have a cgibin? http://www.icthus.net/CGI-City/ | |
20. Web Programming In Delphi This reference is designed to take you from a basic understanding of Delphi, to creating Web cgi applications. http://www.209software.com/books/wpid/ |
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